A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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Thursday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on September 2, 2010 2 Comments
Thursday’s Asshat of the Day

She’s been mentioned and viewed on today’s Open Thread and she is deserving of today’s Asshat of the Day award. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, seen here (on the left) with two of her aides, not only showed Arizona how unprepared she is to continue in office, but she also has some serious ethics issues. As […]

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Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on September 1, 2010 1 Comment

Today’s award goes to Bill Keller, the unordained “pastor” and “brains” behind LivePrayer.com. Seems Bill, a convicted felon (insider trading) has decided to open a 9/11 Christian Center near Ground Zero. No problem there – the more, the merrier. But Keller’s ministry is one of hate. He hates gays. He hates Muslims. He hates the […]

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Tuesday’s Asshats of the Day

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 31, 2010 8 Comments

No commentary needed. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht8PmEjxUfg&feature=channel[/youtube]

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Monday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in International by on August 30, 2010 7 Comments

I’m going out on a limb here today with my award (and maybe facing “excommunication”), for I am going to be taking on the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel. First some background. Judaism, unlike other religions, does not have a political hierarchy. Rabbi’s do not report to a senior rabbi, who reports to more […]

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This is What August 28 Will Always Mean to Me

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 27, 2010 17 Comments

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbUtL_0vAJk&feature=player_embedded#![/youtube] I still get chills whenever I listen to this speech. I only wish those “patriots” gathering on the Mall tomorrow would do the same, and actually LISTEN to what Dr. King was saying.

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Friday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on August 27, 2010 12 Comments

I woke up this morning, looked at the calendar, and could have sworn that we were still in 2010. But it seems that school officials in Nettleton, MS have gone back in time, all the way back to the early 1960’s. In a memo to students the races for class officers are to be apportioned […]

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Thursday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on August 26, 2010 3 Comments

While I could award this to the Potters for their lousy handling of contract-gate and the ethical questions it has raised, enough is being said about it on another thread. So, in preparation for this weekend’s public teabagging event on the National Mall, today’s winner is Glenn Beck.  Not for organizing his rally to self-aggrandizement, […]

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Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on August 25, 2010 3 Comments

It seems that a day doesn’t go by when some politician somewhere compares a foe to either a communist or Hitler. Today’s asshat, Carl Paladino, who is running for the Republican nomination for Governor in New York, doesn’t like Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.  He considers Silver to be “the most corrupt and incompetent human being […]

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Tuesday’s Asshats of the Day

Filed in Delaware by on August 24, 2010 12 Comments

Another day, another group award.  It seems as though the Urquhart and O’Donnell camps have a plan for illegals.  Both campaigns decided to show their lily-white faces at a Hispanic festival this past weekend down here.  Good for them – seems they were seeking votes outside of their usual supporters.  But appearances can, and were, […]

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Monday’s Asshats of the Day

Filed in National by on August 23, 2010 11 Comments

Without a doubt, today’s co-winners are doing everything they can to stoke the misinformation about President Obama’s religion. Franklin Graham and Mitch McConnell do themselves or our country any great service by questioning the President’s religion.  They only add fuel to the fire of the anti-Islamic movement that seems to be growing in this country.  […]

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Friday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on August 20, 2010 7 Comments

Sorry for missing yesterday – got busy with work and a thank you reception for the former chair of the Board of Governors of the Sussex Family YMCA who is battling terminal bone marrow cancer. Our awardee today is a joint award – Senator David Viter and his aide, Brent Furer.  I’m sure all of […]

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Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on August 18, 2010 1 Comment

These awards are getting easier each day. We here at DL already skewered today’s winner earlier this week for his one-on-one with Anderson Cooper regarding terror babies. But Congressman Louid Gohmert is even crazier than we thought. Check out this video from The Daily Show:  www.thedailyshow.com/watch/tue-august-17-2010/jon-stewart—anderson-cooper-look-at-gaping-holes—security. But Louie, Louie, Louie, Looooeeeeee, you keep digging that […]

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Tuesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in Delaware by on August 17, 2010 7 Comments

Without a doubt, today’s recipient deserves it for many, many things he’s said.  But Bill Colley of WGMD, the self-proclaimed “Talk of Delmarva,” has totally lost it.  He’s lost all claims to being a voice for even those who call themselves conservative in our state.  He has exposed himself as the jingoist and demagogue that […]

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