Archive for February, 2008

Mr. McCain-Feingold Campaign Financing himself

Filed in National by on February 19, 2008 36 Comments

I can’t think of a better example of how fucking hypocritical this piece of shit is than this. As The Washington Post reported on Saturday, John McCain’s campaign struck a canny deal with a bank in December. If his campaign tanked, public funds would be there to bail him out. But if he emerged as […]

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Blast from the Past: Kennedy is not Ready

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 19, 2008 15 Comments

I was culling through some old articles by Clinton supporters and found this excerpt on a pro-Humphrey blog in 1960: Kennedy is a great candidate, young and energetic. But with a mere 7 years in the Senate, he just doesn’t have the experience that Senator Humphrey has. Humphrey has twice as much experience in government […]

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Lazy Voter Syndrome

Filed in National by on February 19, 2008 1 Comment

Why does Nancy Wagner continue to have a voice in the legislature? Why does Harris McDowell get to use the levers of government to enrich himself? Intercourse at DWA has a theory, a solution, and a good example of how that solution has worked in the recent past. There have been a lot of posts […]

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Welfare for the Rich

Filed in National by on February 19, 2008 9 Comments

While reading this please keep in mind that unemployment benefits weren’t extended by the Republicans nor were other programs like food stamps in Bush “stimulus” package. NEW YORK (Reuters) – Banks in the United States have been quietly borrowing “massive amounts” from the U.S. Federal Reserve in recent weeks, using a new measure the Fed […]

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Comment Rescue – Kavips Has an Idea Forming in His(Her?) Head

Filed in National by on February 19, 2008 16 Comments

Referring to the DV and Duffy get together, Delaware’s most anonymous blogger muses… We look forward to more examples of “beer therapy” Actually Drinking liberally is coming up, when? But that cuts out half of the fun crowd. A better tradition would be served by having an informal “Delaware Drunk Bloggers” session, open to all…..The […]

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Biden in Talks To Head off Clinton Scorched Earth Program

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008 6 Comments

I heard this on Olberman tonight and I got the feeling that Gore was sounding out Biden, Richardson, Edwards and Pelosi on how they could work together to make sure Clinton does not try to destroy the Democratic party. This is how the is covering it: Los Angeles, 19 February, : A key group […]

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Duffy invades the Viti Compound

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008 4 Comments

I think I should have had him do the beer tasting… I also met Mrs. Viti and Mrs. Gray. Both were preternaturally nice (and frankly way too good looking for their respective husbands.) HAH!!!

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Mike Castle’s Capaign Web Site By the Numbers

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008 11 Comments

Photos of Mike Castle “pre-stroke” -Seventeen Appearances of the word “McCain” – Five Appearances of the word “Republican” – Four Photos of Mike Castle “post-stroke” -Four Appearances of the word “Carper” – Two Appearances of the word “Iraq” – One Appearances of the word “war” – Zero I shit you not. Click here and use […]

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Scorched Earth

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008 9 Comments

Ruthless Anything to win If I can’t win, nobody wins Panicked Cornered Animal Take your pick. BONUS: Check out McCain’s outright craziness here.

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Blame this blog for you being dumber…

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008 0 Comments

Or technology in general…oh and the media I guess As video consumers become progressively more impatient with the process of acquiring information through written language, all politicians find themselves under great pressure to deliver their messages as quickly as possible — and quickness today is much quicker than it used to be. Harvard University’s Kiku […]

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Do you feel less safe today?

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008 14 Comments

You do realize that the “Protect America Act” has expired right?  So with a name like that and it has expired that MUST mean we aren’t protected right now.  Honestly, I don’t know how I am able to keep it together right now.  I’m trembling with fear and every man that looks slightly Muslim is […]

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what is amazing to me

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008 4 Comments

Is in discussing the torture arguement with my Republican father is how it seems to only pertain to Muslims.  It’s like all these tactics are only going to be used on terrorists.  As if when performing waterboarding we have a checklist to follow. 1. Muslim believing in Allah   CHECK Alright!  woohoo we can torture’m boys!  […]

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Valero…friend of the environment

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008 2 Comments

Valero refinery still emitting air pollutants Open-air flares can release tons of sulfur dioxide I hope we NEVER get wind power in delaware. You see if I paid $50 more a year for anything I’d rather it be on…. Asthma medicine “Last weekend, it was miserable,” John Nickle, a Delaware City native and chemist, said […]

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