Tag: Wingnuts
Late Night Video — Lacey Lafferty Shoots From the Hip, or Something
No idea how I missed this, but h/t to a Facebook friend for putting this bit of hilarity up today — this is a campaign video from one Lacey Lafferty, who claims to be a candidate for Delaware Governor in 2016 (approx. 1 min, 20 secs and put down all liquids):
Is The Wingularity Nigh?
Are we entering the wingnut end times where the pure and perfect wingnut emerges?
Rightwing Wingnut Recalled
AZ Senate President Russell Pearce has been recalled from office. Pearce is the author of the controversial SB 1070, the anti-immigration, “papers please” law that went into effect last year but is now hung up in court. In a swift affirmation of Arizona’s fast growing and powerful new political movement, Secretary of State Ken Bennett […]
A Little Off the Top, Please
My parents always told me that we as Jews were a very optimistic people. We cut it off before we know how long it’s going to be. In California, a group of “intactivists” want to ban circumcision altogether. This is just a dumb-headed idea and shows the problem with citizen initiative process. When a group […]
No Promo Homo in Tennessee
The Tennessee legislature is considering a bill that will prohibit teachers from discussing any sexuality except heterosexuality for kids in grades K-8. SB 49 is set for full Senate action on Monday, May 9. Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) is passionate about this legislation, which he previously sponsored unsuccessfully in the state House for six years. […]
Friday’s Asshat of the Day
Who remembers Judge Roy Moore? He was the pre-teabag Alabama Supreme Court Justice who refused to obey a Federal court order to remove a monument of the 10 Commandments from his courthouse. He not only lost the case, he lost his job. Well, it seems as one of his acolytes, Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom […]
Desparate and Stupid
What can we say about O’Whack-a-Mole’s political commercials. To me, their amateurish at best. My guess is that her ambulance-chasing former campaign manager set her up with some media shop who promised great commercials that would help her win. Instead, they’ve turned out dreck! Witchiepooh has yet to run a single positive commercial telling the […]
The 25 Worst Americans In History…According To RWNJs
I’ll bet you can’t wait to find out who wingnuts think is the worst American in history.
Tea Party Nation’s Master Plan to Repeal HCR
Look what landed in my email box: Tea Party Nation A message to all members of Tea Party Nation Now we fight!!! Over the last few days, you have heard very little from Tea Party Nation on the Socialist Health Care vote. This was by design. We had little more to offer than other patriot […]
NY-23: Scozzafava Endorses Owens
The GOP war is now fully engaged: Scozzafava released the following statement at 2 :06 p.m.: I want to thank you for your support and friendship. Over the past 24 hours, I have had encouraging words sent to my family and me. Many of you have asked me whom you should support on Tuesday. Since […]
The GOP Cult
Frank Rich ponders the NY-23 special election and what it means for the GOP: The battle for upstate New York confirms just how swiftly the right has devolved into a wacky, paranoid cult that is as eager to eat its own as it is to destroy Obama. The movement’s undisputed leaders, Palin and Beck, neither […]

We saw national and local winguts rend their own flesh when the United States lost the bid to host the Summer Olympics in 2016 and, on Friday morning, we watched again as these same wingnuts spit blood and other bile as the President of the United States was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Somebody in […]
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