
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Coons on Morning Joe – We should continue to have good faith conversations with bad faith actors

Filed in National by on April 27, 2023 5 Comments

Coons thinks we should talk to the good Republicans on the debt limit, but not because they are holding hostages (or something).  Maybe you can figure it out.   Here’s a link.

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Eugene Young to Primary Tom Carper – Rumor Watch

Filed in National by on April 26, 2023 15 Comments
Eugene Young to Primary Tom Carper – Rumor Watch

I think this one is wishful thinking. And yet, Carper is ripe to be taken out, so why not Young?   Someone will step up and that someone will not be Lisa Blunt Rochester.    h/t  Nemski

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DL Open Thread Wednesday April 26 2023

Filed in National by on April 26, 2023 1 Comment

A surprising but welcome change of heart.   DSSA Statement on “permit to purchase” Legislation On behalf of our membership, and after much soul searching and careful consideration the Delaware State Sportsman’s Association has decided to support the “permit to purchase” legislation currently being considered in the Delaware State Senate.  Furthermore, we would like to […]

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April is Membership Drive Month at DL – So Join The Working Families Party

Filed in National by on April 25, 2023 0 Comments
April is Membership Drive Month at DL – So Join The Working Families Party

All month we’ve been asking you, dear reader/commenter, to join DL and become a member by joining and/or donating to the Working Families Party or any of the other fine organizations you see in the poll. The WFP is worth a little more consideration.  They’ve had amazing success in Delaware shifting the debate to the […]

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Be on the look out for a very pouty climate change fraud who resembles a sad rugby ball someone placed a wig on

Filed in National by on April 24, 2023 2 Comments
Be on the look out for a very pouty climate change fraud who resembles a sad rugby ball someone placed a wig on

How angry is Legates that he isn’t the “featured speaker” at this thing? Pretty fucking angry I’d say. Ingrates! He gives and gives and this is what he gets? Bumped aside by Kellyanne Conway?!

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New Highlands Bunker on Fox/Dominion Settlement – We shoulda seen it coming.

Filed in National by on April 24, 2023 2 Comments
New Highlands Bunker on Fox/Dominion Settlement – We shoulda seen it coming.

Look, Dominion is not in business to “save democracy”.   Nobody is going to save democracy except you getting out to vote and getting your lazy family out to vote. That said,  I’m only a 1/4 of the way in on this (no traffic this mornin’), so I can’t rate this on my patented scale of 1 to 5 Blumberg Excelsior yellow legal pads. 

Our series on the Dominion v Fox trial comes to an abrupt close with a $787.5 million settlement. Chance from Chancery Daily joins Rob and Bill again to talk about what led to this settlement, what the implications are, and how we ended up covering so many trials.

Show Notes:

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DL Open Thread Monday April 25 2023

Filed in National by on April 24, 2023 16 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday April 25 2023

WGMD gave this article a surprisingly even handed headline.   Legislation to Reduce Shootings & Gun-related Crimes Introduced in DE State Senate Legislation to reduce shootings and other gun-related crimes in Delaware communities has been introduced in the State Senate. Senate Bill 2 is sponsored by Senate Majority Whip Elizabeth Lockman and House Majority Whip Melissa Minor-Brown […]

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United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 27 (UFCW 27) public rally Noon Today

Filed in National by on April 22, 2023 3 Comments

Local Healthcare Workers Demand New Contract Negotiation For more than a week, workers at Kentmere Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing center, along with representatives from United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 27 (UFCW 27), have been walking a picket line outside the Lovering Avenue care home to raise awareness about their contract situation. This ongoing […]

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Bye, Asshole

Filed in National by on April 22, 2023 1 Comment

Only Senator Chris Coons will be sad when this happens because he will advance into second (behind Sinema) in the “biggest Democratic asshole in the Senate” rankings.    Jim Justice plans Senate launch for next week Gov. Jim Justice is planning to launch a long-awaited campaign against Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) next week, handing Republicans […]

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A silver lining of Trumpism

Filed in National by on April 22, 2023 1 Comment
A silver lining of Trumpism

If Trump can be credited for having accomplished anything positive, it is the fact that he shredded and, indeed, incinerated the idea that Republican christians are …you know… christian.  Being lectured by sychopaths about how Godly there were was extremely tiresome.   Trump killed the ‘values voter’ wing of the GOP. It isn’t coming back in […]

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Texas is not holding anything back

Filed in National by on April 21, 2023 0 Comments

Today the Texas Senate passed a bill to force every public school classroom in the state to prominently display a copy of the Ten Commandments, and set prayer and bible reading times during the school day. In times like this I return to the constitution for comfort. …promote the general welfare of people we like, […]

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Carney to Run for Carper’s Senate Seat – Rumor Watch

Filed in National by on April 20, 2023 27 Comments
Carney to Run for Carper’s Senate Seat – Rumor Watch

I’ve heard it now from two unaffiliated sources, so I take it to be good news.  Carney has a resume that reads like an unimproved  1998 micro-soft word resume template.  He has all the charisma of an abandoned dishwasher, and would certainly lose a contested primary.    

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DL Open Thread Wednesday April 19 2023

Filed in National by on April 19, 2023 17 Comments

What happens when you get a bunch of old dumbfucks all juiced up on fear and racism, then shove guns in their hands?  America happens.   Shoot first….for FREEDOM! Amid a nationwide rise in homicides, a new study has found that “stand your ground” laws – which allow people to respond to threats with potentially lethal force without fear […]

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