Open Thread

Thursday Open Thread [1.19.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 19, 2012 23 Comments

So long Rick Perry. We hardly knew thee. Thank God for that. What is with Presidential candidates quitting in the middle of the week, only days before the next primary. I understand dropping out right after a poor or less then expected showing in a primary, but why right before a primary? You would think that Perry and Huntsman would like to have see how they did in South Carolina. Meanwhile…. Newtmentum II?

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Wednesday Open Thread [1.18.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 18, 2012 26 Comments

One thing that really stands out in the new PPP poll is the extent to which President Obama has claimed the middle. He’s up 68-27 on Romney with moderates. He also leads by 20 points with voters under 45, a group there’s been some concern about slippage with, and he has a 66-30 advantage with Hispanics. If that’s true, the election will not be close.

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Tuesday Open Thread [1.17.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 17, 2012 9 Comments

So apparently there was another godforsaken Republican debate on last night. I was watching Betty White’s roast so I missed it. Not that I have ever watched a GOP debate live (I see the clips afterwards though, and that is painful enough). But I hear that Romney had his worst debate, was painfully evasive even for him, and that Gingrich was throwing red meat to the lions and getting a raptureous response for it. Some pundits now think the performance will boost Gingrich as we head into Saturday’s primary.

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Monday Open Thread [1.16.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 16, 2012 5 Comments

“He was simply unwillingly to make the Faustian bargains with the Right that Romney has so willingly made.” David Axelrod, on Jon Huntsman leaving the Presidential race.

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Sunday Open Thread [1.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 15, 2012 89 Comments

We got two new polls showing Mitt Romney surging and Gingrich dropping. Looks like the Bain attacks backfired on Gingrich. Republicans love vulture capitalists and firing middle and working class people. Therefore, Romney is their hero. We also have Stephen Colbert’s latest campaign ad. It’s hilarious.

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Saturday Open Thread [1.14.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 14, 2012 6 Comments

So John Edwards has some kind of heart condition. Apparently, its a real one and not some kind of hyped up condition like what Junior Soprano did when he was on trial.

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Friday the 13th Open Thread [1.13.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 13, 2012 9 Comments
Friday the 13th Open Thread [1.13.12]

The Mitt Romney Tax Plan.


A blowjob for the wealthy, and a f*ck you to everyone else.

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Thursday Open Thread [1.12.12] (Updated)

Filed in Open Thread by on January 12, 2012 2 Comments

President Obama raised $68 million combined for his re-election campaign and the Democratic Party during the final three months of 2011, raising his 2011 total to $250 million. And we are getting general election matchups polled again, showing Obama leading all GOP candidates.

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Wednesday Open Thread [1.11.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 11, 2012 10 Comments

We apologize for not having an open thread during the horrible evil Denial of Service attack yesterday. You will never know what compilation of polling goodness, wits and wisdoms I had planned to post. Oh well. So Mitt Romney won New Hampshire, so what’s next?

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Monday Open Thread [1.9.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 9, 2012 2 Comments

For the first time, the Gallup daily tracking poll shows Mitt Romney breaking through his previous ceiling of support. Romney now leads the Republican presidential field with 31%, followed by Rick Santorum at 18%, Newt Gingrich at 16%, Ron Paul at 13%, Rick Perry at 6% and Jon Huntsman at 1%. “Those of us who […]

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Sunday Open Thread [1.8.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 8, 2012 17 Comments

A new Public Policy Polling survey in South Carolina has Mitt Romney leading, but not as big of a lead as with other recent polls. Romney leads with 30%, followed by Newt Gingrich at 23%, Rick Santorum at 19%, Ron Paul at 9%, Rick Perry at 5%, Jon Huntsman at 4%, and Buddy Roemer at 1%. Now, keep in mind that South Carolina is the LAST chance for any of these horrible alternatives to Romney to pull off a win. If Romney wins South Carolina, the nomination is his.

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Saturday Open Thread [1.7.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 7, 2012 5 Comments

So Romney is heading for a blow out win in New Hampshire, although one poll show a Huntsman surge. But it is probably an outlier, and even in that poll, Romney still leads with 37. After New Hampshire, Huntsman drops out. The conservative remains divided until South Carolina between Perry, Gingrich, Perry and Santorum. Which is why Romney is leading in South Carolina, aided by a polling boost from a “win” in Iowa. If Romney wins there, it’s all over.

And conservatives will be left a candidate they absolutely hate.

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Friday Open Thread [1.6.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 6, 2012 4 Comments

We finally have an Obama conspiracy theory that makes sense.

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