Archive for May, 2009


Filed in National by on May 24, 2009 5 Comments

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Your Brain Is Cool

Filed in National by on May 24, 2009 0 Comments

What happens if you’re a scientist who studies the brain and you have a stroke? This talk by Jill Bolte Taylor (part of TED series) really is a must see. She had a stroke in the left side of her brain, which is the part that controls logic and reason. It’s a fascinating talk (just […]

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Organizational Change

Filed in National by on May 24, 2009 1 Comment

Is the top down, hero CEO, hierarchy based organization doomed? Probably not because Republicans will always be with us and they simply can;t get enough of the hero CEO model. For the more evolved amongst us, there is little doubt that organizational change Is coming. Here is the part that relates to blogging. Rise of […]

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Home For The Summer?

Filed in Delaware by on May 23, 2009 1 Comment

Delawarean Bill Sammons of  A Little BS blog would like his son home for the summer to Host Our Coast. What the hell, let’s vote him home for the summer. Vote here. h/t from a tweet from Elbert

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Weekend Fun Video

Filed in National by on May 23, 2009 0 Comments

Earlier this week, ‘bulo posted about the hiring of a “speed reader” by Henry Waxman. Rep. Barton has backed off of his threat to require reading of the whole nearly 1000-page bill, but clearly was intrigued by the concept. In the video, the speed reading clerk is asked to read an amendment. [youtube][/youtube]

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Weekend Afternoon Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 23, 2009 15 Comments

Top Ten Reasons Why Are We Leaving the Republican Party.  My favorite reason is : 8) Constant whining about religious persecution got on our last goddamned nerve. Some of the additions in the comments are worthy — but I’m sure you guys can come up with more. One of the few reasons I regret not […]

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The “Mad” Scientists

Filed in National by on May 23, 2009 5 Comments

If you’ve been reading Delaware Liberal for the past month, you’ve probably noticed the addition of a certain scientist with an attitude. You’re probably wondering what happened to the shy, retiring scientists in white coats that you’ve come to expect. And you might wonder, why are scientists so mad? What brought this on? Perhaps my […]

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Signs of Economic Recovery: State Unemployment

Filed in Delaware by on May 23, 2009 3 Comments

The latest regional unemployment numbers are out and the news is decidedly better: Twenty-one states recorded over-the-month unemployment rate decreases, 18 states and the District of Columbia registered rate increases, and 11 states had no rate change, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. The overall unemployment rate rose […]

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‘Bulo’s Music For the Masses: ‘Only One Way to Kick Off Summer’ Edition

Filed in National by on May 23, 2009 3 Comments

The Beach Boys. Brian Wilson. And Teenage Symphonies to God. [youtube][/youtube] ‘Keep An Eye On Summer’ [youtube][/youtube] ‘Wouldn’t It Be Nice’ [youtube][/youtube] ‘Little Deuce Coupe’ [youtube][/youtube] ‘Warmth of the Sun’ [youtube][/youtube] ‘Wendy’ [youtube][/youtube] ‘I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times’  [youtube][/youtube] ‘God Only Knows’ [youtube][/youtube] ‘The Girls On the Beach’ [youtube][/youtube] ‘All Summer Long’

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What to Make of This?

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 18 Comments

From Political Wire: Sen. Thomas R. Carper (D-DE) is known for keeping a list of several hundred birthdays of current and former colleagues, staffers and others and for dialing them on that day to wish them well. This is at once very endearing and somewhat disturbing. I will go with endearing.

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Bestseller in the Making!

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 7 Comments

From an email correspondent: Gov. Palin is reported to have signed a contract to write a book about her life, including her experiences as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate last year. In recent efforts to rehabilitate her image, she has talked about her love of reading and mentioned that one of her favorite authors is […]

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Quote of the Day

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 2 Comments

“Part of me is inherently medieval.” — Disgraced former Speaker and current co-leader of the Republican Party Newt Gingrich. Yeah. The political and moral parts.

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Evening Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 4 Comments

Here’s a couple of topics to get started with: The GPS system could fail next year, as the Air Force is struggling with making repairs and upgrades to the system. Representative Alan Grayson proves to be one of the most interesting House Members — he has introduced a bill to make paid vacation from work […]

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