Tag: Liberal Media
Wednesday Open Thread
Welcome to your daily Open Thread. Only two days til the weekend! When the weather will be better!
Roger Ailes Exposé in Rolling Stone
If you have 15 minutes, do yourself a favor and read the exposé of Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News in Rolling Stone. I had heard a good deal of the information before, but the story has been well researched and documented and weaved into a full picture of the man, his mindset and […]
Your Liberal Media Not At Work

The Washington Post swings and misses. As long as FoxNoise is the umpire is there really any hope for the “liberal” media?
A Note to the Media (and Comment Rescue)
a. price (one of our favorite commenters) points us to a link over at CBS News, where we find a journalist named Stephanie Condon who seems to be actually trolling freakin’ FACEBOOK to have something exciting to report about the Quitta from Wasilla, Sarah Palin. Facebook, people. This is what our highly paid news media […]
A Modest Proposal for the Media
One of my favorite media critics/scholars is Jay Rosen who has a proposal for fixing the mess that is the Sunday talk shows:
Note to the Media — The Science of Climate Change is NOT a Horserace
And I guess that I should cop to the fact that this note is to Allan Loudell who I heard do an appalling report on the tempest in a teapot that are these emails that wingnuts are insisting are some kind of catastrophe.
In this interview, Allan was speaking to a reported from the Christian Science Monitor and their entire conversation was largely organized to talk about climate change as though it is a horserace. Particularly appalling was a question I heard Allan ask ( paraphrasing) noting that there are scientists who are the gatekeepers of the journals and they don’t let the deniers publish — is there anyone who can be trusted to talk about this issue or to definitively answer the questions?
WSJ In the Bag for Obama
Who’d a thunk it? Windfall Taxes on Bank Bonuses Stimulus Fueled Much of Expansion Honestly, what is the world coming to?
Late Night Video — Two Dudes and a Webcam, Part II
Yep, this is brilliant — the Two Dudes in their bathrobes return to dis the WaPo for their seriously cheap contest looking for a new web pundit:
CNN Leaves It There
I am always in awe of how astute Jon Stewart and his writers are. This is an astonishingly good takedown of the entire cable culture — the focus on providing programming and information, bu not necessarily on providing any context (fact-checking, esp) for that information. Indulging themselves in the He Say/She Say without giving you any way of being able to evaluate that info.
Now This is How It’s Done
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has an interview with CNN where she is asked about the idiot John Bolton — and she just laughs: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0Uk8mUW7_8[/youtube] When they bring up their usual go-to pundits who are peddling the usual crazy and bamboozlement — you laugh at them. Treating them seriously just gets them more airtime. ps. […]
More Like This Please! — Factchecking Mike Pence
Rick Sanchez from CNN had on Eric Burns from Media Matters to fact check Mike Pence’s claim that he fought against both earmarks and excessive spending by BushCo and the Congress: Dear Liberal Media: Do way more of this. Thanks!
0 for 5 for Fox News
Fishbowl DC is keeping track of how many times Obama has been calling on Fox News in his press conferences. So far, it is 0 for 5 — calling on NO Fox reporters after 5 press conferences. EDIT: I didn’t read far enough to see that Fox did finally get a question yesterday. Which is […]
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