Archive for November, 2008

Rahm Emanuel Sets The Record Straight

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 0 Comments

Funny, but wear headphones if at work.

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Ted Kaufman: Our Next Senator (?)

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 19 Comments

Update: I have no idea if Ted Kaufman “will be someone who nobody is expecting, but who will be universally regarded as a decent pick.” He could be regarded as a craptacular pick for all I know. ——————————————————————— This is getting good. Insiders think that we might all be surprise this afternoon. RAM sees this […]

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Is this procedure covered?

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 8 Comments

After “Am I going to die?”, and sometimes even before, “Is this procedure covered?” has to be one of the most asked question of Doctors.  And, frankly, I resent it.  I resent the fact that Insurance companies have forced their way into my Doctor/Patient relationship.  I resent that they have the ultimate veto power over […]

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It Is On: fingers Crossed for Carney

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 7 Comments

NEWS ADVISORY WHO: Governor Ruth Ann Minner WHAT: Gov. Minner will make an announcement regarding the U.S. Senate seat to be vacated by Vice President-elect Joe Biden. WHERE: 12th Floor Conference Room, Governor’s Office Carvel State Office Building, Wilmington WHEN: Monday, Nov. 24, 2008 2:30 p.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Communications Director Kate Bailey at […]

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Matt Denn on Progressive Voices Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on November 24, 2008 0 Comments

Lt. Gov.-Elect Denn will be on Progressive Voices tonight at 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM on WVUD 91.3 FM.

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DEwind: The Week That Was November 17th

Filed in Delaware by on November 24, 2008 8 Comments
DEwind: The Week That Was November 17th

This past week has been a little slow on the Delaware news as blogged by Delaware bloggers. We’ve had the stories that guessed who would suceed Biden as Senator, even a plea for Beau not to to Iraq and another to say he should and Beau saying he’s not interested in his dad’s seat. Gov.-Elect Markell […]

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Around the Horn(y)

Filed in National by on November 24, 2008 8 Comments
Around the Horn(y)

Eliot Spitzr sex aid, Ashley Dupre, turned down a $1 million offer to pose nude for Hustler magazine. (She seems to be holding otu for two million.) I say, shame on Hustler’s Larry Flint for trying to undermine a nice New Jersey girl’s morals. In Other Celebrity News: McNabb SUCKS!!!

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Citi Credit

Filed in National by on November 23, 2008 4 Comments
Citi Credit

(Via The Big Picture) Since it looks as though Citigroup will be the latest casualty of the Bush Economy in the upcoming week, we might as well get the Making Fun Of part out of the way:

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David Bowie – Panic In Detroit

Filed in National by on November 23, 2008 0 Comments

Though this is not a protest song, the title is apropos of the times.

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We’re A Center-Left Nation, Now

Filed in National by on November 23, 2008 24 Comments
We’re A Center-Left Nation, Now

For the past few weeks, the punditocracy (especially the rightwing ones and their media familiars) have been repeating the very wrong assessment that the US is a center-right nation. Why is it wrong? Because a center-right nation would not elect a center-left President (you know, the one who was supposed to be the most liberal […]

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Doctor Who

Filed in National by on November 23, 2008 7 Comments

I tried, I really tried to get into Doctor Who, but I failed. Now don’t get me wrong, I am a big TV/book science fiction fan from the original Star Trek through Star Wars (I saw it 13 times in 1977) to the recent Battlestar Galatica TV series. But something about Doctor Who never stuck. […]

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Filed in National by on November 23, 2008 43 Comments

Delaware Politics now has a tag line calling itself “Delaware’s Center-Right Voice.” Stop laughing, they are right about the right part, meaning that they are wrong, er ah, conservative.  But the “center” part?    That is what we call an attempt at branding.   But there is nothing “center” about the politics of our friends on the […]

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No Wonder Republicans Love Our Failed Health Care System So Much

Filed in National by on November 23, 2008 25 Comments

Michael F. Cannon at Cato (via kos) says…They are dead ducks if it gets fixed.(paraphrase)  I guess it is good news for rational people that wingnuts like Hube are all up in arms chasing ghosts in the form of the fairness doctrine and gun rights.  While they fret about guns, we’ll be able to get some […]

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