Archive for August, 2009

Sunday Morning Open Thread

Filed in National by on August 16, 2009 14 Comments

We haven’t had one of these in a while. Damnit, we keep saying we are going to have an open thread once a day, and by God, I am going to schedule 50 of them right now over the next week. Ok… coffee kicking in… calming down…. ahhhh. Cheers to Rep. Tom Kovach (R) for […]

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Late Night Video — Ultra Deep Field Images

Filed in National by on August 15, 2009 2 Comments
Late Night Video — Ultra Deep Field Images

Simply incredible — this is a 3D look at imaging from the new Hubble camera pointed out at a part of the universe thought to be empty

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How is that Bipartisanship Working for you Barack?

Filed in National by on August 15, 2009 28 Comments

The media isn’t interested in health care policy because reporting about policy is hard. They are interested in the boxing match. The boxing match is easy. Republicans are not interested in policy or even in helping the country, they are only interested in the boxing match. The only person in the health care reform debate […]

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Kaufman Was Willing To Do Town Halls, But Didn’t Want To Make Castle & Carper Look Bad

Filed in National by on August 15, 2009 9 Comments

We live in Chick Shit City and Mike Castle is the Mayor.

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Why Fox News is “Overrated”

Filed in Delaware by on August 15, 2009 10 Comments

Scott P breaks it down: “If you try to tell an aggressive right-winger that although they might be loud, their views are in the minority, one of the first things they usually bring up are the ratings for FOX News,” He grants that Fox may have slightly better ratings that some other network, but gives […]

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Netroots Nation Day 3

Filed in National by on August 15, 2009 14 Comments

Yesterday was a full day so I didn’t get a chance to post much. Up today is Valerie Jarrett and an economic panel with Jon Corzine, Anna Burger, Kevin Drum and Dean Baker. Yesterday’s highlights were Howard Dean and the Specter/Sestak forum. Specter did better than I expected. He emphasized areas of agreement: pro-choice, pro-stimulus, […]

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‘Bulo’s Music For the Masses-Michael Vick Edition

Filed in National by on August 15, 2009 3 Comments

The Canine Who Rubs Against You the Wrong Way is forced to admit it. El Somnambulo is a bleeping genius: [youtube][/youtube] Rufus Thomas- ‘Walkin’ the Dog’ [youtube][/youtube] KD Lang- ‘Damned Old Dog’ [youtube][/youtube] Big Mama Thornton (w/Buddy Guy)- ‘Hound Dog’ [youtube][/youtube] Bobby ‘Blue’ Bland- ‘I Wouldn’t Treat a Dog (The Way You Treated Me)’ [youtube][/youtube] […]

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The Fraudulence of Wingnuts — Glenn Beck Edition

Filed in National by on August 14, 2009 6 Comments

Outsourced to Jon Stewart who is very funny and very scathing here:

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Around the Horn Friday… Moving to Sunday

Filed in National by on August 14, 2009 3 Comments

No, you didn’t miss it. Our founder here at Delaware Liberal, the pure evil Jason330, started the Around the Horn column by placing it on a Friday. I felt, as I took it over, that we should continue posting it on a Friday. But as I thought about it… why Friday? It is the end […]

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All of this has happened before…

Filed in National by on August 14, 2009 23 Comments
All of this has happened before…

All of this has happened before…. but will it have to happen again? I have long said intolerance will cease as the intolerant among us die off. Is this the last long final battle that will finally bury the conservative notion of a 1950’s white Christian intolerant America? By their rhetoric, conservatives seem to think it is. Their anger has a “nothing left to lose” quality to it. It is like they know we, as Americans, are at a turning point. It is a turning point I have longed for, and that they have feared, for years.

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Damon Weaver Interviews President Obama

Filed in National by on August 14, 2009 8 Comments

This is an impressive interview — Damon Weaver is a 6th grader from a school in Florida whose claim to fame before now was his delightful interview with then Senator Biden — finally gets to interview the President. I thought many of his questions were smarter and more interesting than many I’ve heard at a WH Press Conference.

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Twitter War Between Specter And Grassley

Filed in National by on August 14, 2009 9 Comments

I can’t tell you how awesome this is. I’m sure this is a direct result of the forum that Specter spoke at this morning. During the forum he was asked about Grassley’ spreading disinformation on health care (specifically “death panels”) and he promised that he would call Chuck Grassley right after he spoke. Some people […]

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New Ad Targeting Tom Carper

Filed in Delaware by on August 14, 2009 7 Comments

Health Care for Americans Now is airing this ad in six states, targeted at Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.), Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.), Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-S.D.), a number of upstate New York members and Sens. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.).

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