Who could have predicted that the term tea-bagging would find its way into real America? But, since it has, who are we not to mock? And, boy, have we been mocking! Today Cassandra continues her countdown to tea-bagging, while DV solicits questions you’d like to ask tea party participants. He also infiltrates FaceBook’s tea party page. I’m still wondering how these protests help Republicans more than hurt them, while DelawareDem spotlights the worms crawling out of the woodwork with teabag in hand.
And it isn’t just DL. Crooks and Liars and Jack and Jill Politics have written thought provoking posts that expose the underbelly of tea parties and the “news” network that has become one long tea-bagging infomercial.
We’re also rockin’ the local scene. ‘Bulo is breaking down the Delaware Republican landscape, while Jason looks at 2010’s Statewide races and DelawareDem considers Castle’s options.
As usual, this threads for you. Make of it what you will!
Edit by Cassandra — David Shuster’s sly reporting on the Teabaggers last night!