“Pro-Life” Domestic Terror Cell Announces Next Target

Filed in National by on June 5, 2009

Jesus’ Generallinks to www.jillstanek.com who identifies the “lone madman’s” next target.

Patriot Boy notes that Stanek has, “assembled a fantastic intelligence dossier on him, complete with photos of his clinic and links to a page listing his home and work addresses as well as photos of his wife and daughter.”

If you can click through and read Stanek’s post and still pretend that there is not an ongoing criminal conspiracy, your name is Tom S.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. There’s blood on her hands.

  2. MJ says:

    Of course, FIXed news gives her airtime to put out a hit on someone. Sorry, her website and ravings are not protected free speeech – it’s incitement to murder and violence.

    Care to weigh in on this one, David A?

  3. Don’t worry, I’m sure David is busy lying about what we’re saying on his own blog.