DL Open Thread: Monday, October 19, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 19, 2020

Does This Look Familiar?  Propaganda masquerading as local news.  This wasn’t an idea that Chris Kenny cooked up all by his lonesome. He’s just part of a Rethuglican network.

Judge Strikes Down Trump Plan To Cut Food Stamps For 700,000.  Trump-packed court to reverse in 3-2-1…

The Neutered Coronavirus Task Force.  So. Where did Trump find this batshit-crazy Scott Atlas?  That’s right. Fox News.

Coons Grows Half A Pair.  Says he’s open to expanding the courts, including the Supreme Court. Cautiously, of course.  Hey, it’s progress.  First step: Dump the filibuster.

Fauci Comes Close To Torching Trump.  I hope he’s writing a memoir on this bleak time.

‘Citizens For Transparency & Inclusion’ Merely A Front For TransPerfect PAC.  By now, you’ve probably seen their political ads attacking the Delaware Way. I’m all for attacking the Delaware Way, but this is merely an exercise in misinformation.  Hey, if they want to piss money down the drain…

White Supremacist Groups Biggest Terror Threat To America.  A Biden presidency would almost certainly shift enforcement efforts towards stopping these groups.

Scalia’s Son Destroying Worker Protections, One Outrage At A Time.  He’s dangerous, partly because he’s competent in a lizard-like fashion.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    TransPerfect PAC is the product of a crybaby sore loser, Phil Shawe, who incorporated in Delaware apparently without bothering to learn how the state’s legal system works. Now that a Chancery Court chancellor ruled that he and his ex-whatever can’t settle their disputes or buy each other out, the company has to be sold.

    Those are the rules. They’re rarely invoked, but that’s how the court works. The big phony even gave his mother 1% of the company so it would qualify as a female-owned business. So he knows how rules work, he just doesn’t like it when they work against him.

    Anything his PAC wants, however noble its claims, is bullshit. He’s out for revenge, and anything he claims is a reform is actually the fruit of a poisoned tree.

    Here’s an article summarizing the mess little mama’s boy caused:


  2. Really Joe? says:

    Just read the Biden story is true and, according to head of National Intelligence in response to Schiff, not part of a Russian disinformation campaign. Wow.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Wow. Where did you read that, and who sounded out the words for you?

    • Alby says:

      What if the “Biden story” is true? So what? Are you so propaganda-besotted that you think anything he’s done exceeds the graft Trump commits on a weekly basis?

      Nobody gives a fuck, loser. Y’all can go back to counting ammo in your basements.

  3. Kennedy says:

    Impressive syntax for a troll but, as with any troll comment, the opposite is true.
