
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Longing For The Days Of The Child Bride

Filed in National by on September 17, 2009 13 Comments

Michael Gerson’s Washington Post’s Lost In A World Without Courtship article is silly and shallow.  It also completely ignores one of the major factors determining when people decide to marry.  Economics. But the facts of life for 20-somethings are challenging. Puberty — mainly because of improved health — comes steadily sooner. Sexual activity kicks off […]

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A Love Letter To Tyler Nixon

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 15, 2009 27 Comments

My Darling Tyler, I was so disappointed I couldn’t call in to the Rick Jensen Show yesterday.  Needless to say, I rarely listen to Mr. Jensen, but just the thought of you hosting  the show – with that melodious radio voice – sent my heart racing.   But in between my sighs (and errands and kids […]

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What “Balanced” Means Inside The Beltway

Filed in National by on September 11, 2009 2 Comments

Glenn Greenwald has a must-read piece dissecting how journalists seem incapable of calling out one party for craziness without balancing out the criticism with a but they do it to comparison – no matter if it’s deserved or not. Thus, Politico publishes an article discussing the fact that the Right is dominated by crackpots and […]

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Funny… Except I Can (and Have) See It Happening

Filed in National by on September 10, 2009 0 Comments

Here’s a taste of a post at kos called Probable beltway evolution of Wilson’s “You Lie“ Ezra Klein Joe Wilson’s “you lie” comment might be a great boon to the Democrats in their bid to pass health care. EVOLVES TO Michael Scherer ( Joes Wilson broke decorum when he screamed “you lie” which may come […]

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Guest Post: RSmitty’s Thoughts On Last Night

Filed in National by on September 10, 2009 36 Comments

Editor’s note:  RSmitty emailed the following post to Delaware Liberal. I have a high-level of self-regulation when it comes to principles and morals.  In June 2009, I switched my party registration from Republican to Unaffiliated, largely in part to my intended disassociation from those who were gaining control of the national-party platform.  I have been […]

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Live Blog Obama’s Speech – NOW!

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 9, 2009 25 Comments

We’ll be live-blogging President Obama’s speech tonight.

Please join us!

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Baucus Has Lost His Ever-Lovin’ Mind

Filed in National by on September 9, 2009 7 Comments

No public option plus a mandate that everyone buys insurance plus a fine of up to 3,800.00 for those who don’t purchase insurance equals disaster… and protests Tea Baggers could only dream of achieving.

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I Think There’s A Lot More Of This Republican Congressional Birther Support Then We Realize

Filed in National by on September 9, 2009 7 Comments

Rep. Jean Schmidt her “Birther” street cred. [youtube][/youtube] Does she really believe this, or is she simply intimidated by her own base?  Either way this has gotten completely out of hand. (h/t Balloon Juice)

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Open Thread – September 9, 2009

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on September 9, 2009 0 Comments

Knock yourselves out.

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How Is This Not A Strip Search?

Filed in National by on September 9, 2009 10 Comments

I’m getting tired of these stories, and have even gone as far to tell my children to disobey any school administrator/teacher that tells them to remove their clothing.  Who would have thought that I’d have to add don’t listen to a school administrator/teacher when they tell you to strip to my do not talk to […]

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The Kids Are Alright

Filed in National by on September 8, 2009 4 Comments

Check out these letters from Tampa Bay students.  I’m feeling positive about the kids. Rachel Lubitz, 17, Countryside High senior [Her closing paragraph – she nails the high schoolish behavior] What I would most like to applaud President Obama on is taking the time to look at this new generation from ages 5 to 18 […]

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For Crying Out Loud, Read The Speech!

Filed in National by on September 7, 2009 39 Comments

Here is a copy of President Obama’s speech for Tuesday.  Scary stuff, I can see what all the outrage is about. Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Back to School Event Arlington, Virginia September 8, 2009 The President: Hello everyone – how’s everybody doing today? I’m here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And […]

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Let’s Just Say What This Is

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 7, 2009 27 Comments

All the hysteria about Tuesday’s speech isn’t about the content of the speech, or one line from the suggested lesson plan, or the loss of class time.  It’s about Obama. The time line is quite telling.  News hits that Obama will address school children and the freak-out begins with talk of Obama indoctrinating school children […]

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