Tag: Republican Hypocrisy

Monday’s Asshats of the Day

Filed in National by on November 22, 2010 1 Comment

Numerous winners today, so I’ll get right to it. First winner, that lard ass of a NJ governor Chris Christie, for demanding that the Delaware River and Bay Authority stop letting employees and retirees get free tolls if they use EZ Pass when crossing the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Only problem is, DRBA doesn’t have such […]

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More Republican Hypocrisy and Nonsense

Filed in National by on October 17, 2010 0 Comments

A Democratic incumbent is taking his teabagging opponent out to the woodshed for slamming the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act while also benefiting from it. Congressman Ed Perlmutter (D-CO 7), blasted his opponent, Ryan Frazier, for calling the stimulus program a failure while the charter school Frazier is vice president of took $100,000 in stimulus […]

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Someone at the NRCC Didn’t Do Their Job

Filed in National by on October 16, 2010 22 Comments

It seems like everyday, we’re getting a new bunch of teabagging rethuglican Congressional candidates who are not what the NRCC thought they were. Last week, we blogged about Richard Iott, who likes to re-enact being a member of the SS. And now we have Blake Farenthold, who likes duckie pajamas and pole dancers. Well, maybe […]

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Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2010 5 Comments

Today we go local and give our award to a republican State House candidate. Jim Van Houten is running against Valerie Longhurst in the 15th. He’s been trumpeted by Delusional David over at the wingnut blog as “a tough man for tough times.” Van Houten is the conservative Republican Candidate for the 15th District Representative […]

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Tuesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on October 5, 2010 6 Comments

Here’s another one where I’m not sure whether to give the guy the asshat award or a chutzpah award. Joe Miller (Teabag-AK), claims that the minimum wage is unconstitutional. I guess Linda McMahon body-slammed him to say this. Employees in the U.S. should not be provided a federal guarantee of minimum wage, Alaska Senate candidate […]

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Stimulus Money: Mike Castle Can’t Quit You

Filed in Delaware by on August 27, 2010 8 Comments

Mike Castle attends another stimulus event. You know, the stimulus which Mike Castle voted against.

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Chris Coons Hits Castle on Deficit Hypocrisy

Filed in Delaware by on August 18, 2010 3 Comments

Or maybe we could call this another float in the Mike Castle hypocrisy parade. From a recent Chris Coons press release:

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The Real Feminists

Filed in National by on August 18, 2010 15 Comments

According to the Minnesota GOP, GOP women are hawt, Democratic women are not. Nanny booboo.

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Pallin’ Around With Chavez

Filed in Delaware by on August 16, 2010 17 Comments

Multimillionaire Michele Rollins dumped a bunch of Venezuelan oil company stock right before she announced her run for Congress. I’m sure this is just a coincidence, right?

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Michele Rollins Joins the “Let Them Eat Want Ads” Caucus

Filed in Delaware by on July 30, 2010 44 Comments
Michele Rollins Joins the “Let Them Eat Want Ads” Caucus

Let The Eat Want Ads — that is what Greg Sargent has named the GOPers who cluelessly think that the reason why people are unemployed is because they get unemployment benefits.

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Parasite: Your Definition May Differ

Filed in National by on June 25, 2010 6 Comments

A Kansas man who displayed a sign on a semi-truck accusing Democrats of being the “party of parasites” has received more than $1M in farm subsidies.

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Castle’s Ear(mark)s Are Burning

Filed in National by on June 2, 2010 7 Comments
Castle’s Ear(mark)s Are Burning

Representative Mike Castle’s hypocrisy is coming full circle. The News Journal has an indepth article simply entitled, “This Year Castle Opposes Earmarks”.

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They’re Sorry Now!

Filed in National by on May 23, 2010 47 Comments

Arizona passed their law requiring immigrants to prove their legal status and apparently lots of undocumented workers went home rather than live the risk of being caught or even the hassle. Even though this is a pretty despicable law, I’m not going to have any issues with undocumented workers going home. I’ve often wished that the wingnuts who insist that all of the undocumented workers go home would actually get their wish.

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