
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Memorial Day Hypocrisy from Mike Castle

Filed in National by on May 29, 2010 25 Comments

Not like this hypocrisy is a new behavior or anything.

On Castle’s website, he posts up the obligatory Memorial Day salute to men and women in uniform. This is the hypocrisy:

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John Carney Interviews with Starboard Broadside

Filed in National by on May 28, 2010 0 Comments
John Carney Interviews with Starboard Broadside

The U of D student known as Cpt Robespierre interviewed John Carney about a week ago on a wide range of topics and posted them up at dKos (go rec this) and his own blog. He notes that the topics are these:

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How The iPod Crushed Its Competition

Filed in National by on May 24, 2010 7 Comments
How The iPod Crushed Its Competition

Another fun infographic, this one from Mashable:

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They’re Sorry Now!

Filed in National by on May 23, 2010 47 Comments

Arizona passed their law requiring immigrants to prove their legal status and apparently lots of undocumented workers went home rather than live the risk of being caught or even the hassle. Even though this is a pretty despicable law, I’m not going to have any issues with undocumented workers going home. I’ve often wished that the wingnuts who insist that all of the undocumented workers go home would actually get their wish.

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Chris Coons’ Interview with U of D Radio Show

Filed in National by on May 23, 2010 14 Comments

I saw this on dKos,where this UofD student hosting a program called Broadside Radio posted that he had the chance to interview Chris Coons this week about some of the big issues currently facing us and the government — like education policy, energy policy, foreign policy, filibuster reform, security.

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Sunday Big Think — The Media

Filed in National by on May 23, 2010 16 Comments

Here’s a couple of long(ish) articles for a leisurely Sunday read that are loosely based on a larger topic. This topic is The Media (my fav):

The Oxymoronic Citizen Journalism — This is an insightful case for the continued professionalism of the news

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Sunday Rand Paul — What’s Going On

Filed in National by on May 23, 2010 21 Comments

Bet this guy is topic number one of most of the Sunday yak shows. If anything good happens or gets said, let us know here. Check out this fantastic video first, though:

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Republican Family Values

Filed in National by on May 22, 2010 4 Comments
Republican Family Values

‘Nuff Said.

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Filed in National by on May 21, 2010 9 Comments

I stole this from Ethical Reporters Against FoxFAUX News — if you are on Facebook, you should go add them as your friend immediately.

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Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

Filed in National by on April 30, 2010 7 Comments

Jon Stewart interviewed Ken Blackwell (The “I coulda been a contenda” odd man out in the RNC Chair election) about Blackwell’s new book. This was even abit painful to watch, but probably because Stewart did not have to do much for Blackwell to just look like he was a Total F*cking Idiot. Did I mention that this guy was in contention for RNC Chair? But this is a good example of the complete rewriting of history these wingnuts need to do in order to make their arguments.

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Another Wingnut Conspiracy Smackdown

Filed in National by on April 28, 2010 1 Comment

The usual repub blog suspects picked and ran with an item from The American Spectator which purported to have a bit of “news” about the HHS having information (in the form of a report from the Office of the Actuary for Medicare) in advance of the ACA bill vote that would indicate that medical costs would rise. The usual right-wing purveyors of wrong went to town with this, of course. (John Cole at Balloon Juice has the screenshot of Google showing how focused the spread of this kind of stuff is among the usual GOP suspects.)

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Run, Ted, Run!

Filed in National by on April 28, 2010 22 Comments

Joan Walsh over at has been delighted listening to our Senator become one of the leading voices on banking reform. And she wants him to run. Ms. Walsh is late to the party here, but she’s got it right (mostly):

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Jim Westhoff Announces Run for 35th District Representative

Filed in National by on April 27, 2010 16 Comments

Jim Westhoff — from Greenwood, DE — announced his run as the Democratic candidate for the 35th State Representative seat.  The seat is currently held by first-term GOP Rep David Wilson.  He may seem vaguely familiar to lots of people — he is a spokesman for DelDOT and was the person speaking for them during […]

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