Tag: 2008 Presidential
McCain On His Way To Being A Penny Stock
Intrade now shows: Obama at 85 McCain at 15.2 (Be sure to click though to see their EV Predictions map — Obama has 364 votes to McCain’s 174)
Steve Newton gives the Delaware Blogosphere a spanking
If you haven’t read Steve’s post over at Delaware Libertarian you should. And even though it’s obvious he doesn’t have a horse in this race he makes some valid points. Now allow me to add a few of my own. Has this election season become overly divisive? Yes. I won’t argue with that point, instead […]
Good News You Haven’t (Really) Heard Yet
BushCo signs the paperwork for a transition. The mess this man leaves means that the next President has a quite unenviable job on his hands. It is really clear that John McCain is not only not up to the job, he doesn’t even care about fixing the mess. Our long national nightmare is almost over. […]
Could McCain’s Campaign be any worse?
I can’t believe I was actually nervous when Republicans picked John McCain as their nominee. Deserved, or not, McCain’s maverick reputation was carved in stone, and he was well liked by Independents and moderate Democrats. Admittedly, this drove me crazy. Hell, there were some people who actually believed he was “pro-choice”. Nuts. Now that reputation […]
Somebody is going to get hurt…
… Unless Republicans step up to the plate and put a stop to John McCain and Sarah Palin’s attempts to fire up the crowd. Normally, this responsibility would fall to John McCain, but as this seems to be his entire campaign strategy I’m not counting on him doing the right thing. And you know what? […]
Ed Rollins Calls It for Obama
Wow. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFDyalnTJbs[/youtube] Ed Rollins was the Campaign Manager for Ronald Reagan’s campaigns — he was an adept practitioner of the Southern Strategy and Lee Atwater worked for him. Rollins is a rat bastard, but he is a smart and politically astute rat bastard and he seems to be looking past this election now asking McCain […]
McCain needs to man up or shut up
Sometimes someone says exactly what you want to say… only better. John Cole nails it. John McCain is not man enough to own his shit. John McCain will not openly confront Obama with his smears and lies and innuendo. John McCain will not come out and talk about Ayers, he has to be asked. That […]
McCain To Quit
(DL News Wire) – In a stunning move John McCain will announce today that he is quitting the Presidential campaign, said several high-ranking campaign staffers. After admitting defeat in Michigan last week, McCain quietly shut down all the campaign offices in the rest of the 49 states on Wednesday. While on the Straight Talk Express, […]
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