
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Breaking: O’Donnell Will Be At Tonight’s Forum

Filed in Delaware by on September 16, 2010 20 Comments

Christine O’Donnell will attend tonight’s JCC forum according to Evan Q. speaking to Rick Jensen right now! I’m really going to try and get there tonight!

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Did I Hear This Correctly?

Filed in Delaware by on September 15, 2010 44 Comments

Evan Q was just on Rick Jensen’s show, and I think I heard this: Evan said O’Donnell would probably attend the debate tomorrow night if the questions were provided beforehand.  Jensen was shocked, started saying that he had never run a debate where the candidate had the questions beforehand, and then… they immediately went to […]

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Last Night I Was Shocked, Today It Makes Sense

Filed in Delaware by on September 15, 2010 20 Comments

Last night I couldn’t believe Christine O’Donnell beat Mike Castle.  I walked around stunned.  How could this happen?  And then I realized what happened.  Why wouldn’t she win?  For far too many years the entire Republican Party has fed their supporters a steady diet of issue-less tripe.  They’ve run on liberty, freedom, real America, family […]

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Delaware Liberal Primary Endorsements

Filed in National by on September 13, 2010 54 Comments

We know you’ve been waiting in anticipation! Here’s where we stand. In tomorrow’s Democratic primary, we endorse….

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Senior Delaware GOP Official Recieves Death Threat

Filed in National by on September 10, 2010 25 Comments

I have just received an email sent to a Senior GOP Official (unnamed).  The individual who sent the email signed his own name and used his own email account.  The email is posted below: “Subject: You deserve a bullet in the head! Dear [Senior GOP Official], It is one thing to have your country screwed over […]

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Christine Loves Her Some Innuendo

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2010 17 Comments

Pass the popcorn!  And break out those… man-pants? O’Donnell appeared last on Mark Levin’s radio show, and fired back at an FEC complaint that was filed by the Delaware Republican Party, which supports Castle, alleging that she has illegally coordinated her campaign activities with the Tea Party Express. “You know, these are the kind of […]

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This Guy Really, Really, Really Wants To Be Treasurer

Filed in National by on September 9, 2010 14 Comments

You know… two years ago this behavior would have seem odd (and shocking) to me.  Now it’s what I’m coming to expect from the GOP.  Oh no!  I’m becoming desensitized to crazy! Wonder if he won?

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Filed in National by on September 9, 2010 16 Comments

“Pastor” Jones is only a symptom of the real problem. Speaking just now on MSNBC James Zogby made a very good point — and pressed Andrea Mitchell on it. His point was that sure, this Pastor Jones fool is one guy, who’s managed to get worldwide attention for his stunt.  But you cannot separate him, […]

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A Little Birdie Told Me To Tune In To WDEL This Afternoon

Filed in Delaware by on September 7, 2010 6 Comments

Actually, the birdie sent me a copy of an email: Common Sense Communities Society Executive Director Evan Queitsch will be appearing on the Rick Jensen show on Tuesday September 7th at 1:30PM.  He will be discussing the many Delaware races especially the U.S. Senate Race with Christine O’Donnell.  You can be sure that he will […]

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O’Donnell Graduates!

Filed in Delaware by on September 3, 2010 24 Comments

Our gal of the week, Christine O’Donnell finally recieved her degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.   And in typical O’Donnell fashion there’s conflicting stories… Citing privacy reasons, Giglio [assistant director of public relations at the Madison, N.J] could not explain the reasoning behind the timing, but O’Donnell’s campaign manager said Friday the candidate met a final […]

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Cenk Uygur Rocks

Filed in National by on September 3, 2010 7 Comments

The video below should be required viewing for every Dem politician.  This is how to fight back. Republicans want to eliminate Social Security (and Medicare/Medicaid).  And why Democrats aren’t screaming this fact from the rooftops (like Cenk) escapes me.  More of this, please!

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Hurricane Earl – Batten Down The Hatches… Or Not?

Filed in Delaware by on September 1, 2010 14 Comments

Hurricane Watch issued for the Delaware beaches and Sussex County. And the latest models show the storm moving west, or closer to the shore.

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More Terrorizing Of Muslims

Filed in National by on August 26, 2010 14 Comments

Looks like this is the path we’re on… NEW YORK — In the latest in a spate of anti-Muslim incidents over the last two days, an intoxicated man entered a mosque in Queens on Wednesday evening and proceeded to urinate on prayer rugs, New York police officials said. The man, identified as Omar Rivera, reportedly […]

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