Archive for May, 2009

We Told You So

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 20 Comments

Waterboarding is torture, duh. [youtube][/youtube] Conservative shock jock “Mancow” (real name Erich Muller) got waterboarded to see if it was torture. Listeners had the chance to decide whether Mancow himself or his co-host, Chicago radio personality Pat Cassidy, would undergo the interrogation method during the broadcast. The voters ultimately decided Mancow would be the one […]

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Stating the Obvious

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 10 Comments

Blue Cross/Blue Shield is gearing up to fight fixing Health Care – again.  Fortunately, Paul Krugman exposes their nonsense with a simple question: “We can do a lot better than a government-run health care system,” says a voice-over in one of the ads. To which the obvious response is, if that’s true, why don’t you? […]

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Have a Great Weekend!

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 1 Comment

If you are headed out to a movie this holiday weekend be sure to check out which will tell you the best time to dash out of the theater for that much needed mid-movie pee.

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DOI Wired RFP Episode IIIb

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 58 Comments

Rereading Elliot’s and Gould’s emails puts me in full pain in the ass mode, so I guess I’ll drop a note to the governor’s office. Hey Joe, I was reading this RFP on the Insurance Commissioner’s site and it looks squirrely as all get out. It doesn’t say what the work being bid on actually […]

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Dick Cheney Is A Cowardly, Gullible Fool

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 9 Comments

I love this take on Dick Cheney by Josh Marshall: This [Cheney] is someone who not only organized and seemingly directed a policy of state-sponsored torture. He did it in large part to get people to admit to crankish conspiracy theories he got taken in by by a crew of think-tank jockeys in DC whose […]

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Tone Deaf or Payoff?

Filed in Delaware by on May 22, 2009 40 Comments

There are rumors swirling around the Delaware Republican Party that they have a new communication team.  This is the team that will be tasked with redefining the tarnished brand that is “Republican” and to reframe the debate into something that will resonate with Delaware voters.  Quite a task. Who is up for a job like […]

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First & Final Call: “Not Just More Democrats, Better Democrats”

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 13 Comments

El Somnambulo is doing the preliminary work on his series, to be entitled “Not Just More Democrats, Better Democrats”. The Beast Who Slumbers hereby sends out an RFP for suggestions and, if appropriate, supporting argument/information as to why your particular nominee(s) should be included. He will pay you nothing for your hard work. Like the […]

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The Annual Homage to BBQ

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 19 Comments

Last year when I broke out this same post I had two birthday/bbq parties to go to and I couldn’t wait. My sister’s husband hates to grill so I put in my request early to man the grill in case any other people wanted to claim the Knightly task. I would bash him for being less […]

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Around the Horn Friday

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 5 Comments

A quiet week with the General Assembly being on recess until June 2. We have reactions to the two party state conventions held on Saturday, and a host of other issues…. RSmitty delves into his past advice for the Republican Party. They still haven’t listened, Smitty. Shields reports on Seaford’s attempt to by pass its […]

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DOI Wired RFP Episode IIIa

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 22 Comments

UPDATE: I keep forgetting to link to the smoking gun. The actual half-assed RFP that has two closing dates (May 25th and May 26th), does not say what the work is that is being bid out and allows 24 hours between the bids being received and the start of vendor negotiations. …………………………………………………………………………. The response from […]

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RNC’s New “Daisy” Ad

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 2 Comments

OOGA BOOGA! OOGA BOOGA! [youtube][/youtube] Obama made it clear in his speech that he will close Guantanamo and he’s tired of the fear-mongering. It’s interesting watching the Republicans play the Democrats by arguing about the terrorist supervillians with secret powers that can only be contained in Cuba. Does anyone remember there wasn’t even a prison […]

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Thwart Rethug Delaying Tactics By…Speed Reading?

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 4 Comments

Henry Waxman has come up with a novel way to speed up consideration of climate change legislation currently being slow-walked to death by the Rethugs…a speed reader: [youtube][/youtube] According to the Wall Street Journal, here’s why he might be needed: Committee Republicans, who largely oppose the measure, have said they may force the reading of […]

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Comment Rescue: The Pew Poll

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 6 Comments

Anonie comments on the new Pew Poll results: anonie // May 21, 2009 at 9:40 pm From a comprehensive Pew Research Report released today. From 2002 to 2009, voters’ partisan identification has moved from virtual parity — 43 percent Republican and 43 percent Democratic at the height of George W. Bush’s popularity in the immediate […]

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