
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Tea Parties Could Backfire On Republicans

Filed in National by on April 13, 2009 9 Comments

Well, they wanted our attention, and now they’ve got it.  All eyes, cameras and microphones will be on Wednesday’s Tea Parties, and if I were a Republican I’d be very nervous.  For the last few weeks we’ve seen snippets of what’s to come – and it ain’t pretty.  Although I will give conservatives credit.  They’ve […]

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Monday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on April 13, 2009 4 Comments

Today’s a traveling day for me, but if you’re looking for inspiration check out DV’s imagine if you changed one word post here, DelawareDem’s posts and insightful analysis here and here, ‘Bulo’s whale of a tale here as well as his thought provoking post about Lincoln, and Jason’s Republicans are the butt of the joke […]

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Quote Of The Day

Filed in National by on April 13, 2009 4 Comments

Today’s G.O.P. is, after all, very much a minority party. It retains some limited ability to obstruct the Democrats, but has no ability to make or even significantly shape policy. Beyond that, Republicans have become embarrassing to watch. And it doesn’t feel right to make fun of crazy people. Better, perhaps, to focus on the […]

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Sunday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 12, 2009 2 Comments

The Obamas get a dog and the newspapers write the obligatory “pet” articles. Pastor Warren is too exhausted to talk.  Hey, maybe miracles really do happen! And it’s really a good thing we don’t have big problems or we wouldn’t have time to worry about important things. Meanwhile, Dobson admits defeat in the culture wars. […]

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Saturday’s Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 11, 2009 13 Comments

Busy today, so I’m counting on you to… Amuse and amaze us! Have at it.

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Friday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, International, National by on April 10, 2009 9 Comments

It’s been a busy week at DL and across the blogosphere.  Cassandra reminds us that Tea bagging is all the rage, while DelawareDem has outdone himself with this week’s Around The Horn.  LG waxes lyrical over Jensen in a post that brought tears to my eyes, and Jason compiles a poll that begs the option […]

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Pat Buchanan Ends Up Saying The Pope Is Wrong

Filed in National by on April 10, 2009 6 Comments

Talk about contradicting yourself.  Buchanan is a mess by the end of this take-down by Lawrence O’Donnell.

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The Virgin Ideal

Filed in National by on April 10, 2009 38 Comments

There’s been a lot of talk about virgins lately and the stigma attached to sexually active women.  As usual, Amanda Marcotte, at Pandagon, has written a piece for TPM that’s definitely worth a read.  It’s based on a book entitled The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virgintiy is Hurting Young Women.  I’ve included Amazon’s […]

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Pointless vs Counterpoint

Filed in National by on April 8, 2009 2 Comments

Pointless… Must everything be the end of the world?  Conservatives need to learn that less is more. vs Counterpoint…

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Vermont Legalizes Gay Marriage

Filed in National by on April 7, 2009 4 Comments

And overides a veto to do it! The Vermont House of Representatives passed the bill by a 100-49 vote after it cleared the state Senate 23-5 earlier in the day. In Vermont, a bill needs two-thirds support in each chamber to override a veto. Look at those numbers.  That’s not a slim margin, that’s the […]

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Michele Bachmann Has Serious Problems

Filed in National by on April 6, 2009 32 Comments

She needs mental help, and I’m not kidding. I believe that there is a very strong chance that we will see that young people will be put into mandatory service. And the real concerns is that there are provisions for what I would call re-education camps for young people, where young people have to go […]

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I’ve said It Before… Let Them Filibuster

Filed in National by on April 6, 2009 16 Comments

Via Think Progress: A reliable Justice Department source advises me that Senate Republicans are planning to “go nuclear” over the nominations of Dawn Johnsen as chief of the Office of Legal Counsel in the Department of Justice and Yale Law School Dean Harold Koh as State Department legal counsel if the torture documents are made […]

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The Times They Are A Changin’

Filed in National by on April 6, 2009 51 Comments

I expect to see gay marriage and marijuana legalized in my lifetime.  (I really liked typing that sentence.) I’ve been feeling this way for quite some time, and, luckily for me, Nate Silver does the math. Nate on gay marriage: Unsurprisingly, there is a very strong correspondence between the religiosity of a state and its […]

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