Tag: weather
I Stand Corrected: Dem Signs to Come Down & More
Earlier, I let my cynicism get the better of me. I should have known better with people like Matt Denn around. I received this email from the Democratic party during the 7 o’clock hour:
We received the email pasted below regarding sign removal in preparation for Hurricane Sandy. The Coordinated Campaign (Carper, Carney, Markell, Denn, Weldin Stewart Campaigns) will be working to remove signs by region, but we need all the help we can get. Stephanie Swain with Matt Denn’s campaign will be coordinating these efforts. Please contact her at stephanie.swain@mattdenn.com to find out more and/or to volunteer.
Not Gonna Happen
I just got a press release from DelDOT that has a lot of good information about storm prep, including road projects that have been postponed due to the impending conflagration (95 @202 will NOT be closed this weekend). Among the suggestions for storm safety was this gem: DelDOT is requesting that political campaigns do what […]
Highly Successful Tornado Warnings: Your Government At Work

Next time one of your Republican acquaintances tells you that the federal government cannot do anything right, tell them about this.
Delaware’s Drought?

USA Today had an article this morning about the drought conditions facing most of the United States. But, let me direct you to phillyweather.net’s article earlier this week which is far better and, well, more local.
Talking About The Weather Is No longer Mundane

Snow in October? Seriously? Half the trees in my neighborhood are still green, the others have turned but haven’t dropped most of their leaves.
Hurricane Earl – Batten Down The Hatches… Or Not?
Hurricane Watch issued for the Delaware beaches and Sussex County. And the latest models show the storm moving west, or closer to the shore.
I’ve Got Your Severe Weather Right Here!

As upper New Castle County dries out from the heavy rains the other day and smack into another sauna, I realized I’ve been saying this a little to often lately, “The weather isn’t usually this bad.” Seriously, after five years of no water in our basement, this year our basement was flooded three times. We’ve […]
Time to Put Up or Shut Up Sussex County Republicans
As a terrible storm slowly works its way up the coast, I hereby call on Mike Castle and Sussex County Republicans to demand that the federal government save our tax dollars by not spending on beach replenishment. Sussex County is sick and tired of the inefficient and dangerous expansion of government into what should be […]
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