Tag: racism
Another Tale Of GOP Minority Outreach
Welcome to the North American DMZ: The Republican nominee for a New Mexico congressional seat suggested during a radio interview that the United States could place land mines along the Mexican border to secure the international boundary. Asked Monday to clarify, Tom Mullins emphasized that he does not advocate doing so. Mullins says border security […]
Arizona Proves What We All Knew…
… It’s about race. Maybe it’s time to admit that large chunks of America are in the hands of unreconstructed racists and vulgar idiots, and that the popular election of a black man as president just might’ve pushed these furious, economically doomed old white people into a final rage that is going to end very, […]
Is Rand Paul Racist?
Rand Paul believes that the government has no role in enforcing individual civil rights – only the free market can decide. Is this racist or utopian?
Another Tea Party Racist
Carl Paladino is a prominent Republican developer in Buffalo, New York. He’s a member of the Tea Party and has decided to run for governor. From Paladino’s own website: Mr. Paladino, 63, delivered a Palinesque populist message to a boisterous group of about 1,000 flag-waving supporters here, denouncing what he said was the government’s deepening […]
At Least He’s Consistent
I’m not sure why National Review‘s John Derbyshire doesn’t get more attention from the blogosphere. He’s not as prominent as other conservatives but he is a fountain of misinformed cultural commentary. We talked about Derbyshire once before when he released a book and included a chapter about how women’s suffrage should be repealed. Derbyshire has […]
The Tea Parties Are About Race
I know you’re really shocked to hear this. This week sort of feels like a “I told you so” type of week. Two different incidents of unstable people threatening lawmakers because of radicalization over health care reform. Now we get some results of a new survey about people who support the Tea Party. A recent […]
McDonnell Decides Slavery Was Significant After All
Virginia governor Bob McDonnell fueled a huge controversy when he resurrected “Confederate History Month” after an 8-year hiatus. Just to make things extra controversial he included absolutely no statement about slavery and when asked said slavery wasn’t significant enough to be included in the declaration. After much criticism, including from many Republicans, McDonnell is changing […]
McDonnell: Slavery Wasn’t Significant
You’ve probably already heard that Virginia proclaimed the month of April as “Confederate History Month” but have you read the actual proclamation? WHEREAS, April is the month in which the people of Virginia joined the Confederate States of America in a four year war between the states for independence that concluded at Appomattox Courthouse; and […]
He Knows Why The Caged Bird Sings
I think I know how Glenn Beck chooses his guest hosts. Beck picks someone more nutty than he is so that he sounds sane by comparison. Case in point, guest host Doc Thompson: On Glenn Beck’s radio show this morning, guest-host Doc Thompson explained his belief that he, as a white person, is a victim […]
Is Graham a RINO in Recovery?
Sen. Linsdey Graham, John McCain’s BFF, talking about health care reform on South Carolina radio inteview: Nancy Pelosi, I think, has got them all liquored up on sake and you know, they’re making a suicide run here. Rep. Mike Honda, a Democrat of Japanese-American descent, was not too pleased: I am disheartened that Senator Graham […]
They Just Can’t Help Themselves
If you watch the news media very much (especially Fox), you’d think that Obama is a terrible failure and extremely unpopular. The truth is that Obama remains fairly popular, around 50% approval, despite the terrible economic conditions. He’s more popular than Reagan was at this point in his term (Reagan eventually hit 37% popularity). This […]
John Mayer’s Penis
Singer-songwriter John Mayer did an interview with Playboy magazine recently that he may have wished he didn’t do: “My d–k is sort of like a white supremacist,” Mayer went on. “I’ve got a Benetton heart and a f—in David Duke cock. I’m going to start dating separately from my d–k.” Oh my.
Tea Party Racism
Former Republican presidential candidate and Congressman Tom Tancredo opened the Tea Party Nation convention. In his speech he said the U.S. had elected a “committed socialist ideologue” because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country.”
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