Thursday Open Thread [3.1.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 1, 2012

Yes, Andrew Brietbart is dead. He apparently had heart issues, and he just collapsed. I can’t and won’t descend to his level, spewing vitriol as he did following the death of Ted Kennedy. But I won’t praise or laud him either. What I will say is that he was only 43 years old, and no one should die that young, especially when he has a young family.


NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 33, Santorum 25, Gingrich 16, Paul 11
TENNESSEE (Middle Tennessee State Univ.): Santorum 40, Romney 19, Gingrich 13, Paul 11


TENNESSEE (Middle Tennessee State Univ.): Santorum d. Obama (51-39); Romney d. Obama (47-41); Gingrich d. Obama (45-41); Paul d. Obama (44-41) This is the second poll showing Tennessee possibly competitive in the general election.
VIRGINIA (Roanoke College): Romney d. Obama (43-42); Obama d. Santorum (45-39); Obama d. Paul (45-35); Obama d. Gingrich (48-37)
WISCONSIN (Rasmussen): Obama d. Romney (47-42); Obama d. Santorum (46-41)


MASSACHUSETTS (Mass Insight): Sen Scott Brown (R) d. Elizabeth Warren (D), 52-42. A confusing poll since 49%
said the state needed to elect a Democrat to prevent the chamber from going Republican. That means there is a small percentage of people who think Scott Brown is a Democrat.

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  1. Jason330 says:


  2. socialistic ben says:

    James Okeef to release video evidence of Breitbart being killed by every woman who has ever taken BC.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Assholes around the world rejoice for they no longer have to be compared to him.

    The only tinge of sorrow I can muster is for his poor kids. They done nothing wrong and should grow up with a father.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Now they have a chance to.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    I’m just sorry that we didn’t have a chance for him to get old enough to write a tell-all book about how he undermined the United States political system for financial gain and that he regrets it.

    That said, I don’t put it past him to fake his death to see what bad things people said about him. What can I say, he has damaged his credibility.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Conservatives are at DEFCON 1 on Twitter. They are whining about liberals being mean during and about their hero’s passing. And they are thinking up conspiracy theories that Brietbart was killed by Obama goons because Brietbart said at CPAC that he has some kind of tape on Obama.

    The conspiracy I like:

    I think Obama had Breitbart killed to drive the crazies out of the woodwork with wild ass conspiracy theories about Obama killing Andrew breitbart.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    This Fark thread is hilarious:

    Sorry conspiracy nuts, I prayed to the all powerful FSM for his death. I take full responsibility, because my god is obviously more powerful than his pansy magic sky wizard.

  8. Liberal Elite says:

    @DD “I can’t and won’t descend to his level, spewing vitriol as he did following the death of Ted Kennedy.”

    But that vitriol would be a fitting phrase for Briebart’s headstone.

    I do wonder how the religious feel about God collecting him early. Do they think that Heaven is a little worse? or that Hell is now a little more fun? Do they really think that God wants to be with this liar and cheat?

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    If you mean religious right, they will say only the good die young.

    If you are just religious, I would think Brietbart has some pennance to work off, and thus the best case scenario is Purgatory.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    Brietbart said at CPAC that he has some kind of tape on Obama

    The Whitey Tape!

    And conservatives at DEFCON1 shouldn’t be a surprise. Giving wingnuts one more situation to be victimized by was the Lovely Parting Gift from Brietbart. Jeez, even Shirley Sherrod was gracious.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    The Vatican no longer believes in purgatory. Guess they mini-raptured all those unbaptized babies and folk of questionable backgrounds with one fell swoop once the vicor and men in red dresses signed the papal order.

    Pretty powerful ability, to make something turn into nothing by saying so!

  12. Joe Cass says:

    Mitt Romney has just baptized AB.

  13. MJ says:

    Joe Cass wins the comment of the day.

  14. Jason330 says:

    DD thanks for that link to the Fark thread. It is hilarious.

  15. puck says:

    Unfortunately Breitbart will take the evidence of Obama’s birth certificate forgery to his grave.

  16. sussexanon says:

    Sherrif in Arizona is having a new conference to announce his 6 month investigation found that Obamas Birth Certificate and Selective Service card are forgories.

    No word on the existence of the time machine that sent Obama back in time to place his birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser.

    The Craziness continues.

    43 and “natural causes” is tragic, even for someone like Breitbart.

  17. reality check says:

    Tragic for who? His kids—not humanity

  18. Jason330 says:

    If he parented like he lived, you could make the argument that Breitbart’s kids just caught a huge break.

  19. Jason330 says:

    The Sheriff’s findings were that the birth certificate claimed that the President was born in Hawaii. It must, therefor, be fake because everyone knows the President was born in Kenya.

  20. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, I love an investigation that starts with the PRESUMPTION THAT THE DOCUMENT was fake and then sought to prove how it was faked. Um, that is not how our AMERICAN system of justice and evidence works. The presumption is that the document is authentic, especially when it bears government seals, signatures and dates. The burden is on the Sheriff to prove otherwise, not presume otherwise.

    And they still have not found the TIME MACHINE Barack Obama used to travel back to 1961 and plant the birth announcements in the Honolulu Advertiser.

  21. Delaware Dem says:

    I want to know how many millions of Arizonan tax dollars have been spent on this. And once we find out that, I want this racist sheriff billed for it, and then impeached.

  22. Joe Cass says:

    Oscar Wilde: “I didn’t come to pay tribute, I came to make sure.”

    Clarence Darrow: “I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.”

    Mark Twain: “I didn’t attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.”

  23. Delaware Dem says:

    Darrow’s comes closest to my immediate reaction upon hearing the news this morning.

  24. Joe Cass says:

    I read a post at Raw Story regarding Joe Arpio; please let me share part of “hegesias'” hilarious musing:
    ” I wouldn’t vote for a conservative if he or she were birthed from the vagina of the Statue of Liberty. And, no, I don’t care what a 250 year old piece of paper says about this.”

  25. Bill Humphrey says:

    I haven’t posted much over here for a while, but I have a couple of links of interest tonight:

    1- I posted on Daily Kos about marriage equality in MD and DE:

    2- My interview with Sen. Carper will air Friday (tomorrow) at 2 PM on 91.3 FM WVUD Newark (streaming from The interview is a half hour long and was recorded last Friday evening. I asked him about jobs, youth/young adult and minority unemployment, student loans, poverty, and his role at the center-right Democratic Leadership Council in pushing the Democratic Party away from the Left.

  26. Digby says:

    No surprises here

  27. Delaware Dem says:

    We are just showing him the same concern he had for us and the late Ted Kennedy.

  28. Delaware Dem says:

    What goes around, comes around.

  29. Miscreant says:

    “Shirley Sherrod has more class than Beitbart ever could imagine.”

    And, definitively, far more class than anyone here. Well done, Ms. Sherrod.

  30. Jason330 says:

    Thanks Bill. I’ll have to listen to that interview with Carper. Maybe you can come boack here and give provide your thoughts on his responses.

  31. LOOKOUT says:

    God takes out a demon every now and then. Rush next on the agenda and I am praying very soon.

  32. Rustydills Emloyer says:

    The wrathful God of the old testament taking down someone with an irredeemably putrid soul, or Andrew Brietbart’s 20 year coke habit? I’m good with either one.

  33. puck says:

    “What goes around, comes around.”

    That’s why I am saying nothing.