Cute photo you don’t see too often these days

Filed in National by on April 14, 2008

I thought I would share one of those pictures that tugs at your heartstrings. Just look at this Iraqi father as he cradles his daughter.


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hiding in the open

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  1. Pandora says:

    As disturbing as this picture is, WE need to see it. We need to see the coffins coming home. All of this should be on the front pages of our newspapers.

    Bush and Co have sanitized this war. This is the reality. Maybe if we see enough of this we’ll stop shopping and start shouting.

  2. Disbelief says:

    According to our re-written Constitution, these people do not love their families like we do, so picking up pieces of your sons and daughters doesn’t affect them like it would us. Heil Bush.

  3. Jenso Kivak says:

    Kind of similar to pictures after Jihadi bombings in Bali, Kenya, London, Madrid…

  4. anon says:

    Kind of similar to pictures after Jihadi bombings in Bali, Kenya, London, Madrid…

    Damn straight. Those Iraqis should have KNOWN better after they kept on electing Saddam into office, even after he planned and executed 9/11. I mean they had it coming, and their little kids too. The Iranians had better stop training al Quaeda terrorists, or their kids will get the same treatment. USA!! USA!! USA!!

  5. Pandora says:

    Anon… I think I love you!

  6. donviti says:

    I blame the little girl. had she not been there when the bomb went off she’d have been fine

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Certainly makes the ‘Bittergate” business seem just obscene.

  8. Pandora says:

    Amen, Cassandra!

  9. Brian says:

    Wait for a second even “the evil” Pat Buchanan thinks it is going to get “even better” with a very compelling argument…..

  10. Al Mascitti says:

    This is why I’m not all that concerned with current polls. Once we’re down to one Democrat, McCain has to stand up and defend this day after day.

  11. Truth-teller says:

    I am really pissed at Biden and the other Dem’s because as they Questioned the general this week none of them asked him if things were going so well in Iraq why have so many of our troops been killed since last Sunday and to make matters worse 2 more today. So as to quote the senile old man McCain “My friends i don’t care what anyone says THE SURGE IS WORKING”