Archive for May, 2009


Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 15 Comments

I want this wine! A close-up of the label: The chemistry is from actual wine chemists, illustrating some of the conversions that turns grapes into wine. So, DV, can you hook me up?

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Those Nat’l Org. for Marriage Folks Are At It Again–This Time With Kids!!

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 26 Comments

‘Bulo sincerely hopes you haven’t taken any psychedelics in the last couple of hours. If you have, then you may want to step away from the screen for awhile as he unveils the most effective deterrent of ‘aberrant behavior’ since “Reefer Madness”: [youtube][/youtube] The Beast Who Slumbers is told that  an ‘answer’ satirical commercial has […]

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‘Moderate’ Mike Castle Votes to Investigate Nancy Pelosi

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 16 Comments

After eight years of idly sitting by while Dubya, Cheney and the Rethugs shredded the Constitution, Mike “I Like Puppies and Kids” Castle has returned to his days as a crusader by voting for an investigation into what the CIA may or may not have said to Nancy Pelosi. The Greenville gentleman hasn’t been this […]

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V: The Allegory

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 5 Comments

When V: The Original Miniseries premiered, it was an excellent smack them over the head allegory about fascism, in the form of classic science fiction. And then it got all crazy when it returned as a regular series. Here is a clip demonstrating that allegory: V is now being reimagined just like Battlestar Galactica was […]

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Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 10 Comments

I saw that they are remaking “Footloose”.  Why?  I have no freaking idea.  But you know you are getting old when… So, I was wondering if they remade “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”, who would the new actors be for the main characters? Ferris, Sloan, Cameron, Principal, Sister, Parents etc

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Reagan Gives Rush A Taste Of His Own Medicine

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 8 Comments

Via Slog: Rush Limbaugh—drug addict, Viagra user—isn’t in a position to mock other people’s appearances. But that didn’t stop him from suggesting that posting a photo of Nancy Pelosi in “every cheap hotel room in America” would cut the birth rate—because, hey, no man could get it up with Pelosi’s ugly mug in the room, […]

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DOI Wired RFP Saga Episode III

Filed in Delaware by on May 21, 2009 52 Comments

Intro: Let me start by saying that I’m not crazy about the fact that I let myself fall into the DOI’s rabbit hole. Nevertheless, by viewing the RFP I drank from the little bottle labeled “drink me” so there appears to be no turning back now.  Anyway, here is the latest in what will no […]

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Carney Campaign Asking for $53 from You

Filed in Delaware by on May 21, 2009 4 Comments

I love teh social media. Yesterday I received an email on my Facebook from the Fan of John Carney for Congress page. The gist of the email (which is below the fold) was to ask John Carney supporters to donate $53 dollars to his campaign for congress at John Carney for Congress. Why $53? Because […]

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Donviti Interview Tip #45

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 2 Comments

During an interview try not to let them know how surprised you were the commute took so long

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Question of the Day

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 27 Comments

Do Republicans have a back-up plan if the economy gets better?

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3 Things About Senator Ted

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 7 Comments
3 Things About Senator Ted

1) He rocks.  I know that I was not the only one in the Dem convetion who was wishing he had not hemmed himself into one truncated term.   Who knows though?  In politics things change.  2) He isn’t owned by the banks and his Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act (FERA)  which puts the FBI […]

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Major Screw Up

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 20 Comments

Actually, as I read this NJ report there were a couple of interlocking screw ups in this DSU murder case. The police fixed on a suspect based on the fact that there was an argument a few hours prior to the shooting and stopped investigating. The prosecutor’s office screw up (not telling the defense about […]

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Products Targeted to Women Generally Tick Me Off

Filed in National by on May 21, 2009 46 Comments
Products Targeted to Women Generally Tick Me Off

There’s a new candy bar being introduced, and it’s targeted to women. Here are some of the descriptions: Try it in public. A chocolate bar that shimmers. Definitely eat it with the lights on. Finally a chocolate you don’t feel so guilty about eating. Under 85 calories per finger. That’s a sexy little figure. Just […]

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