Tag: John Carney

Final Appeal – 2Q Fundraising

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 30, 2010 1 Comment

Today is the 2nd quarter deadline for giving to candidates. Help make Congress progressive!

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John Carney Interviews with Starboard Broadside

Filed in National by on May 28, 2010 0 Comments
John Carney Interviews with Starboard Broadside

The U of D student known as Cpt Robespierre interviewed John Carney about a week ago on a wide range of topics and posted them up at dKos (go rec this) and his own blog. He notes that the topics are these:

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John Carney Chosen For DCCC’s Red To Blue Program

Filed in National by on March 10, 2010 10 Comments

Former Lt. Gov John Carney has been chosen in the first group of “Red to Blue” candidates by the DCCC. This is good news for John Carney, because that means his race is being placed in high priority by the Democratic party. Chairman Van Hollen joined DCCC Vice Chair Bruce Braley (IA) and Red to […]

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Memo to Michele Rollins: Bring It On!

Filed in National by on March 10, 2010 49 Comments

Rethugs are virtually wetting themselves (except for the octogenarian Vicmead Hunt denizens, who really ARE wetting themselves) over the possible entrance of Michele Rollins into Delaware’s US House race. Michele Rollins earned her entree  into Greenville gigagazilionaire circles the old-fashioned way: She married into it. A dewy-eyed 1963 beauty queen (the dew formed in the […]

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Psst! Your Shallow Bench is Showing

Filed in Delaware by on February 20, 2010 8 Comments

Potential Republican Congressional candidate, Anthony Wedo dropped out of the race Friday.  I believe that this leaves only Fred Cullis, the guy who had a half dozen people (mostly family and volunteers) at his announcement.  They really have no one. I asked Charlie Copeland if he was running and he was pretty clear that he […]

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Rethugs Float Newark Developer as Carney Opponent

Filed in National by on January 16, 2010 3 Comments

Bill Stritzinger, whose main claim to fame appears to be trying to build 280 houses on the Newark Country Club site, has been seen making the rounds in Leg Hall, escorted by Monsignor Greg Lavelle, as a prelude to a candidacy against John Carney for the U. S. House of Reps seat. It makes perfect […]

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Republicans Score Political Points, Kill Jobs

Filed in Delaware by on December 22, 2009 8 Comments

This just in from the News Journal, an important partner for the wind turbine tower construction project has pulled out of a partnership with Delawind.  You may remember that Delawind was attacked by the right-wing here in Delaware because one of their principles is John Carney.  Delawind had applied for financing from the state to […]

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PPP: Carney Win Almost Guaranteed

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 7, 2009 27 Comments

While PPP polled the Delaware U.S. Senate race, they also polled the open U.S. House seat. Carney holds a commanding lead, and has somewhat low name recognition: Former Lieutenant Governor John Carney leads announced Republican candidate Fred Cullis by an overwhelming 47-24 margin and holds a solid 44-32 lead against better known potential Republican candidate […]

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wRong Willams, Clue — Clue, wRong Williams

Filed in National by on November 17, 2009 11 Comments
wRong Willams, Clue — Clue, wRong Williams

Update: The online News Journal dropped the following line from Williams’ column: And then, if some quirk of nature would defy all the universe and he would beat Carney, he would face former lieutenant governor, two-term governor and eight-term congressman Mike Castle. Also, I could not find a correction anywhere on the site. Now, I […]

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Down With Tyranny Evaluates John Carney

Filed in Delaware by on October 19, 2009 52 Comments

…with help from Progressive Democrats of Delaware and Delaware Liberal contributors. The writer here also runs the Blue Progressive PAC and was looking for some input from the locals on John Carney’s progressive cred. You can see the full blog post over at Down With Tyranny here. The key evaluation comes from Rebecca, I think:

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Stoopid Rethug Tricks: Blasting Carney on Day Castle Enters Race

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2009 11 Comments

Perhaps they’re playing three-dimensional chess at a level that only dogs can hear. But does this make any sense to you? John Carney, the guy who is running for the seat that Castle is leaving, gets blasted by some junior league RNC ‘wordsmith’ on what should be Mike Castle’s day: Andy Seré, spokesman for the National […]

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Carney Campaign Asking for $53 from You

Filed in Delaware by on May 21, 2009 4 Comments

I love teh social media. Yesterday I received an email on my Facebook from the Fan of John Carney for Congress page. The gist of the email (which is below the fold) was to ask John Carney supporters to donate $53 dollars to his campaign for congress at John Carney for Congress. Why $53? Because […]

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Castle Sees Writing On The Wall

Filed in Delaware by on April 29, 2009 11 Comments

One of the Washington Post articles on Obama’s 100 days focuses on Delaware Congressman Mike Castle and his friend, Republican Michigan Congressman Fred Upton and their vote against Obama’s budget in January. The money shot isn’t until the last two paragraphs when Castle is quoted as saying: I’m not giving the Republicans a lot of […]

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