Song of the Day 3/10: The Outsiders, “Time Won’t Let Me”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 10, 2019

The American answer to the British Invasion was in full swing by 1965, when a Cleveland R & B outfit called the Starfires got signed to Capitol Records and changed its name. Their first single as the Outsiders hit No. 5 in spring 1966, its punchy horns and driving beat making it an instant white soul classic.

The drummer in this lip-synched TV appearance was Jim Fox, who went on to start the James Gang, the band that launched Joe Walsh’s career. Singer Sonny Geraci later had a big hit, “Precious and Few,” with his next band, Climax.

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  1. And another Ohio-based band, the Pretenders, borrowed that unmistakable riff for ‘Time the Avenger’.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Love this song, lots of energy, like to cover it at some point.

  3. Nancy Willing says:

    Brings me back to my elementary school daze and WAMS radio where we heard all of this music.