Tag: Open Thread
Weekend Open Thread
Only two more weekends until Christmas! Have you got your Christmas shopping finished? I’m definitely not finished. I think ‘Bulo is not the only listaholic around here. I found this through Facebook: The 10 Least Successful Holiday Specials Of All Time. Here’s my favorite: Ayn Rand’s A Selfish Christmas (1951) In this hour-long radio drama, […]
Friday Open Thread

Time for your open thread again. Type away and have fun! We’ve had an invasion of scientific “experts” lately, so I thought you might enjoy this. Wikileaks has the doctoral thesis of one Kent Hovind, in Christian Education from Patriot University. Kent Hovind is currently in prison for tax evasion (he forgot the part about […]
Thursday Open Thread
I’m in meeting hell today, so you’ll have to entertain yourselves. Have fun! Progressive hero Alan Grayson tells Cheney to STFU: Some early reviews of Justice Sotomayor are coming in and Clarence Thomas is not pleased. I tend to think this is a sign she’s doing something right. The decision was unanimous, but Justice Clarence […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Here’s an open thread for a rainy Wednesday. Here’s another bizzare GOP sex scandal story: “Green Balloons”. The former speaker of the Missouri House has been charged with a felony after what looks like a bout of sado-masochistic sex that went way too far. Details are still unconfirmed, we should note. But a woman appears […]
Tuesday Open Thread
It’s Tuesday and it’s already started out badly considering I had a 1.5 hour commute because of a huge I-95 traffic jam. Let’s open thread. This is interesting – was ACORN framed? Harshbarger also notes that the videos were sometimes less than perfect representations of the events they depict. He writes: The videos that have […]
Monday Open Thread
It’s Monday and it’s open thread time again. Babble away. More evidence our economy is improving: The Treasury Department expects to recover all but $42 billion of the $370 billion it has lent to ailing companies since the financial crisis began last year, with the portion lent to banks actually showing a slight profit, according […]
Weekend Open Thread
Are you enjoying your weekend so far? Are you snowed in? It’s snowing here but it’s not sticking yet. I’m glad I got my errands done before the snow hit! Do you know what your cat is doing while you’re away? Apparently it’s not sleeping, it’s mainly looking out windows. Fifty house cats were given […]
Friday Open Thread
TGIF! My Friday did not start out well. I overslept by an hour this morning and was rushing to get to work. I was only 15 minutes late though! So, what’s on your mind that you wouldn’t mind spilling to bunch of strangers on the internet? Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s re-election numbers look terrible […]
Thursday Open Thread
It’s time for today’s open thread so let’s get started. What’s on your mind? All I can say about this is delicious! Former Fox News anchor Eric Burns speaks out (I hear the David Andersons now – commie lib!): I speak out now because it is the time of year when one is supposed to […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Can you believe it’s Wednesday already? It seems like this week is flying by. It’s open thread time and it’s time to talk about whatever you feel like talking about. Defender of traditional serial marriage Rush Limbaugh is getting married for the fourth time. You know what they say, fourth time’s a charm! Congrats to […]
Tuesday Open Thread
It’s Tuesday and it’s December! Can you believe how fast this year went by? It’s time for an open thread to tell us what’s on your mind. Post away. Here’s a follow-up from yesterday’s story on Huckabee and his granting of clemency for (now deceased) alleged cop-killer Maurice Clemmons: In most cases, he followed the […]
Monday Open Thread
It’s Cyber Monday today, supposedly the biggest online shopping day. I suppose you’re all back at work ready to go? Well, it’s also open thread time and it’s time to tell us your thoughts. First, congratulations to Chelsea Clinton on her engagement: Chelsea Clinton is engaged to her longtime boyfriend Marc Mezvinsky, a spokesman for […]
Weekend Open Thread
Here’s an open thread for you while we all recover from our post-Thanksgiving family, food and/or alcohol hangovers. What’s on your mind? Do you remember when we talked about the hypothesis that the Higgs Boson was sabotaging the Large Hadron Collider. The sub-atomic saboteurs have decided to rest for a while because last week the […]
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