Archive for July, 2009

Read All About It In the Sunday Papers: Constitution-Shredding Edition

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009 18 Comments

“We interrupt this Very Special Larry King Roundtable to bring you this Breaking News. Sources are reporting that former Vice-President Dick Cheney personally instructed the CIA to withhold any and all information from Congress regarding highly-secret programs pertaining to illegally gathering information about, and from, American citizens.”

“We now return you to Michael Jackson-Is He in Heaven or in Hell?”, featuring Larry’s special guests, Brooke Shields, Rep. Peter King, and Bubbles the Chimp.”

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For Once, He is Right.

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009 12 Comments

Art Downs compares Sarah Palin to Joe McCarthy. I completely agree.

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Insurance Companies worked at discrediting Sicko

Filed in National by on July 12, 2009 14 Comments

[youtube][/youtube]Not that it is surprising at all. Just more confirmation that Sicko was spot on. “They were afraid that they might believe Micheal Moore” “They have used scare tactics for years and years and years” “The plann worked.   The film was blunted”

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Wingnuts Getting Fuster-Clucky Over “Mike” Castle

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 12, 2009 16 Comments

Clearly Mike Castle is going to have to run (for all intents and purposes) as a Dem and his announcement this week on the Charlie Copeland hour of the Rick Jensen show will no doubt be full of “moderate” asides, “bi-partisan” flibble-flabble and good will towards men. Well, it seems that wingnuts, both near and […]

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Joe Biden Keeping the Pimp Hand Strong at the Phillies Game

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 11, 2009 0 Comments
Joe Biden Keeping the Pimp Hand Strong at the Phillies Game

In this AP picture he looks ready to beat someone’s ass. He actually sounded pretty good on the channel 10 news.

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Late Nite Oddity

Filed in National by on July 11, 2009 2 Comments
Late Nite Oddity

They can’t keep this GOP themed children’s toy on the shelves at the Walmart in Lindsey Graham’s district.

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Audra Shay Wins Leadership Of Young Republicans

Filed in National by on July 11, 2009 6 Comments

Remember Audra Shay? She’s was the candidate for chair of the Young Republicans groups that had this exchange on her facebook page:

Two minutes later, Piker posted again saying “Obama Bin Lauden [sic] is the new terrorist… Muslim is on there side [sic]… need to take this country back from all of these mad coons… and illegals.”

Eight minutes after that, at 2:02, Shay weighed in on Piker’s comments: “You tell em Eric! lol.”

She then de-friended some Republicans who dared to complain.

Well, she’s now the leader of the Young Republicans.

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Comment Rescue – Geezer Calls It

Filed in National by on July 11, 2009 11 Comments
Comment Rescue – Geezer Calls It

Geezer // Jul 9, 2009 at 12:31 pm In honor of the late, lamented Delatacit, I would like to point out that she (Polly Adams) would immediately become Delaware’s hottest lawmaker .

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Secret Video of DE GOP Game Plan

Filed in National by on July 11, 2009 2 Comments

The was leaked to youtube. The big time strategy reveal begins about one minute in.

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Sarah Palin’s Speecher

Filed in National by on July 11, 2009 8 Comments


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Comment rescue #20502.b2 of idiot commenter #12-2.b1

Filed in National by on July 11, 2009 19 Comments

Wow is all I can say. what business is it of government’s to regulate the non-harmful removal of excess epidermis when eight day’s previous it would have been perfectly legal to kill the kid? Where to begin with that statement. But that’s ok, because ear piercing and circumcision are on par with one another. And […]

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Rhymes With Spam

Filed in National by on July 11, 2009 7 Comments
Rhymes With Spam

Take a look at Asswipe’s crappy blog and note the recent commenters… Not a single real commenter. That is the pitiful loser you are replying to when he comments here.

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Newt Gingrich and Mike Castle At Odds Over Palin

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 11, 2009 12 Comments

Right-wing anti-anti-Palin Backlash could hurt Mike Castle if all the closeted gays in SCORR ever manned up and primaried Castle.

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