Tag: Delaware

Day 15: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in National by on February 12, 2009 6 Comments

No Genuine “Town Hall” Meetings Since April 2007 I did some research and it seems that at around 10:30 a.m. on April 13, 2007 Mike Castle discussed the risks of skin cancer with a group of about ten Delawareans who were not CEO’s of fortune 500 companies. That was the last meeting that was announced […]

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Lincoln and Darwin Anniversaries

Filed in National by on February 12, 2009 10 Comments
Lincoln and Darwin Anniversaries

Today marks the 200th anniversary of two men, one is perhaps the greatest President of the United States and the other is one of the greatest scientific minds this world has seen.

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Comment Rescue: Complete Nonsense

Filed in National by on February 8, 2009 11 Comments

Liz says… Coryan just announced it on cspan this morning…and yes he said, “we have republican in the house who is going to run for the Senate, that is Mike Castle of Delaware”. Now you tell me where you get your stamp it, book it, file it? Here is how the wishful thinking went down: […]

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A Glance at the DE-wingnut-osphere train wreck

Filed in National by on February 7, 2009 12 Comments

Hube lost his little online vanity contest. Better luck next year Champ! Maybe you should update your testimonials? Or, oh I don’t know…don’t suck so much. I’m mad at myself for ignoring the comedy goldmine that is commonsensepoliticalthought.com for so long. Ryan Silberstein… still yet to enlist to fight off the Muslim-y hords. Hmmm? Busy […]

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UPDATED: Carper Vote Watch

Filed in National by on February 6, 2009 27 Comments

UPDATE: Carper is a jerk. Shocking! From Jen Hill, SEIU: As of last night our Senator Carper has signed on to the Nelson Collins amendment. The amendment will reduce the overall spending and significantly reduce public school spending, IDEA, head start and the state stabilization fund. As you all know Delaware is in dire financial […]

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Day 9: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on February 6, 2009 16 Comments
Day 9: Mike Castle’s Betrayal of Delaware

Congressman Mike Castle is part of the American Taliban, also known as the Republican Party.

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Former Penn State QB signs with Delaware

Filed in National by on February 4, 2009 1 Comment

Prior to this year I thought Keeler was pretty good at spotting under appreciated QB talent. NEWARK, Del. (AP) — Former Penn State quarterback Pat Devlin has signed with Delaware, where he’ll try to follow Joe Flacco’s path to the NFL. Devlin will be able to play immediately and have two years of eligibility left […]

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This Very Moment (8:23 am Tuesday)

Filed in National by on February 3, 2009 5 Comments

Mike Castle is meeting with Delaware’s business leaders. I wonder if he is rebuking them for being so greedy and short sighted?

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Perfunctory Super Bowl Post

Filed in National by on January 30, 2009 13 Comments
Perfunctory Super Bowl Post

I liked the ’74/75 Steelers so I guess I’ll root for them because Chuck Knoll will be happy if they win. Doesn’t Franco Harris look like Gabe Kaplan? They could be brothers.

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Mike Castle Must Pay A Price For His Vote Against the Economic Recovery/ QOD

Filed in National by on January 28, 2009 56 Comments
Mike Castle Must Pay A Price For His Vote Against the Economic Recovery/ QOD

So how do we make sure Mike Caste pays a price for stabbing Delaware in the back?

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UPDATED: Mike Castle Joins With Democrats To Call For Larger Federal Role In Insurance Regulation

Filed in National by on January 28, 2009 15 Comments

This is some kind of window dressing or ass covering. Obviously I have been duped by Mike Castle and his staff who are low life lying ass losers. When I say Castle is a “grown up” I’m talking about stuff like this. A Delaware congressman is among a group of seven urging new Treasury Secretary […]

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A Real CBO Report on the Stimulus!

Filed in National by on January 27, 2009 5 Comments

Just don’t tell these guys. And, as Think Progress notes, even the so-called intellectuals in the conservative room don’t know that there is a real report. According to this, AEI denizen Phil Levy writes a blog post today proudly claiming to be one of the Bad Faith Economists that Krugman has called out recently. Note […]

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Eminent Domain: Nemski’s Letter and Denn’s Response

Filed in Delaware by on January 27, 2009 76 Comments

Dear Lt. Governor: At the Delaware Liberal Inaugural Ball, you asked bloggers to help keep you honest, to keep your feet to the fire. Well, Mr. Denn, I am happy to oblige. On Monday, you held a press conference with representatives of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce as well as the AFL-CIO and you […]

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