Tag: Republican Crazy

The GOP’s Goose Egg

Filed in National by on March 27, 2009 11 Comments

I’m still laughing over the GOP’s budget.  Care to join me?

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Quote of the Day

Filed in National by on March 20, 2009 4 Comments

Paul Krugman writes: Life is easy if you’re a conservative. Even if conservatives fail completely while in power, they can turn around and say, “See — that proves our point. Government doesn’t work!”

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Bracket of Evil

Filed in National by on March 20, 2009 10 Comments
Bracket of Evil

More March Madness from CREDO: “Use the bracket below to vote for the most malevolent forces in American politics – we’ll let you know when the results are in for each round so that you can see your evil favorites all the way through to the championship. Just click on the people/corporations you want to […]

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When Keith Calls Bill O’Reilly Bill “Orally”… Little Did He Know

Filed in National by on March 17, 2009 7 Comments

The Village Voice stumbles across a budding author.  Before we get to the good stuff here’s a brief synopsis: Those Who Trespass, his 1998 novel about an O’Reilly-esque TV journalist who is trained by an Irish Republican Army terrorist to kill the people who deserve it the most: the broadcast news bastards who interfered with […]

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Ho Hum, More Crazy Steele Talk

Filed in National by on March 16, 2009 12 Comments

Steele channels Beck in his latest wacky word play. (Emphasis mine) “I love this battle because what I see right now is leading to the ultimate political Armageddon between conservatism and liberalism,” Steele declared at one point. “And the idea that free enterprise, free markets, free people are going to battle an oppressive, repressive, domineering […]

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Michael’s Plan B

Filed in National by on March 13, 2009 3 Comments

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTj6cVu9N2o[/youtube] Funny!

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We Surround Them?

Filed in National by on March 10, 2009 196 Comments

Can someone explain what this is about? We Surround Them-The Unveiling March 13th on FOX News 5pm ET Now, Glenn Beck is a wingnut’s wingnut, but when you add the future President of Texas, Chuck Norris, you’re really bringing on the crazy. In his WND column, Norris said he quipped on the show, “I may […]

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A Responsibility to Prepare Yourself for Things That Won’t Happen

Filed in National by on March 6, 2009 8 Comments

You know who this is for: The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Glenn Beck’s War Room Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor Rap BattleJoke of the Day

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Insane In The Membrane

Filed in National by on March 5, 2009 35 Comments

Rhode Island’s Johnny Pez has a public service announcement on how to determine whether the conservative you are debating is sane or insane. And, yes, Johnny Pez has found one sane conservative. A rough and ready guide is to note that insane conservatives are addicted to a series of words and phrases describing a parallel […]

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Sneak Peek at the GOP’s Urban Suburban Hip Hop Strategies!

Filed in National by on March 5, 2009 9 Comments

(via Ta-Nehisi Coates) [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWTh9_A6t8w[/youtube]

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I’m Sorry, Who Are Republicans Blaming For Keeping This Circus Alive?

Filed in National by on March 4, 2009 9 Comments

I really would like to stop writing about this, (Okay, I’m lying!) but how can I when Rush won’t shut up!  Now he’s challenging President Obama to a debate! But I have an idea. If these guys are so impressed with themselves, and if they are so sure of their correctness, why doesn’t President Obama […]

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Stewart on CPAC

Filed in National by on March 3, 2009 11 Comments

Daily Show Full Episodes Important Things With Demetri Martin Political Humor Joke of the Day

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The Face of the GOP: Good Luck With That

Filed in National by on March 3, 2009 8 Comments
The Face of the GOP: Good Luck With That

From the blogoshphere. Idaho’s the unequicovocal notion writes, “Could you imagine the fit that the GOP would be in if Democrats took Jon Stewart as seriously as they take Rush?” Iowa Liberal is a little more snarky, “So much for that hip hop attitude” and Blue Virginia posts Gov. Kaine’s statement: However, Chairman Steele’s reversal […]

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