Or What?

Filed in National by on September 9, 2009

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) said yesterday that President Obama better show “humility” when he speaks to Congress Wednesday night.

To which I say…. or what?!? You will lie some more? You will bring more guns to the President’s appearances? You won’t vote for his legislative goals? You will stir up your constituents and supporters with hateful and false allegations and rhetoric? You’ll hold your breath? (Please do that).

Republicans have NEVER been respectful towards this President. They have NEVER been humble in the presence of this President. They have NEVER been humble in the face of their own massive and spectactular failures, which of course led to the landslide election that put our current President in office. They have NEVER been honest about the President personally or politically. They have NEVER compromised with him on legislation over the last nine months. They have NEVER negotiated in good faith with this President.

And yet, unbelievably, Republicans expect respect and humility towards them ALWAYS, no matter their actions, no matter their lies, no matter the lack of respect, humility and good faith they have shown.

Republicans, as we all know, are excellent at projection. They project qualities of their own character upon their opponents and they attack those opponents for it. Republicans love to say that the President is arrogant. Well, expecting respect and humility when you never give it is arrogance.

And Saxby Chambliss can shove his ultimatum.

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  1. Geezer says:

    Sounds as if Chambliss thinks that boy is gettin’ uppity. Don’t you know to move off the sidewalk when they’s a white person on it, boy?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    That is the other aspect to Chambliss’ statement. Yes, it is also very racial.

  3. Uppity – someone has already gone there. Congressman Lynn Westmoreland from Georgia, you know the guy who wanted to force people to post the 10 commandments but couldn’t name them, called Michelle and Barack Obama “uppity.”

    According to The Hill, a Capitol Hill newspaper, Westmoreland was discussing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech outside the House chamber today when he veered into his thoughts on Michelle and Barack Obama.

    “Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mister Obama, Senator Obama, they’re a member of an elitist class individual that thinks that they’re uppity,” Westmoreland said.

    When a reporter sought clarification on the racially loaded word, Westmoreland replied, “Uppity, yeah.”

  4. Geezer says:

    All things in moderation, eh? Like, you can once in a while make vague threats about uppity Negroes who happen to be president?

    I rarely call racism for simple opposition. But the face exists that loaded language carries unspoken meanings, especially in the Old Confederacy.

  5. shortstuff says:

    Nice job DD, thanks for calling him out for what it really is… No one wants to admit to it but it is what it is… Show “Humility”, that is some funny sh**. The President better show some humility to the Congress… I love it!! It looks like they’re going to stop hiding behind the veil.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Obama needs a moment like that shown in the movie In the Heat of the Night, where he slapped the white guy with the orchids. And Saxby Chambliss looks like a great candidate.

  7. Rebecca says:

    Could Chambliss be any more like Foghorn Leghorn? What a caricature he has become.

  8. shortstuff says:

    Here’s a link to an article I read yesterday from MSNBC that has all the transcripts from Reagan and G.H.W. It also has the Q&A portion with Reagan, wait till you read THAT one. In any case, I thought it was interesting in the article when it read: “As it happens, Bush went further than that in his 1991 speech, directly asking the nation’s students to “write me a letter — and I’m serious about this one — write me a letter about ways you can help us achieve our goals.”

    “I think you know the address,” he said.

    A review of news coverage from the time shows that little notice was given to the content of Bush’s call to arms, just 13 months before the general election.”

    Read the rest for yourself:


  9. shortstuff says:

    C’mon Republicans, PLEASE STAND UP AND BE ACCOUNTED FOR! Please reply to my previous post above and the evidence of the transcripts themselves and tell me who had an agenda and who didn’t… Please, please tell me that it was absolutely nothing…

  10. shortstuff says:

    ATIM~ I’m not going to even answer it, if you miss the point of what I was making, it wasn’t meant for you to begin with but Thanks for the attention to it though.

  11. meatball says:

    President Obama should just say to Senator Chambliss what Mr. Cheney said to Senator Leahy only I guess POTUS should say it humbily.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    see? if you mention the obvious, the retort will be a sarcastic questioning of the obvious in the form of having an ulterior motive.

    it’s classic deflection and completely reeks of guilt.

    case in point – old white guy thinks he’s better than black dude – some call that bigotry; the apologist blames the person making the assessment of wanting to make the old white guy to look bad.

    don’t look that the original words and/or actions, they don’t matter, worry about the responses! lol

  13. wikwox says:

    If Obama really wants to energize his base all he needs to do is tell Chambliss & DeMint to go to hell and stay there. Of course the more conservatives they could take with them the better. Leave Mike Protack here, he’s too amusing.

  14. Progressive Mom says:

    “silly congressman thinks he’s a memember of a equal branch of government. such pre Obama thinking won’t last much longer.”

    Um, actually, it sounds like the silly congressman wants Obama to bow to him. It sounds like the congressman thinks HIS branch is superior to the executive branch.

    Maybe, Moderation, you should you re-read the quote.

  15. Donviti says:

    Obama works for the them and apparently he doesn’t get it and needs to be told

  16. Oh, dear — we’ve failed to be humble in the presence of the Obamessiah? Funny, but as an American citizen I am not required to be humble before any — repeat ANY — elected official. They ain’t royalty, folks, and they (and you) can bite my ass if I take my citizenship to mean that I don’t have to be humble before some politician.

    And as for the “humility’ comment, there is a much less unseemly way for it to be interpreted. If Obama comes up to Congress in a spirit of cooperation and offers proposals that fit with the views of a majority of Americans (who reject the Democrat vision on this issue) and works to create a plan that the American people accept, he will get one. If he doesn’t, and he and the Dems attempt to cram through a plan not supported by the majority of Americans, they will suffer at the polls in 2020 and 2012.

    But as far as I’m concerned, Obama and the rest of the Dems can cram it.