Beau Biden Wins National Fan Base With Great Intro

Filed in National by on August 28, 2008

On a night of winners, one winner broke through.

Beau Biden is now a national figure. 

A couple of new commenters found this site by googling the term “Beau Biden.”  I suspect they will not be the last.    

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (54)

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  1. Tom S. says:

    Let him run for Senate. Nothing against the guy, I just hate the assumption that he will just be handed the office if his dad wins.

  2. Truth Teller says:

    Well the last two night s have proved how wrong some of you on this blog and others were about the Clinton’s.I sure wish that some of you would stop drinking the Kool Aid Repuk PUMA bullshit.

  3. Rebecca says:

    The trolls loved all that Clinton drama. I am glad it is over and we can get this great team elected.

  4. delawaredem says:

    I agree. Let him run. And if past is prologue, Joe Biden won’t allow his son to be handed the seat. He will have to earn it. Just like he wasn’t handed the AG seat. He had to run for it and win the election.

  5. delawaredem says:


    only if you, for once in your long life, will stop insulting us with this bullshit about the fucking Kool Aid. I love the Clintons, but hated the campaign they ran this time. But that is behind us now, and I am back to loving them again. But every time one of her supporters insults us by being SO fucking condescending like you always are, it brings back a little of the hatred.

    So you stop first TT. You first. Act your age and grow up.

  6. DPN says:

    Beau a national figure. DV’s head might explode.

  7. mike w. says:

    Beau is now a “national figure” because he made a speech at the convention? Give me a break…

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    Convention speeches regularly introduce previously unknown political figures to the national stage. I could list them for you but I don’t have the time to walk you through another basic point. Maybe you’re just not awake yet.

  9. Nancy Willing says:

    They haven’t been replaying it on C-SPAN or anywhere else, unfortunately and I want to see it again. Beau was phenomenal.

  10. delawaredem says:

    Beau was great. Nancy, check out YouTube.

  11. delawaredem says:

    Mike, you need to study more history. Hopefully you will take some classes soon. Convention speeches often launch careers on a national stage. Indeed, one only needs to go back to 2004, when Obama was the Keynote Speaker. Look where we are today.

    Bill Clinton gave a bad speech in 1988, but it still introduced him to the nation, making him the front runner in 1992. People still remember the Barbara Jordan speech in 1976.

    The one basic problem you have Mike is that you think your opinion is fact, and you think you know a lot when you prove time and again that you don’t.

  12. Dorian Gray says:

    Plus Obama himself in ’04… and on and on.

  13. mike w. says:

    Obama already had a political career in 04′. Biden does not at this point

  14. delawaredem says:

    Beau Biden does not have a political career???????????

    He is the Attorney General of Delaware, winning election to that post in 2006.

    God, Mike, stop embarassing yourself.

  15. mike w. says:

    right. That is the only thing he has done up to this point. In other words he has no record whatsoever. Obama is experienced by comparison.

  16. Dorian Gray says:

    No, DD, let him continue. It’s side spliting. Obama was an IL STATE senator until November of ’04. Yeah, Mike, he was vastly more experienced at that point than a State Attorney General. You are such a clown.

  17. delawaredem says:

    He is a perfect representative of the right. Such blinding ignorance and stupidity.

  18. mike w. says:

    Yes, I know he was a state senator. My point was that he’d actually spent some time in the political realm prior to 04.

    Biden took office as AG in January 07. Other than that he has NO experience of any kind. (and being AG is not political / legislative experience) I can’t believe I’m actually defending Obama as “experienced” but in this context it makes sense.

  19. mike w. says:

    “He is a perfect representative of the right. Such blinding ignorance and stupidity.”

    One must only look back at the gun threads, or your own comments on the “gun show loophole” to see the laughable hypocrisy in the above statement.

  20. Geezer says:

    Mike: In most states, the state attorney general is known as the “governor in waiting.” Of course, Delaware is different in that all prosecutions in the state are handled by the state AG; most states handle criminal investigations and prosecutions at the county level.

