Archive for January, 2010

The Return of Ask Dr. Liberal

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 5 Comments

Is your political party adrift?  Your marriage in crisis?  Your prize Holstein under-producing or your teenager not getting you while your shaman, priest or large animal vet stands idly by?  Don’t worry.   The Doctor is in. Dr. Liberal is back to answer your most pressing questions.  Pour the doctor a cup of your thoughts […]

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Pat Robertson: Haiti Deserved It.

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 138 Comments

What is with Pat Robertson and always saying victims deserved their tragedies. Whether it be hurricanes, terrorist attacks like 9/11 or earthquakes, the victims are somehow the perpetrator, according to the oh so Christian Pat Robertson.

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I’m Having Trouble Seeing This Marriage End In Anything Other Than Divorce

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 12 Comments

Cenk Uygar (the Seminal at Fire Dog Lake) has issued an invitation to tea parties. I issue a challenge to the tea-party movement. If you’re true to your word, and you believe in protecting the American people and principles, and you think government is too big and hands out money to the wrong people, then […]

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Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 15 Comments

It’s Wednesday and today’s open thread has a theme: polling. A new poll by CNN shows that Americans are in line with Obama’s political ideology. Even in most generic poll question imaginable, teabaggers are not the majority (CNN, Jan. 8-10, +/- 3%): In general, would you say that President Obama’s views and proposed programs for […]

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DE Sports and Video Lottery Commission Recommends Against New Casinos

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 38 Comments

…or — perhaps we should call this Watching the Delaware Legislature Put Their Ninny Hats On. Ginger Gibson at the News Journal documents the atrocities.

This is a completely mind-boggling recommendation by this Commission and flies in the face of the recommendations (and data gathered) by their own commissioned study:

Several lawmakers insisted that any financial harm to the existing racetracks was unacceptable, even if job losses there were compensated for with new jobs at new venues.

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Pre-Game Show: State Legislative Committee Day-Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 1 Comment

First, a brief primer for newcomers. On Wednesdays when the General Assembly is in session, virtually the entire legislative day is devoted to committee meetings. For the House, other than ceremonial business, it is entirely devoted to committees. The Senate may conduct some business, but committee meetings usually are the main, if not sole, focus. […]

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Haiti Earthquake – Please Help

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 4 Comments

As more and more information comes out of Haiti there is no doubt that the scope of this tragedy will be grow.  The Red Cross estimates that 3 million people are affected.  No one is even estimating the death toll. The pictures/videos coming out of Haiti are heartbreaking, and I simply can’t look at them […]

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California Prop 8 Trial

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 6 Comments
California Prop 8 Trial

Right now in California a trial to determine the constitutionality of Prop 8 is just underway. Prop 8 is the proposition that overturned a court ruling in California allowing same sex marriage by defining marriage as being between a man and a woman. One of the interesting notes of the trial is that the team […]

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Ginger Gibson Finds the JFC Still Not Open

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 4 Comments
Ginger Gibson Finds the JFC Still Not Open

Last year’s hard won HB 1 victory was supposed to mean that legislature business was to be done in the light of day — with ample and good notice to the public of meetings and hearings as well as making sure that minutes or recordings of meetings were made and made public.

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Why Colbert Rules the World

Filed in National by on January 12, 2010 2 Comments

Stephen Colbert takes on Harry Reid’s “negro” comment. Do not drink liquid around this clip.

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Vigilantism Justified

Filed in National by on January 12, 2010 4 Comments

Since when is killing someone performing a legal procedure justified? Via Digby: Before the first juror is selected or witness called, a decision allowing a confessed killer to argue he believes the slaying of one of the nation’s few late-term abortion providers was a justified act aimed at saving unborn children has upended what most […]

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Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 12, 2010 9 Comments

It’s Tuesday and it’s open thread time. Today’s open thread has a theme: humor. I’ll give you two examples. Example #1, from Daily Kos, the new presidential timeline: According to Rudy Giuliani, Mary Matalin, and Dana Perino: 1/20/1993 to 1/20/2001: Bill Clinton 1/20/2001 to 9/10/2001: George W Bush 9/11/2001: Bill Clinton 9/12/01 to 12/21/2001: George […]

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Westboro Baptist Bigots Protest Biden Funeral

Filed in Delaware by on January 12, 2010 142 Comments
Westboro Baptist Bigots Protest Biden Funeral

CONFIRMED. The News Journal has some pictures of the small protest, and here is one, where in the upper left corner you can see the sign saying “BIDEN in HELL” with a picture of the 92 year old beloved grandmother.

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