Conservative Uprising Video Going Viral

Filed in Delaware by on July 19, 2009

There is something about the poor widdle Rino Congressman getting his comeuppance that is like cat nip to wingnuts.

“Birthers” love it of course. (and here.)

This head line only post at “giveusliberty1776” demonstrates the deep thinking going on: MIKE CASTLE – R DELAWARE ANOTHER IGNORNAT (sic) SO-CALLED PUBLIC SERVANT…VOTE THE DIMWIT OUT!!!!!”

There is this guy who lists Vexillology (the scholarly study of flags) as one of his interests who does not like Mike.

Here is another headline only post: “Township Rebellion” This guy acknowledges that he got it from which is a blog that thinks that conservatives are “winning” on climate change.

Chris M thinks that the house ethics committee should investigate Castle for not reading the Cap and Trade bill. But he buried the lede: that this townhall meeting was never intended to be a real townhall meeting in the first place.

He never explained why he voted for the bill. I would compliment him for his courage if I thought this was more than a flubbed PR stunt. I don’t think he cares what his constitutients think. I suspect he thinks the voters have no real power over him. To speak somewhat honestly to people you feel are beneath your dignity to mix with is not courageous. It’s a stunt.

Here, “timetochooseagain” seems to be taking a little credit for noticing Castle was a d-bag befor this clip ever surfaced.

Locally, Politically Frank does not link to the video but he does say that he would vote for a homosexual abortionist before voting for Mike Castle again, so that gets honorable mention.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Around the Horn — July 24, 2009 : DelawareLiberal.Net | July 24, 2009
  1. callerRick says:

    Castle seems to fit the Delaware demographic, if not Sussex. He isn’t a conservative, obviously, but if he was, he wouldn’t have been elected in the first place.

  2. Klem says:

    As Al Gore stated last week, Cap&Tax is the first step toward Global Governance. In other words, cap&Trade will eventually become the worlds first global tax system, with the UN being the governing body utilizing the revenues. Finally the truth comes out.

    How can Obama be in favour of this? Why did I vote for him, I forget.

  3. jason330 says:

    Hmmm…. no link to where Al Gore stated, “Cap&Tax is the first step toward Global Governance” how odd….

    BTW – You forgot to mention how the Trilateral Commission forged Obama’s birth certificate.

  4. Yes, Jason, he also didn’t mention the time-traveling aliens who knew Obama would be president so they went back and forged the birth notices as well.

    I guess I’m of two minds on the birthers. They are annoying as hell, since logic & reasoning escapes them. However, having the GOP fall into the black hole where logic & reasoning can’t escape is pretty amusing.

  5. Mike says:

    I was for Cap and Trade until I heard that Goldman Sachs is a partner in the firm that will run the capandtrade exchange (whatever it’s going to be called). Under Goldman Sachs, Cap and Trade could be the next financial bubble. I now feel that a better solution would be to tax all carbon over a certain amount and be done with it.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Goldman and other banks with trading desks already have a carbon trading business NOW. They are currently trading the EU allowances and derivatives.

    Get better talking points, people.

  7. jason330 says:

    Have you noticed how birthers claim to not be birthers while they wonder why Obama keeps lying about being born in Hawaii?

    Anyhoo, just posted the clip and got 76 comments in the blink of an eye.

    Next stop – The Daily show! or at least Colbert.

  8. jason330 says:

    Make that 85 comments.

  9. Have you noticed how birthers claim to not be birthers while they wonder why Obama keeps lying about being born in Hawaii?

    Did you notice how quick crazy anon dropped the “I’m just a concerned Obama voter” shtick once we started calling him/her on it? I don’t think most Republicans are birthers because they know the birthers are crazy. They are either scared to incur their wrath or they just want to jump on anything if they feel it will hurt Obama.