Podcast Interview With Tommywonk

Filed in National by on August 27, 2008

Today’s podcast from Tommywonk is an interview that I conducted with him at 2:00 today.  This is a long interview (13 mins) and we cover a lot of ground, from a typical day at the convention to Hillary to Biden and a gratuitous Minner joke at 7 minutes in.  Enjoy.

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  1. jason330 says:

    “The vast majority of Clinton delagates are supporting Barack Obama.”

    Fucking traditional media and thier bogus story lines.

  2. June says:

    Well, that was embarrassing! John Daniello gave the vote count for Delaware, and you would have thought he was dead. All the other states had enthusiastic people from their states announcing their votes, telling something about their state that they’re proud of WITH ENTHUSIASM and Daniello reads every word with his head down and all he says is Delaware is the first state in the country and home of the VP candidate. Wake me up now. HELLO! Aren’t you excited about Joe Biden, John??

    He was awful. Get him out of there.