Tag: Sarah Palin
Will Sarah Get Scozzafava’d?
Former presidential candidate John McCain is facing a tough primary this year against uber-wingnut former Congressman J.D. Hayworth. The polls show McCain leading by more than 20% but he is vulnerable. Last week he announced that Sarah Palin would campaign for him in Arizona (oh how the might have fallen). Some Palin fans are not […]
Can I Call Her Dumb?
Starbursts! Sarah Palin’s charming opening debate line for now-Vice President Joe Biden — “Hey, can I call you Joe?” — was scripted after she repeatedly referred to him as “O’Biden” in preparation sessions, former McCain campaign senior adviser Steve Schmidt told “60 Minutes.” Schmidt was interviewed by Anderson Cooper for a segment about “Game Change: […]
Sarah Wins!
Biggest quitter? No. Biggest nitwit? No. Sarah Palin wins Politifact‘s Lie of the Year contest for her “death panels” Facebook posting. Congratulations Sarah, it’s a well-deserved dishonor. Here’s what Queen Sarah said: As more Americans delve into the disturbing details of the nationalized health care plan that the current administration is rushing through Congress, our […]
Eugene Robinson digs up this gem: Sarah Palin is such a cold-eyed skeptic about the Copenhagen summit on climate change that it’s no surprise she would call on President Obama not to attend. After all, Obama might join other leaders in acknowledging that warming is a “global challenge.” He might entertain “opportunities to reduce greenhouse […]
Why Women Don’t Like Sarah Palin
Public Policy has a new poll out on Sarah Palin: Public Policy Polling released a study on Thursday revealing that, one year after bursting onto the national scene, Palin still has not made inroads among a variety of key demographic groups. Most significantly, among women the Alaska Republican has only a 37 percent favorable rating […]
Run Sarah Run!
The Fix has an interesting item about Sarah Palin. She’s open to the possibility of running as a 3rd party candidate. An astute Fixista flagged a fascinating interview that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin gave to conservative talk radio host Lars Larson last Friday in which she appears to leave the door open to a […]
Weekend Video Roundup
Commenter anon points us to this video that Charlie Copeland highlighted at Resolute Determination apparently approvingly: Copeland adds: There is nothing that I could add. Indeed. Sarah Palin speaks for God: ABC actually does a decent job explaining the stimulus: Harry Reid shows a bit of backbone and lets loose on Aetna.
“Too Much Work”
I really am weary of Sarah Palin, and am having trouble not thinking about Lindsay Lohan every time her name is mentioned, but what happened this weekend so encapsulates what this woman stands for. She didn’t finish the 5k run as promoted on her twitter account – She didn’t finish the race, opting to leave […]
Trouble In Paradise?
Remember all that talk about a Palin/Beck ticket? Glenn Beck says it isn’t going to happen and he has really good reasons why it won’t happen: But just a few hours later on his radio show, Beck shot down the idea, saying he was “absolutely” ruling out a Palin-Beck ticket. He explained that if he […]
Sarah’s Peeps
Do you remember when Democrats were accused of joining a cult of personality and thinking that Obama was the Messiah? M’kay then. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKKgua7wQk[/youtube]
Could Someone Please Make Her Stop Talking?
Sarah Palin is not only an idiot, she’s a dangerous idiot with absolutely no control, or thought, over what spews from her mouth. I believe that the Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expanded upon, because that population of Israel is, is going to grow. More and more Jewish people will be flocking to […]
Sarah Palin Is Unfit To Be President Because…
She’s incapable of representing all Americans. On Hannity last night, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she’s “all for” profiling Muslims if it saves “innocent American lives.” I’m really sick of this sort of talk. It’s beyond disgusting. Frankly, it’s un-American – and I’m not one to use that term lightly. It also sets a […]
Blame McCain For Palin
Andrew Sullivan points out something obvious that has been missed. McCain was the one who brought Sarah Palin into the spotlight – she owes all her recent success in enriching Sarah Palin to him. Has McCain apologized yet? We knew that about a charlatan like Kristol and a nihilist like Rove. But what I didn’t […]
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