    In other words,under Delaware’s system, the AG runs the largest independent government agency in the state — it’s executive experience. This is also among the reasons why the governor and AG are elected independently in Delaware; in many states, that’s an appointive office.

    Besides governor, it’s probably the best office from which to launch a bid for a national office, because the AG has been elected statewide.

  21. Beau Diddley says:

    “He will have to earn it. Just like he wasn’t handed the AG seat.”

    ROFL. This really is a bubble in here. I am sure if his name was Beau Smith he would be Atty General right now.

    This guy’s whole life has been handed to him on a silver platter. He has never worked for shit including his current job. Daddy took care of sonny Beau. Apparently the other son is the crooked money changer- err ‘financier’ of the family.

    It is amazing how elitist you Democrats really are when you get down to it. You love you some royals and feudals running the show. As long as they are your party’s luminous ones.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    someone’s jealous….silly you are!

  23. feces throwing monkey says:

    That is good stuff coming from someone who voted for the son of the worst president ever because it was his turn and who wants the son of former Michigan Governor and 1968 presidential candidate George W. Romney to be your VP pick.

  24. DPN says:

    Name recognition has a long history in American politics. Look it up in your Funk & Wagnalls, biyatch.

  25. G Rex says:

    DPN, is that a John Quincy Adams reference?

  26. mike w. says:

    Yes, but you act like Beau somehow “earned” his AG spot. I have nothing against Beau, but let’s face it. Ferris Wharton was vastly more qualified. Beau won because he’s a Dem and his name is Biden. Plain and simple.

  27. Beau Diddley says:

    Is there an allergy on this blog to responding to what someone writes rather than going after who wrote it?

    If Beau Biden was a Republican every last one of you misfits would be ripping him to shreds for his unearned wealth and power….as you should be in any case. But you are hypocrites. Clever snarky and amusing hypocrites but still hypocrites.

  28. cassandra m says:

    If Beau Biden was a Republican every last one of you misfits would be ripping him to shreds for his unearned wealth and power….as you should be in any case.

    Perhaps if you could show us where you’ve done said critique for either the Bushes or Copeland (DuPont), we would know what that example would look like.

  29. Blow Diddley says:

    Bless you.

  30. mike w. says:

    “Is there an allergy on this blog to responding to what someone writes rather than going after who wrote it?”

    Stay here long enough and you’ll see that’s the standard method of response for some of these folks.

  31. Blow Diddley says:

    So you’re no better than the Republicans is what you’re saying cassandra m?

  32. cassandra m says:

    Um, no.

    I was pretty clear about asking you for examples of where you have demonstrated the behavior that you think that you can come over here and demand of us.

    Put up or STFU.

  33. DPN says:

    Adams, Roosevelt, DuPont, Casey, Rockefeller, Bush, Clinton, Long, Kennedy . . . do I need to go on?

  34. DPN says:

    I know this . . . . Beau can drive better than Ferris “Hit and Run Kid” Wharton.

  35. Beau Diddley says:

    LOL. I am an anonymous commenter, cassandra. I don’t know where you think I am coming over from. You are making awful big assumptions about me to cover up your hypocrisy. Is my behavior relevant to whether yours is hypocrisy or not?

  36. mike w. says:

    Um, no.

    “I was pretty clear about asking you for examples of where you have demonstrated the behavior that you think that you can come over here and demand of us.

    Put up or STFU.”

    Oh! You guys better BAN Cassandra now. From what I’ve been told by DelawareDem telling anyone to “back up what they say or leave” Is unacceptable on this blog and grounds for banning.

    Anyone want to place bets on whether Cassandra will be banned, given a “time out” or even receive a “warning” e-mail?

    I’m betting she won’t.

    And this is hilarious. Cassandra demanding examples. I seem to remember her and Pandora getting their panties in a bunch when I demanded the exact same thing from them.

