Archive for March, 2016

Super Saturday Results

Filed in National by on March 5, 2016 4 Comments

We have Democratic caucuses today in Nebraska and Kansas, a Democratic primary in Louisiana tonight, Republican caucuses in Kansas, Kentucky and Maine, and a Republican primary in Louisiana. Bernie Sanders is favored to win Nebraska and Kansas, and Hillary is favored to win Louisiana.

Following the results here at Decision Desk.

KY GOP: Trump leads
ME GOP: Cruz wins
KS GOP: Cruz wins
LA GOP: Trump wins
KS DEM: Sanders wins
NE DEM: Sanders wins
LA DEM: Clinton wins



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Heil Hitler.

Filed in National by on March 5, 2016 13 Comments


Donald Trump made members of a Florida crowd raise their right hands and salute in a show of loyalty to him, the Washington Post reports.

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Saturday Open Thread [3.5.16]

Filed in National by on March 5, 2016 0 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [3.5.16]

Ed Kilgore
on the primaries and caucuses we have today and tomorrow: the Louisiana primary, the Maine caucuses, the Nebraska Democratic caucuses, the Kansas caucuses, the Kentucky Republican caucuses, and the Puerto Rico Republican primary.

On the Democratic side, FiveThirtyEight gives Hillary Clinton the same 99 percent plus chance of winning Louisiana as it gave her in South Carolina, which isn’t surprising because it has a similar African-American majority in its primary electorate and Clinton’s carrying that demographic by a similar 5-1 margin in recent polls. In much-whiter Kansas and Nebraska, Sanders is favored, though not overwhelmingly; even though these are technically closed caucuses, they are like Iowa in that independents and Republicans can change their affiliation at the caucus site. Maine is assumed to be big-time Bernie Country. He could use some bragging rights about now, though any loss in the caucus states will be cited as a sign of waning strength.

Anyone wanting to follow returns from all these events is going to have to be patient. Probably the first returns to come in on Saturday will be from Kansas Republicans, who end their caucuses at 2 p.m. CST. Kansas Democrats begin caucusing at 3:30 p.m. CST. Kentucky Republicans (expecting a low turnout in an unusual caucus arranged strictly for the convenience of former presidential candidate Senator Rand Paul) will end their voting at 4 p.m. local time (EST and CST). Nebraska Democrats and Maine Republicans will caucus at locally determined times ranging from mid-morning to early evening. In Louisiana polls will close at 8 CST. On Sunday Maine Democrats will spread their local caucuses around from 1 to 9 p.m. EST, and in Puerto Rico polls will close at 3 p.m. EST. Then we all have to wait two more days until four more Republican events and two more Democratic primaries are held.

Sanders will win the three caucuses and Hillary will win the Louisiana Primary.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on March 5, 2016 0 Comments

In this week’s address, the President discussed his upcoming visit to the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, where he will participate in a conversation about civic engagement in the 21st century and how we can use technology to tackle our toughest challenges.

In his weekly message, Governor Markell highlights the phenomenal work being done by educators in the STEM fields to better prepare their students for successful futures.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [3.5.16]

Filed in National by on March 5, 2016 1 Comment

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Al Mascitti out at WDEL ?

Filed in National by on March 4, 2016 196 Comments
Al Mascitti out at WDEL ?

Friend of DL, Al Mascitti, appears to have been replaced by 105.9 talker, Susan Monday

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‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: Feb. 2016

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 4, 2016 0 Comments

We’ll start with a legit National Treasure:

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Trump’s path to the White House

Filed in National by on March 4, 2016 33 Comments
Trump’s path to the White House

It isn’t about “swing voters” and soccer moms. It isn’t about how many electoral votes Florida has and getting to 270. And it isn’t about what Wolf Blitzer thinks. Those kinds of calculations are ancient history. That’s the Polish Calvary lined up against the mechanized Wehrmacht at Krojanty. If you want to know how a transparent fraud like Trump can make it to the White House, look at what he did to Jeb Bush and ask yourself if the same things can work against Hillary Clinton.

This is from Rolling Stone. As you read substitute “Clinton” for “Bush”

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Friday Open Thread [3.4.16]

Filed in National by on March 4, 2016 1 Comment
Friday Open Thread [3.4.16]

Matt Yglesias says that, no matter what happens, the Republican Party is headed to disaster.

The bottom line is that the Republican Party is now on track for a major disaster. One possibility is that Trump will eek out a narrow victory against a divided field in the face of dogged opposition from his own party’s elite. Far too many anti-Trump things have been said at this point to take them all back, and the divisions inside the party will hurt Trump badly in the general election.

For Democrats, this is fun to watch. But more than fun to watch, it’s a key reason why Democrats, though they should avoid complacency about Trump, can also confidently view him as a weaker-than-average nominee. Presidential candidates who run at the head of a united party have no guarantee of victory, but candidates who run without the wholehearted support of their party’s prominent leaders and mid-ranking professional staffers tend to lose.

But the alternative is also disastrous.

If the Republicans running against Trump actually did cooperate with some explicit or implicit alternative in mind, then they could assemble an anti-Trump majority and hand the nomination to their champion. But instead they are all running independent, entirely uncoordinated campaigns and simply hoping to work out the nomination via a chaotic convention floor fight of the sort we haven’t seen for two generations.

Nobody knows who or what would emerge from that, but one guarantee is that it would leave Trump and his supporters enraged and demoralized at what they will see as an underhanded theft of a nomination they earned.

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Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 26-March 3, 2016

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 4, 2016 6 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 26-March 3, 2016

After missing much of the last session due to health reasons, State Rep. Harold Peterman (R-33rd RD) somewhat surprisingly sought, and won, reelection. He first survived a primary challenge from Charles Postles by a 64.5 to 35.5 margin, and then defeated D John Kevin Robbins, 58-42. However, two Republicans have already filed for this seat, which they likely wouldn’t do if Peterman didn’t give them the go-ahead. Postles is once again seeking the seat, and one Morgan Ann Hudson has also filed. Hudson’s website seems…incomplete and kinda weird. All I can say is that I could find nothing about her doing a Google search. Anybody out there with any info?

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Come see Charlie Copeland in ‘Waiting to Exhale 2.”

Filed in National by on March 4, 2016 5 Comments

Charlie screaming into the wind.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [3.4.16]

Filed in National by on March 4, 2016 0 Comments

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All Republicans will support Trump. All of them.

Filed in National by on March 3, 2016 12 Comments
All Republicans will support Trump.  All of them.

Every knee will bend. From Bill Kristol and Ben du Pont to Lacey Lafferty and David Duke. They will welcome “Trump the Liberator” and the very suggestion that they were ever anything other than Trump die-hards will be scornfully ridiculed. I will allow the Rude Pundit to explain

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