Archive for September, 2012

Delaware’s Most Intriguing 2012 Races: The Top 5!

Filed in National by on September 20, 2012 18 Comments

Counting down from #5: 5. SD 12:  Sen. Dori Connor vs. Nicole Poore. Easily the most likely Senate seat to flip from R to D this cycle. Dori Connor is a wonderful person and has been a wonderful senator, for the most part. She has always had strong labor support, and, up until now, D’s […]

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Romney Campaign’s National Co-Chair Steps Down – Nation points and laughs

Filed in National by on September 20, 2012 8 Comments

This kind of thing does not happen to legitimate Presidential campaigns:

Pawlenty Steps Down From Romney Campaign To Join Bank Lobbying Group

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty will join the Washington-based Financial Services Roundtable as its new president and CEO, the bank lobbying firm announced Thursday. Pawlenty will step down as national co-chair …

What we are seeing is…

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Rose Izzo just reelected Tom Carper

Filed in National by on September 20, 2012 19 Comments
Rose Izzo just reelected Tom Carper

Overnight, Rose Izzo, the pretender to Christine O’Donnell’s teabagging throne in 2012 and recent Republican primary loser, endorsed insane bar owner and Independent candidate for the Senate, Alex Pires. When Alex first announced, I was intrigued, and then I listened to him, and he sounded like a tea partier. Others said, no no no, he is a populist, and angry populist, but a populist. Now we can see Pires’s teanuttia confirmed through the eyes and endorsement of Rose Izzo.

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Another Day, Another Polling Report [9.20.12]

Filed in National by on September 20, 2012 7 Comments
Another Day, Another Polling Report [9.20.12]

Polling Firms have been quite busy this week. The big poll yesterday was the Pew Poll showing an 8 point national lead for the President. In the Senate races, multiple polls in three races now show former Governor Tim Kaine, Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Tammy Baldwin breaking out to significant leads in their respective races after being tied or behind forever. It looks like Obama voters in all three races are coming home to the Democratic candidate in each race, showing that the President might have some serious coattails, and if he has that, then the chances are the Dems will pick up the 25 seats they need and more to retake the House of Representatives and hold the Senate.

But first, more on that Pew poll:

Obama holds a bigger September lead than the last three candidates who went on to win in November, including Obama four years ago. In elections since 1988, only Bill Clinton, in 1992 and 1996, entered the fall with a larger advantage.

Not only does Obama enjoy a substantial lead in the horserace, he tops Romney on a number of key dimensions. His support is stronger than his rival’s, and is positive rather than negative. Mitt Romney’s backers are more ardent than they were pre-convention, but are still not as enthusiastic as Obama’s. Roughly half of Romney’s supporters say they are voting against Obama rather than for the Republican nominee. With the exception of Bill Clinton in 1992, candidates lacking mostly positive backing have lost in November.

Bill Clinton won 370 electoral votes in 1992, and 379 in 1996. As you can see, the President is likely on a similar course to reelection:

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [9.20.12]

Filed in Delaware by on September 20, 2012 3 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [9.20.12]

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Wednesday Open Thread [9.19.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 19, 2012 25 Comments

Clint Eastwood: “If somebody is dumb enough to ask me to go to political convention and say something, they’re gonna have to take what they get.”

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“Miss Delaware” to appear on Survivor

Filed in National by on September 19, 2012 22 Comments

Somone needs to tell Katie to try and speak in a slightly higher register. But her crackly (vocal fry) voice is just one annoying thing about her. I’m sure Survivor producers will work to expose a bounty of things not to like about our home state miss.

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Delaware’s Most Intriguing 2012 Races: Part I

Filed in National by on September 19, 2012 126 Comments

As always, counting down from #10.

10. RD 32: Andria Viola Bennett vs. Ellis Parrott.

The undistinguished daughter of one of Delaware’s least distinguished legislators (John Viola) has parlayed her homewrecking skills into a run for State Rep, ostensibly as a ‘placeholder’ for her DUI-plagued new husband and soon-to-be former Rep., Brad Bennett. You know, the guy who tearfully lamented the damage he had done to the institution of the House. Ellis Parrott doesn’t get me excited either. An R political aparatchik and long-time Kent County magistrate, now retired. Nothing says ‘political patronage’ quite like Justice of the Peace. The post-redistricting registration numbers are, shall we say, daunting to the R’s: 6133 D, 3143 R, and 3159 I.  You do the math. I haven’t the stomach for it.

9. Sussex Council District 3:  Councilperson Joan Deaver vs. Don Ayotte.

Sane vs. insane. Deaver has worked hard to protect Sussex County, and has done it within a body that generally supports the entreaties of developers, especially if said developers offer perks that warm what passes for the hearts of said ‘Honorables’. Unintelligible ex-blogger Don Ayotte brings ‘teh crazy’ to the race: a self-proclaimed English major who can’t punctuate, spell or put together a sentence that makes sense. Although his mindless minions do seem to have their barnyard epithets memorized, based on the condition of many of Deaver’s campaign signs. Deaver’s one of the few serious public officials on Sussex County Council, she’s not divisive, so it remains to be seen how effective Ayotte will be. Bonus points to Deaver for opposing the frivolous wasting of taxpayers’ dollars on legal fees to permit Council to recite “The Lord’s Prayer” at the opening of Council meetings. Perhaps the wingnuts have The Lord’s Prayer confused with the Landlord’s Prayer.

Click through to read more….

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The President on David Letterman last night

Filed in National by on September 19, 2012 20 Comments

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The Polling Report [9.19.12]

Filed in National by on September 19, 2012 5 Comments
The Polling Report [9.19.12]

The polling report officially goes meta: A new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds 46% of Americans hold favorable views of polls in general, and 47% have negative ones. My brain has officially malfunctioned…

Meanwhile, Romney’s outrageous and unAmerican Libya lies have done real damage:

Anyway, we have a lot of new polls, and they only change the shades of color on the map. Wisconsin finds a deeper shade of blue while New Hampshire is irritating in its preference for sky blue.

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I Thought Republicans Were Against Taxes

Filed in National by on September 19, 2012 1 Comment

It seems that Republicans are only against taxing rich people.  Taxes for the middle class and poor people are apparently a-okay.  Cutting programs that help the poor, the elderly, children and the middle class in order to give the rich more tax cuts is just fine.  This strikes me a quite a shift from the days when the GOP ran against all taxes.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [9.19.12]

Filed in Delaware by on September 19, 2012 2 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [9.19.12]

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It is September 18, 2016 and Mitt Romney is leading Hillary Clinton by 2 percentage points

Filed in National by on September 18, 2012 14 Comments

If Mitt Romney beats Ms. Clinton it will because he set the stage for his victory during the primary season of 2012.

In the summer of 2012, when the rest of the GOP field was running to the right, Mitt Romney stuck to his moderate guns. While Michelle Bachman and Newt Gingrich stoked the fires of hatred and division among Republicans, Mitt Romney argued for a more sensible, inclusive GOP. It was obviously a message that the Republican primary voters were not ready for, but …

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