What The… This Is Not Okay
I was just listening to Al Mascitti on WDEL and this happened. A song was playing in the background and Al asked if the song was by Nicki Minaj and Gary Mullinax said something along the line that she wasn’t the only one who “slutted” it up this week. WTF? He then went on to […]
Call to Support the WDEL Feed A Friend Drive Now!

Today’s the day! The WDEL Feed a Friend Campaign is officially on starting at 9AM. Remember that this event raises funds for the Newark Area Welfare Committee, the Sunday Breakfast Mission, the Emmanuel Dining Room, YWCA Delaware and the St. Paul’s Church Outreach Center — all great organizations working to feed our neighbors who might need a little help. For each $11.50 you can pledge, these groups can buy a case of food — a great deal for the money. We’re encouraging all of DL’s readers and commenters to call WDEL during Al Mascitti’s show from 9 til 12 to pledge what you can to this worthy cause. If you can, please help spread the word to your Facebook friends and ask them to call in too.
WDEL Feed A Friend Campaign

Every year, WDEL devotes a day of programming (at least from 9 til 4 or so) to raising funds for a number of great institutions who are trying to help feed Delawareans in need — the Newark Area Welfare Committee, the Sunday Breakfast Mission, the Emmanuel Dining Room, YWCA Delaware and the St. Paul’s Church Outreach Center. And it is a great deal too — every $11.50 pledge buys a case of food to help feed some of our neighbors in need. Tomorrow — Thursday 5 December — is this year’s Feed A Friend Day and we encourage all DL readers and commenters to call WDEL during Al Mascitti’s show from 9 til 12 to pledge what you can to this worthy cause. Why Al Mascitti’s show? Because Al has a goal of raising $10,000 tomorrow AM (he’s going to do a 10% match up to $1000.00); because his show is the only local one working at deconstructing right-wing memes; and because he takes El Som off of our hands for a few hours during the week. 😆
We’ll post the phone number to call in the morning, and remind you to call and pledge in multiples of $11.50. (They’ll take credit cards.) After you pledge, it would be really fantastic if you’d go to your Facebook page and ask your friends to call in to pledge too.
WHYY/WDEL Debates for Governor, House, Senate Races Set
Mark your calendars! The local General Election debate season is upon us and this notice is of a series of three debates being sponsored/presented by WHYY and WDEL for the Governor’s race, the House Representative race and the Senate race. The (edited) press release with the details follows:
NCCo Executive Debate — WDEL
There is a debate tonite between the Democratic contenders for NCCo Executive. This is hosted by WDEL and the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce at the NCCo Chamber Building located at 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE 19720. Don’t know if this is open to the public, but WDEL is broadcasting this live from 6 until 7:30.
Is WDEL Intending To Mislead?
WDEL talks to some random pilot who thinks that we don’t need more air traffic controllers.
Get a Brain Moran
Well O’Donnell thug and journeyman political loser, Matt Moran is back in the news. This time he is at the center of the O’Donnell-WDEL video lawsuit. Make sure you watch the video. You can clearly see Christine prompting Matt to do his job as a pitbull. It’s disgusting. O’Donnell’s campaign manager, Matt Moran, called WDEL […]
FYI: Glenn Urquhart On Al Mascitti Show
Tune into WDEL at 10:00 a.m. to listen to Al interview Glenn Urquhart. Should be interesting!
Karl Rove To Appear On Rick Jensen’s Show Today
Bush’s brain Karl Rove is going to be on famous climate scientist Rick Jensen’s WDEL show today at 1:00 p.m. WDEL is soliciting questions through twitter. Send your questions to @jensen1150wdel. Or you can put your questions here and one of us will try to send them.
Calling All Liberals! WDEL’s Feed A Friend Food Drive Needs You!
Al Mascitti is in the middle of WDEL’s annual Feed a Friend Food Drive which buys food for the Newark Area Welfare Committee, Sunday Breakfast Mission, The Emmanuel Dining Room, YWCA Delaware and St. Paul’s Church Outreach Center. They’ve set this up so you buy food by the case, and $11.50 buys one case.
Is Beau Biden Annoyed He’s Running?
Comment Rescue of a response from Geezer to yesterday’s polling thread:
Accidental Listening: Vigilante Edition
I was accidentally listening to Rick Jensen a few minutes ago. He had the Mother of a boy from Kirk Middle School on the phone talking about the problem that her 7th grader had with being set-up by some bullies in the school. It is a heartbreaking story and deserves its own “helpkyle” website. Sadly, Rick’s weak mind is unable to think rationally.
Rick suggested something like this:
It amazes me that in this day and age that these kids that victimized your son haven’t had their names put out on the Internet. I’m not suggesting that you do it [Kyle’s Mom], but someone could put these kids names on the Internet, where it will stay forever. And it will come up every time they try to get a job or go to a school.
Comment Rescue: Jason330 On The Radio
I figured I’d better repost this, since Jason330 put this on the “Delete A Comment” thread. He’s such a tease. Comment by jason330 on 12 September 2009 at 8:47 pm: McNubins is a no heart chump. and I;m going to be on the radio. http://delawarelibertarian.blogspot.com/ So, listen to the Rick Jensen *gag* (sorry, momentary gag […]
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