El Somnambulo

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More Environmental Racism From DNREC And, Of Course, Our Governor

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 20, 2019 5 Comments

Are you bleeping kidding me?: https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2019/08/20/dnrec-approves-permit-over-southbridge-neighbor-concerns/2051873001/ ‘Delaware OK’s Slag-Grinding Plant Over Neighbor Health Concerns’. John Carney and his DNREC lackeys have decided that the creation of up to 10(!) jobs is more important than the health of residents in the already environmentally-challenged community of Southbridge. According to the News-Journal article, the company will be obligated […]

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DL Open Thread: Tues., Aug. 20, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 20, 2019 0 Comments

Trump Sabotages First Big US Offshore Wind Farm. While approving every fossil fuel project imaginable, he slow-walks the wind farm and places its funding in jeopardy. How Trump Loyalists Harassed State Department Employees Into Leaving.  Nobody’s home at the State Department. What could go wrong? Oil Lobbyists Successfully Push For Laws To Criminalize Pipeline Protests. […]

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DL Open Thread: Mon., Aug. 19, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 19, 2019 9 Comments

Biden To Cali: “Drop Dead”. For the second time, he skips a meeting with D political leaders in the most delegate-rich state in the union. Campaigning in NH instead. In August. Dead man walking. Admitted Sexual Predator Mark Halperin Has New Book Deal…And Pretty Much Every D Strategist Is Interviewed For It.  I can’t even… […]

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DL Open Thread: Sun., Aug. 18, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 18, 2019 5 Comments

“Show Up, Listen To Trump, Or Don’t Get Paid”.  Those who didn’t go to Trump’s Pa. speech/photo op lost $700 each. Why? They skipped a so-called ‘training day’. The ‘training’? Quoting King Cheet-o: “I’m going to speak to some of your union leaders to say, ‘I hope you’re going to support Trump.’ OK?” he said. […]

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Say Hello To…Cathy Cloutier’s Worst Nightmare

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 17, 2019 7 Comments

Her name is Kyle Evans Gay. She’s an attorney with Connolly Gallagher and lives in the same community where Cathy Cloutier, um, maintains a residence. I think she’s odds-on to win, especially in a district with current registration like this:  14,725 D; 10,526 R; and 8770 I. While I’m optimistic about her chances, I’m a […]

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DL Open Thread: Sat. Aug. 17, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 17, 2019 0 Comments

Rethugs Try To Disenfranchise Voters. In Missouri.  BTW, does the name ‘Ashcroft’ sound familiar? In New Hampshire. BTW, does the name ‘Sununu’ sound familiar? And, of course, nationwide. In the past week alone, we’ve also highlighted similar attempts in Florida, Georgia and Ohio. While Trump creates distractions, the single most underreported story is the ongoing […]

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DL Open Thread: Fri., August 16, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 16, 2019 18 Comments

Smart Money Sez: Trumponomics A Flop. Granted, the smart money isn’t always that smart. Still… Trump Wants To Buy–Greenland?  As near as I can tell, this report does not originate from The Onion. 3 electoral votes. Almost all-white.  He’s insa-a-a-ane. Federal Judge Tries To Stop Georgia’s Efforts To Steal Elections. They can still steal ’em […]

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Wow. Signs Of Life From Sussex County D’s!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 15, 2019 8 Comments
Wow. Signs Of Life From Sussex County D’s!

I just got this in my in-box, and I’m psyched. No, things aren’t going to turn around overnight. But the toxic nature of the Rethuglican brand nationwide means that we shouldn’t leave Sussex County to the R’s and what passes for leadership in the moribund D ranks. Read and, if you’re from Sussex, get involved: […]

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DL Open Thread: Thurs., Aug. 15, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 15, 2019 9 Comments

He Really IS Moscow Mitch.  This Oleg Deripaska guy sure gets around.  Especially for someone who can’t enter the US. McConnell is completely compromised. Rethugs Purging Ohio’s Voter Rolls.  Remember, kids, this is the only way that R’s can win in many states. The battle has been joined, though… Hickenlooper Closes Loop On His Campaign. […]

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DL Open Thread: Weds., August 14, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 14, 2019 3 Comments
DL Open Thread: Weds., August 14, 2019

The Links Between Police Departments And White Supremacy. Though not a new article, this demonstrates something that a lot of us have known intuitively. Which also explains why cops don’t lift a fucking finger to ban assault weapons. Which reminds me. This report on systemic racism in police agencies is a must-read. Which also reminds […]

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DL Open Thread: Tues., Aug. 13, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 13, 2019 2 Comments

Trump Goes After Endangered Species. Let’s see…yesterday it was Animal Cyanide Bombs. Today it’s driving a pipeline through the habitats of endangered species. I think he has figured out that he’s an endangered species, and he’s taking everybody with him. A Cure For Ebola? I know that it ain’t over ’til it’s over, but this […]

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DL Open Thread: Mon., Aug. 12, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 12, 2019 4 Comments

Cyanide: It’s Not Just For Killing Humans Now. Nope. Trump has authorized the use of ‘cyanide bombs’ to kill animals. Epstein’s Gone, But ‘Thousands And Thousands’ Of Unreleased Documents Remain.  I think that both Trump and Bill Clinton have lots to fear. Denver City Council Tears Up Contracts With For-Profit Prison Contractors.  Sponsored by a […]

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DL Open Thread: Sun., Aug. 11, 2019

Filed in Featured by on August 11, 2019 5 Comments

Why Is DNC Chair Stifling Debate On Climate Change? Pretty much every D wants a debate but the chair. Gaffe-Machine Joe Keeps On ‘Gaffe-in’.  Seriously, he doesn’t have it. He can’t be the nominee. This Sounds Like A TV Show Worth Watching.  Are any of you fans of ‘Succession’? Yes, Elizabeth Warren Has A Plan […]

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