DL Biden-Trump Debate Open Thread: Tuesday, September 29

Filed in Featured, National by on September 29, 2020

Here we go…just hope the caffeinated Joe shows up.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Trump tripping over his feet and falling down would be nice.

  2. Well, Trump doesn’t look like he’s gonna let Biden get a word in edgewise.

  3. Biden’s killing him on COVID.

  4. Trump seemed grumpy and miserable.

    He’ll likely have the knives out for Chris Wallace in 3-2-1…

    I think a good night for Biden by staying calm and not acting like Trump. Don’t see him losing any votes tonight.

  5. jason330 says:

    TRUMP: Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden!

  6. jason330 says:

    I liked that Biden called a clown a clown. He did a pretty fair job, not rising to that asshole’s bait.

    I get the feeling that he is keeping his powder a little dry, holding back some dropping obvious anvils on Trump’s head.

  7. Andrew C says:

    It seems obvious Trump had a plan and stuck to it: interrupt, confuse, distract, cause dismay and cynicism from any voter who hasn’t decided to turn in their ballot yet or show up in November. His goal is not to gain voters but to depress turnout and cause disarray. I fear in some of the right/wrong states, it may work.

  8. jason330 says:

    Trump’s strategy was to try and fluster or trip up Biden. On the whole, that didn’t work.

    Behind in swing states, Trump needs to “win” these debates. He didn’t. Looking dumb and angry, constantly interrupting, refusing to commit to respecting the results of the election, refusing to denounce white supremacy. It was a terrible look, except for people who like the rude, angry, racist, un-American style Trump.

    Also, Trump showed all of his cards. It is pretty clear that he hasn’t added anything to his bag of trick. Pocahontas? Burisma? He is a joke. Biden didn’t do a great job calling that out but it was like Trump was calling out his own ridiculousness.

  9. RSE says:

    There was no substance to the debate, it was just two old guys yelling and insulting each other with a moderator who was non existent. it reminded me of that meme on Facebook with the two old Russian guys fighting and another old man trying to break it up, and they were all falling over each other.

    I think Biden probably did all he needed to do, seeing how low the bar was set.

    • Ben says:

      remind me… who set bar?

      • Alby says:

        Now see, if you had predicted this would be a shit show, I would have agreed, because it’s a much simpler equation.

        We always know what Trump will do. What we don’t know is what the reaction will be from everyone else, because other people, even Republicans, aren’t as predictable as he is.

        • ben says:

          oh i thought it was sure to be a congenial conversation between 2 distinguished statesmen. first mistake of my life.

          BTW, dont think i missed him blatantly ordering the ProudBois to stand by. wanna bet he sends a tweet on election day that just says “NOW!”?