What’s The Message?

Filed in National by on June 9, 2009

Dr. Tiller’s clinic will not re-open.

The family of slain abortion provider George Tiller said Tuesday that his Wichita clinic will be “permanently closed,” effective immediately.

Besides being extremely sad for Dr. Tiller’s family and the women who desperately needed his services, I worry about the message this closing sends to the Pro-Lifers Anti-Abortionists.  Will they claim their morbid victory?  Worse… will they employ an ends justifies the means approach and target the next doctor for their jihad in the hopes of closing another clinic?

I’m betting they do both.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (23)

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    The message?

    Don’t push me ‘cause I’m close to the edge…..

    Make hay, rebel-rouse, talk in violent generalities, and an eventual glory-seeker will do your bidding.

    And the best thing is that no responsible and serious pundit (who matters) will ever blame your technique. Clean hands for all who want to harp on their next wedge issue that has nothing to do with their own lives!

    Isn’t Amerika great?!?!?

  2. Perry says:

    Of course thay will do both, Pandora.

    And I will bet that the Christian Right GOP base will silently rejoice at the execution of Dr Tiller and the outcome, I am very sorry to say.

    This is about what terrorism and extremism are all about, alive and well in the USA.

  3. I think this is short term victory for anti-abortion foes but could be a long term loss. Anything that throws attention on what they’re doing by harassing doctors and patients hurts them in the long run. I also see a bit of an “abortion pride” movement starting, first with some of Dr. Tiller’s patients speaking up and now more women who had abortions for other reasons.

    One blogger hypothesized that the anti-abortion movement might become like the anti-war movement of the 60s. Groups like the Weathermen turned the great portion of the populace away from the cause by doing violence. I think it’s certainly too soon to know if this is true, but many anti-abortion groups did not help themselves at all by their statements to the effect that Tiller deserved it.

  4. jason330 says:

    Domestic terror is okay if you are white.

  5. Tom S. says:

    “Domestic terror is okay if you are white.”

    Grow up, the man was captured 3 hours after the murder and will likely face the death penalty.

  6. jason330 says:

    What about his terror network?

    Okay then. STFU.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    And this terror and extremism is all about making certain that women and their families are not able to make their own medical decisions. While we are not to notice these wingnut extremists, there is no doubt that their jihad has women as their primary target.

  8. jason330 says:

    Tom knows that. Having lost the argument befor it started, his only option is to try to change the subject and ignore the point of the post.

  9. jason330 says:

    Re the Poll:

    I said “yes” because the premise of the question is that abortion is illegal.

  10. Tom S. says:

    “What about his terror network?”

    Any real evidence that there is one?

    “Re the Poll:”

    Your poll sucks.

  11. jason330 says:

    Any real evidence that there is one?

    Only his statements to the press, his gas and hotel recipts and his messages to his handlers dipshit.

    Good lord you are stupid.

  12. Tom S. says:

    “his messages to his handlers”

    Sorry, didn’t see any of those. Can you show me where you saw that?

  13. pandora says:

    Tom S. said: Grow up, the man was captured 3 hours after the murder and will likely face the death penalty.

    So what? He did what he was supposed to do. Such a good little soldier. Anti-abortionists feed on these Forest Gumps, they count on them to do their dirty work and then toss them aside. And if he does suffer the death penalty those that lead him towards the act will have a new martyr. An all around win for the anti-abortion crowd.

  14. Tom S. says:

    “So what?”

    So Jason made a racial charge and I brushed it aside as the drivel it was.

    “Such a good little soldier. Anti-abortionists feed on these Forest Gumps”

    That is a weighty charge to throw around, I wouldn’t do it without any evidence.

  15. Delaware Dem says:

    She shouldn’t be sent to jail! She should be put to death. Remember, Pro-Lifers are stridently in favor of the death penalty for murderers.

    Thus, if abortion is to be made illegal due to the fact that pro-lifers consider it murder, I must demand logical consistency, and I will require all women who have an abortion be put to death.

    Thank you.

  16. anonone says:

    And any woman that seeks an abortion should be imprisoned for conspiracy to commit murder.

  17. It must be a pretty pathetic terror network. It couldn’t kill 5 people in a decade. Obviously, you are not dealing with a network. Why are you all so paranoid? It borders on delusion.

    I am glad that sometimes good can come out of tragedy. Tiller ran a business of blood. I am not at all happy with the way the result came about. It should have come by the prosecution of him under the law. The political AG of Kansas dropped the stronger charges and went with a peripheral charge of fraudulent consultations which would be hard to prove without the other party flipping. The clinic should have been closed by the law not some nut case.

    We can only hope that your excessive coverage of this does not inspire some other nut somewhere else. You just told them the lie that the ends justify the means when in fact vigilantism undermines the change of law and costs more babies their lives. Evil must be overcome with good.

  18. pandora says:

    From the anti-abortion group, Army of God:

    “Beginning officially with the passage of the Freedom of Choice Act – we, the remnant of God-fearing men and women of the United States of Amerika [sic], do officially declare war on the entire child killing industry. After praying, fasting, and making continual supplication to God for your pagan, heathen, infidel souls, we then peacefully, passively presented our bodies in front of your death camps, begging you to stop the mass murdering of infants. Yet you hardened your already blackened, jaded hearts. We quietly accepted the resulting imprisonment and suffering of our passive resistance. Yet you mocked God and continued the Holocaust. No longer! All of the options have expired. Our Most Dread Sovereign Lord God requires that whosoever sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed. Not out of hatred of you, but out of love for the persons you exterminate, we are forced to take arms against you. Our life for yours – a simple equation. ”

    And let’s not forget Operation Rescue who’s in this up to their eyeballs.

    Of course, there’s also Bill O’Reilly.

  19. Bman says:

    Feed them to the lions. It’s time we dusted off this old time honored tradition, and send these martyrs to a fitting end. If we were feeding 5% of all religous people to lions every year, In just a few years we could have a country that was not driven by single issue politics, in a decade we’ll have driven all religous institutions underground. in 2 decades we’d have to go abroad to find Lion food. At the same time The lion population would double every year. In 20 years we’d have enough Lions to completely restock the worlds jungles to pre industrial revolution levels.
    Lets put the Fun back in Fundamental!

  20. Bill O’Reilly opposed Tiller’s horrible assault on humanity the right way. Are you attacking freedom of speech?

    The ten folks in the army of God are well known to the FBI so don’t worry too much about them.

    Operation Rescue is a non-violent civil rights organization which is why people like him have nothing to do with it. It is like blaming the NAACP for the black panthers.

  21. pandora says:

    Operation Rescue was in contact with Roeder – at pretty high up levels. Does the name Cheryl Sullenger ring a bell?

    And I’m not against free speech. These groups can say what they want, but they don’t get to walk away from their words and feign shock when what they’re calling for happens.

  22. a. price says:

    Gomer Pyle has said there is a “ticking time bomb” of activity and attacks on americans. I wonder if republicans would support torturing HIS Right Wing Supremacist ass.