Tag: Bacon!
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Baconfest!

It has been a really long time since I’ve done this — but with the excitement of the Queen opening and the Ignite Wilmington event and other things going on in Wilmington, I thought I’d post up a report on the Chicago Baconfest. Because we *need* one here in Wilmington.
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Sizzling Bacon Rap
A Bacon Rap song? Everything else in th world is being made of bacon, but some people have too much time on their hands here:
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Wishing for a DL Road Trip Edition

There was a great article in the Philly News this week telling the world how the amazing DiBruno Bros is stepping up to add artisan bacon to its truely wondrous food offerings:
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — You’re Doing It All Wrong Edition
Cooking your bacon, that is, according to this video from Chowhound (there is a quick commercial at the beginning): But there’s lots of ways to cook bacon and lots of partisans for those methods too. I’ve cooked LOTS of bacon for events in the oven — you get uniformly flat and crispy bacon (think of […]
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Ambitious Party Appetizers Edition!

So everyone is working on plans for football parties and today we have two interesting ideas. First up, Bacon Chicken Narwhal. What’s that, you ask? Take a look
Bulo Remembers 2009-Best of the Web
At least according to the surfers at URLesque. For example, I had never heard of Ben Huh and The Cheezburger Network before. But after reading the profile, I think the Urlie Lifetime Achievement Award is well-earned. And, who can argue with the winner in the Best Single-Topic Blog: Awkward Family Photos? Oh, and I’m especially […]
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Bacon Stops Climate Change

Well, not entirely, but scientists have succeeded in growing pork in a lab — meaning that if you could persuade the pork factory farms to switch and become pork laboratories one source of emissions is eliminated. Change.org notes that:
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Thanksgiving Bacon!

Bacon-Wrapped Turkey with Pear Cider Gravy. Doesn’t that sound good? I’m seriously rethinking my own Thanksgiving turkey preparation (fresh turkey, honey brine, stuffed with fresh herbs and roasted on the grill) for this one featuring bacon.
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Bacon Tiara

Many of us went to the Jefferson Jackson Dinner this week to see President Bill Clinton and to see what political rumors we could pick up — but we also went thinking that we’d have one of those rare chances to hang with RSmitty and Mrs. RSmitty. Why? Because we were really, really, really sure that Smitty would be sporting one of these:
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Hangover Cures!

Just in time for the holiday party season, just one more reason for bacon — it helps you recover from hangovers:
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Unnatural Obsessions Edition
This video is from a TV show called The State. Never heard of it. But this is a funny skit and I’m looking for Smitty to step up and confess how much of his own life looks like this: [googlevideo]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5933487992252736220[/googlevideo]
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Bacon Cake!

Bacon Slab Cake, that is. Just when you think this bacon thing can’t get any weirder, her comes someone to actually make a cake that looks like it:
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Apocolypse Now
Just one word — Doughnutburger. Doughnutburger with Bacon. Have mercy. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjaNYbPEydw[/youtube] On The Other Hand! This is road-trip worthy — the Week o’ Bacon at 3 Bar and Grill in Arlington, VA. Awesome — Bacon Crusted Mahi Mahi (wish I knew what bacon powder was) and the dessert! Bacon-stuffed waffles with maple bacon icing — […]
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