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Great Obama Ad

Filed in National by on October 30, 2008 8 Comments

I believe that this is in response to using Joe Biden’s voiceover against Obama.  Nice.

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The Phillies Are World Champions!

Filed in Sports by on October 29, 2008 12 Comments

Need I say more?

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New Yorker Debunks Socialism Charge

Filed in National by on October 28, 2008 7 Comments

Over at The New Yorker, Herdrik Herzberg lays out the socialism argument in all of its glory and they shows us that there isn’t much difference between McCain2000 and Obama2008 on that front.  Oh and the real socialist candidate is Sarah Palin. Let me forewarn Dominique, the author uses the word cudgel.  For Dominiques’ convenience, […]

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The Curse of Billy Penn Makes It’s Last Stand

Filed in Sports by on October 27, 2008 6 Comments

You knew this wasn’t going to be easy.  The Phils are but a few innings from winning the World Series and destiny is battling the Curse of William Penn.  For those of you not from around here, there is a statue of William Penn on the top of Philadelphia City Hall.  For decades, the rule […]

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Breaking: Ted Stevens Guilty

Filed in National by on October 27, 2008 20 Comments

Thanks go to MJ for pointing out that Ted Stevens has been found guilty on all counts.

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The Significance of Insignificant People

Filed in National by on October 24, 2008 20 Comments

The insignificant person that I am speaking of is, of course, Ashley Todd.  Ms. Todd, a Texan working on the McCain Campaign was in Pittsburgh when she made the accusation that a black Obama supporter had attacked her for her choice for President.  Drudge jumped on it.  This is to be expected.  Drudge’s stock and […]

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Liveblogging a Bill Lee Town Hall Meeting

Filed in Delaware by on October 24, 2008 6 Comments

I just got the call from Bill Lee to be in a town hall meeting.  I’m going to liveblog it as it goes. So far he sounds a little tired and apparently Markell is personally wealthy. 7:27 talking about small businesses.  The questioner sounded like a plant. 7:30 Angry Red Clay school district grandparent calling […]

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Diana McWilliams Resigning

Filed in Delaware by on October 24, 2008 20 Comments

Mike Matthews broke the news in our comments section because you can’t get to his site. Diana McWilliams is retiring to take a job in New Mexico, but she is currently running unopposed.  So just when we thought this would be over in a week and a half, we will be right back to a […]

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The DelawareLiberal Interview of Matt Denn: Part 2

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2008 0 Comments

This is the second part of our interview with Matt Denn. Listen Here.

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St. Louis Loves Some Obama

Filed in National by on October 18, 2008 16 Comments
St. Louis Loves Some Obama

In 2004, John Kerry lost Missouri by about 200,000 votes. Today, Obama held a rally in St. Louis, MO.  100,000 people showed up to see Barack Obama speak under the Gateway Arch.  That is a whole lot of anti-American Americans in one place. Photo courtesy of

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Workforce Housing Roundup

Filed in Delaware by on October 17, 2008 3 Comments

Chuck Mulholland is doing yeomans work down below the canal. Hardly a day goes by that he isn’t mailing something out to a hundred people.  He has been urging people to keep the comments section buzzing on the News Journal’s website, he has forced a statement out of Coons and Clark, and now he has […]

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Obama Bucks: Paying for Racism

Filed in National by on October 16, 2008 97 Comments
Obama Bucks: Paying for Racism

For the past week or two we have been talking about how the race card has been played by the McCain Campaign.  We have been attacked, saying that we see racism everywhere.  Have no doubt, some in the Republican party believe that race baiting is a winning strategy. In California, a Republican Women’s group has […]

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What Would Pat Robertson Do?

Filed in Delaware by on October 15, 2008 29 Comments

I got a little tip last night about one of the Republicans running for the house this year.  It seems that this would-be politician got his MBA from Regent University.  For those of you unfamiliar with Regent, it was founded by Pat Robertson to teach “Christian leadership to change the world.”  Regent became famous when […]

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