Archive for August, 2009

Florida Senator Mel Martinez To Resign

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 0 Comments

h/t to MJ for sending the tip. Intriguing news today: Florida Sen. Mel Martinez (R), who had previously announced he would not seek re-election in 2010, has now decided to resign his seat — a move that will allow Gov. Charlie Crist (R) to appoint a replacement to fill the remaining months of Martinez’s term, […]

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Today’s Economic News Better Than Expected

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 11 Comments

I never thought I’d see the day when 9.4% unemployment (U3) was considered good news. Employers throttled back on layoffs in July, cutting just 247,000 jobs, the fewest in a year, and the unemployment rate dipped to 9.4 percent, its first decline in 15 months. It was a better-than-expected showing that offered a strong signal […]

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Coming Saturday: Musical Battle for the Ages

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 5 Comments

Tomorrow, El Somnambulo takes on his musical arch-nemesis JMY as they give dueling musical takes on health care reform with two separate Music for the Masses.  Yes, JMY is a talented and fearsome foe, and his selections are inspired. But, be advised, the Beast Who Cuts and Pastes intends to kick JMY’s bony butt clear […]

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Pearlstein Tells It Like It Is

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 11 Comments

As a columnist who regularly dishes out sharp criticism, I try not to question the motives of people with whom I don’t agree. Today, I’m going to step over that line. The recent attacks by Republican leaders and their ideological fellow-travelers on the effort to reform the health-care system have been so misleading, so disingenuous, […]

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Creationist Musuem charged with Tax Fraud

Filed in International by on August 7, 2009 3 Comments

From the you can’t make this stuff up file:  A Pensacola judge has green lighted the government seizure of Pensacola’s Dinosaur Adventure Land, a creationist theme park whose owners, Kent and Jo Hovind, owe $430,400 in federal taxes. The Hovinds’ excuse for not paying was that they were employed by God and thus could claim zero […]

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Rachel Maddow Takes A Look At The Money Behind The Townhall Rabble Rousers

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 2 Comments

Rachel breaks down the money and the power behind the townhall rabble rousers. It’s a who’s who of the VRWC, including Bush administration employees, leaders in the Republican party, the Swift Boat Liars and rightwing moneybags.

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If you haven’t seen this yet, please do

Filed in National by on August 7, 2009 6 Comments

This video pretty much lays out what the rest of the US is against.  If I can find it, there is a video of Rachel completely shredding a guy associated with all this, I believe it is Tim Phillips who she speaks about in this clip. [youtube][/youtube] HAHHHHH I found it.  Oh man, this is […]

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Kauai: Things Ain’t That Different in the Middle of the Pacific

Filed in Delaware by on August 6, 2009 9 Comments

I was fortunate enough to have a vacation to the island of Kauai, Hawaii for 11 days. I highly recommend it to anyone that may be looking for a little R&R in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Being a political junkie and a geek, I actually spent some time (mostly while changing of something) watching the goings on of their Kauai County Council.

There appears to still be a battle for transparency and access for many documents from Kauai’s government.

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Late Night Video

Filed in Delaware by on August 6, 2009 0 Comments

Delaware Liberal favorite Andy Cobb has a new satirical video “Two Dudes And A Webcam.” It’s a send-up of the awful (and now cancelled) “Mouthpiece Theater” featuring Chris Cillizza and Dana Milbank. These are the comedy geniuses who had the great idea of suggesting Hillary drink “Mad Bitch” beer. BTW, Andy got some love from […]

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Man sized mangoes

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 7 Comments

Being a man is tough. Talking the talk is one thing, manning up is another. I know. I’m a man. I man up. I man up when I’m wrong and well, I dance a little when I’m right. Not a lot but a little. Sometimes, when I’m right I even sit back and let it […]

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Deep thought

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 39 Comments

Spending $100 Billion a year and running a trillion dollar deficit to kill muslims is ok. Spending $100 Billion a year to save Americans bad.

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Breaking Rumor: Coons to the Obama Administration?

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 17 Comments

UPDATE: We have spoken to a Coons aide, who says they have heard nothing of the sort. Not really a strong denial, but this rumor may well be false. Indeed, as I think about this, what kind of position would Obama choose Coons for? Nothing comes to mind. In fact, I always thought Coons future […]

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Townhalls Gone Wild! — The Commerical

Filed in National by on August 6, 2009 4 Comments

Get yours TODAY!

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