45 Years Ago.

Filed in National by on August 28, 2008

And today, we see the summit of the mountain.


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  1. Phantom says:

    Come this evening we will be closer to yelling
    “Free at last
    Free at last
    We are free at last”

    Of course the true yelling will occur when Obama/Biden is inaugurated in January.

  2. pandora says:

    The Dem’s Convention hits the anniversary of MLK’s “I have a dream” speech, while the Republican’s hit the anniversary of Katrina. Gotta love symbolism!

  3. mike w. says:

    I really wish the black community had someone like MLK to speak for them today instead of folks like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton etc.

    King was truly a great man.

  4. pandora says:

    Haven’t seen much of Jesse or Al. Am seeing Barack Obama, Harold Ford, Deval Patrick, Cory Booker, Anthony Brown, and Adrian Fenty. So perhaps you should stop “wishing”.

  5. mike w. says:

    You just lumped DEVAL PATRICK and FENTY in there? They are both criminals and should be prosecuted under this


  6. Phantom says:

    Has anyone read the McSame interview with TIME? WOW. Temper Temper is all I have to say.

  7. delawaredem says:

    What the hell are you talking about, Mike? No, you know what, I don’t what to know. Some fucking crazy right wing fantasy, no doubt.

  8. delawaredem says:

    Going to read the Time article now. Will post later.

    Needless to say, McCain is too unstable to be in the White House.

  9. pandora says:

    OMG! That Time interview was frightening. McCain is being carefully handled. Too many gaffes?

  10. mike w. says:

    RE #7 – Think about it DD – The name Adrian Fenty should give you a hint.

    Regardless, comparing those men to someone with the character of MLK is disgusting.

  11. pandora says:

    Funny, but when MLK was alive his “character” was always under fire by conservatives. History repeats itself…

  12. mike w. says:

    I certainly hope you’re wrong on history repeating itself. Obama being killed would be the absolute worst thing that could happen to this country right now.

    What has Adrian Fenty (or Obama for that matter) done that’s even remotely close to what MLK did?

  13. mike w. says:

    “Funny, but when MLK was alive his “character” was always under fire by conservatives. History repeats itself…”

    Maybe because he was pushing radical civil rights for black and quite a few racist bigots hated him for it.

    Someone like Fenty does exactly the opposite of what MLK spent his life doing. MLK dedicated his life to civil rights for blacks. Fenty and Patrick actively seek to deprive citizens of rights (especially Fenty)

  14. Von Cracker says:

    MLK – right.

    Traditionalists – wrong.

    it was not radical, it was ethical.

  15. mike w. says:

    I thought the fact that I described those opposed to him as “racist bigots” would make it clear that the term “radical” was a positive term as I used it.

  16. cassandra m says:

    It was not radical, it was American.

    And it is a shame that mike gets all of his information from TV, where it is only lazy TV news program producers who constantly feature Sharpton and Jackson as the so-called black voice. If mike knew any real black people he would know that there is a very broad group of Black leaders. Pandora mentioned some and here are some others — Van Jones, Shirley Franklin, Donna Edwards, Michael Nutter, Tavis Smiley, Geoffrey Canada all working to deliver on the Dream as MLK articulated. There are lots more, but most don’t exist on the rolodexes of tv producers.

  17. pandora says:

    Geez, Mike! History repeating itself was comparing the country’s view of MLK past and present. In his time MLK was viewed as a radical by a LOT of people. He was portrayed as scary and “not like us”. Sound familiar?

  18. liberalgeek says:

    I met Geoffrey Canada when he was in Wilmington 2 years ago. He is great. Let’s also not forget Julian Bond who is one of the other remaining greats of the 60’s civil rights movement.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    I understood, Mike. My point was that the people who want things to stay the same or yearn for the good ‘ol days, and reject change, tend to be on the wrong side of history.

  20. mike w. says:

    So far I’ve seen 3 names here that make me wonder about you folks. Fenty, Patrick and Nutter.

    Certainly not the kind of people the black community should be proud of. MLK would be rolling in his grave being mention alongside those asshats.

  21. mike w. says:

    Next you’ll probably list Elanor Norton-Holmes as a great black leader…….

  22. pandora says:

    The idea of you channeling MLK’s thoughts is laughable.

    Perhaps you could channel Lincoln and tell us what he’d think about Bush and McCain.

  23. cassandra m says:

    What is laughable is that mike seems to think he is a credible source on who or what black people should be proud of.

  24. mike w. says:

    I’m just making the point that I highly doubt MLK would be proud of black “leaders” who proudly deny their constituents civil & constitutional rights.

    Norton-Holmes, Patrick, Nutter and Fenty all fall into that contemptible category.

  25. mike w. says:

    “What is laughable is that mike seems to think he is a credible source on who or what black people should be proud of.”

    No more or less credible than you doing so, and you just listed a bunch of folks that black people should be proud of. Are you a “credible source?”

    I’m simply disagreeing with your list of proud “black leaders.”

  26. cassandra m says:

    You aren’t disagreeing, you are working on a list of black leaders that are acceptable to you that the community should embrace. Which is amazingly stupid of you since you have no idea who is who in black leadership (you are are plenty shaky on white leadership for that matter). When can demonstrate that you know what you are talking about, then come back and talk. But that won’t stop you from thinking that you have something to contribute to who or what you think black people should be proud of.

  27. pandora says:

    Bet Mike’s list would include… Clarence Thomas, J. C. Watts, Condi Rice and Colin Powell (at least until Powell endorses Obama).

  28. cassandra m says:

    And why we should care — or better, why black people should care what mike thinks is a black leader (or black anything for that matter) to be proud of is what, exactly?

    He isn’t black, he doesn’t give a damn about anything other than his guns (much less about black people, the black community or any community for that matter) — of course his list will be one of failures….

  29. mike w. says:

    Oh, I see the light now Cassandra. Your list is somehow “acceptable” and mine is not.

    You think the people I listed give 2 shits about the black community? Let me tell you something. People who actively deny constitutional rights to their constituents aren’t the kind of leaders that should be celebrated.

    And what makes you think I don’t care about the black community? They’re no less American and no less worthy of the rights endowed to them as Americans than the rest of us. Their success and progress is integral to that of the nation as a whole.

  30. pandora says:

    It’s not that I think you don’t care about the black community, it’s that I think you don’t know the black community.

    But hey, continue down this path. I’d warn you to tread carefully, but what do I know.

  31. mike w. says:

    “But hey, continue down this path. I’d warn you to tread carefully, but what do I know.”

    Why? I haven’t said anything even remotely close to being “racist.”

    “you are working on a list of black leaders that are acceptable to you that the community should embrace.”

    As are you.

  32. pandora says:

    Take my advice, or leave it. My comment had nothing to do with racism.

  33. mike w. says:

    Why the advice then? Is this some kind of verboten topic on DE liberal?