  37. jason330 says:

    Mike W,

    I have an idea. Why don’t you start your own blog? Also, do you work? You are totally stealing money form your employer.

  38. Geezer says:

    “Beau won because he’s a Dem and his name is Biden. Plain and simple.”

    Basically, yes. It also helped that Wharton had never run for office before. An experienced campaigner would have made Beau’s task tougher.

  39. Jason,

    That’s fucked up. I think it’s safe to say that a lot of your readers are, umm, enjoying in the discourse while on their employers time on any given work day.

  40. jason330 says:

    Nice revisonists history.

    Wharton ran a classic Rovian campaign unger the direction of Dave Crossan a Roveian to the bone.

    Dave Burris chipped in on the smear job – which didn;t play against Biden’s boyscout image. it was classic political malpractice by Burris/Crossan.

    All they had to do was take the high road and key on Wharton’s positives instead of trying to drive up Biden’s negatives.

  41. cassandra m says:

    Is my behavior relevant to whether yours is hypocrisy or not?

    So you only demand repudiations of hypocrisy and nepotism from Democrats then, not repubs?

    Just making sure we all know which anonymous commenters are trolls and which ones are not. You know, for the community.

  42. jason330 says:

    Mike Mathews.

    I’m talking about the volume of comments. He out comments everyone by about 6 to 1 and he thinks that volume means that his ideas have merit.

    He brags about having “won” debates when in reality he just outlasts everyone.

  43. DPN says:

    Jason, why do you guys feed the troll? That’s the real issue.

    Mike W is like the mangy cat my kid found. If we feed it milk and cat food, it would keep on coming back. If we ignore it, like we did, the mangy cat goes away and bothers someone else.

    For some reason, y’all (and I have been guilty on this charge) start debating Mike W. This is what he lives for: comments on his comments.

    Mike W’s tenacity is only fed by our inability not to respond to his idiocy.

  44. Beau Smedley says:

    “So you only demand repudiations of hypocrisy and nepotism from Democrats then, not repubs?”

    No I demand it from both sides. But this place is only one of those sides and a quite one sided side at that. Once again you assume too much to cover your hypocrisy. Biden is no better than Copeland or Bush and vicey versy. So there.

  45. cassandra m says:

    DPN — that is an excellent reminder and perhaps we should post it up top as our Troll Reminder. Thanks!

  46. Tom Cat says:

    “If we ignore it, like we did, the mangy cat goes away and bothers someone else.”

    Nice of you. Is that the Carney policy, too?

  47. G Rex says:

    “I know this . . . . Beau can drive better than Ferris “Hit and Run Kid” Wharton.”

    DPN, it helps when you have a County Chief of Police who makes your traffic stop disappear as a favor to your daddy. I’ll give you a hint – he’s trying to get his old job back.

  48. Arthur Downs says:

    Beau Biden is a great campaigner and he inherited this talent from Dad. But is he really up to the job?

    He beat an outstanding prosecutor on the basis of charisma rather than proven performance.

    What are his outstanding achievements as AG?

  49. pandora says:

    One of the reasons I didn’t back Hillary was because I dislike dynasties. Also, anyone on here complaining about Beau Biden who voted for George W. needs to shut their yap! Talk about hypocrisy.

  50. mike w. says:

    Pandora – That would extend to Clinton voters as well. both Hillary and Bill.

  51. mike w. says:

    Pandora – I guess anyone who voted for either Hillary or Bill needs to shut their yap too huh?

  52. pandora says:

    Wrong again, as usual.

    I was responding to comments claiming that Beau Biden was capitalizing on the family name – which is exactly what W did. So my point was (are you paying attention?) if you have a problem with Beau running on the Biden name and voted for W you actually have no problem with family dynasties – at least the ones that you approve of.

    As far as Hillary… I didn’t like the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton set up.

    WTF your voting for Bill Clinton reference had to do with anything escapes me.