Archive for July, 2008

People Who Talk About Politics in Delaware: A Hierarchy

Filed in Delaware by on July 27, 2008 26 Comments

Slightly Updated 11/26/08: This is an imperfect and rough take on the concept, but I think it maps out some of the main points. Tom Carper’s Staffers feel superior to everyone. Biden Staffers feel superior to Mike Castle staffers. Mike Castle staffers feel superior to the News Journal Editorial Board. News Journal Editorial Board feels […]

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Assine Procedure.

Filed in National by on July 27, 2008 17 Comments

Ron Williams: There was some sense that this latest flap between Jack Markell and John Carney would erupt a couple weeks ago. It has to do with the asinine procedure Democrats put together under state chairman John Daniello called local endorsements. … The whole process is a farce and means little other than who gets […]

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“Blind Skwerl” Ron Williams Finds Nut Re Ad-gate; Shills For Tom Gordon

Filed in National by on July 27, 2008 30 Comments

This is just a quick link with a note that I’m sure we’ll be talking about Rong Wiliams column this for a bit. One of my fellows can revise and update this post, but let me just say that Williams has been so wrong for so long that I don’t have a teacup’s worth of […]

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It’s Not Just Bloggers…

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 19 Comments

One of the favorite refrains I have noticed online and offline is that it is only bloggers that are upset at the Delaware Democratic Party’s boneheaded move in paying for an ad for Carney.   They say this is a made up issue and we are complaining about nothing. Oh really. “If we gain the majority […]

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Saturday Night Question

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 18 Comments

If the distance between where you live now, and where you could live if money were no object represented your level of contentment in life – how content are you? I’ll start this off in the comment section.

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Issues. They Are Important to Consider

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 9 Comments


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Carney and Markell

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 22 Comments

I have been, and continue to be, an undecided voter on the Markell/Carney decision. It may at times seem that I am an unabashed Carney supporter, but that is only due to the contrast with others in the blogosphere. I have a number of friends in both campaigns. I have been trying hard to give […]

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They May Call Us Names…

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 10 Comments

…but the Carney people do read this site constantly.  How do I know?  Because Carney vote total just in the poll to the left just jumped 50 votes in 20 minutes.   LOL.   If you are going to “Freep” a poll, do it a little more subtly. Update:  Hahahaha….now the Carney total is up to 91 […]

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Biden Makes the Cut.

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 31 Comments

Now this is interesting. Before leaving on his overseas trip, Sen. Barack Obama reviewed information on several prospects and narrowed the field. His focus now includes five colleagues in the U.S. Senate — Joseph Biden, Evan Bayh, Chris Dodd, Hillary Clinton and Jack Reed — and two governors, Tim Kaine of Virginia and Kathleen Sebelius […]

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Psst… Don’t tell anyone, but…

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 7 Comments

McCain knows how to catch Bin Laden. Initially saying that he would not “telegraph” the specifics, McCain declared, “Look, I know the area, I’ve been there, I know wars, I know how to win wars, and I know how to improve our capabilities so that we will capture Osama bin Laden — or put it […]

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McCain Accuses Obama of “Pandering” To 65% of Voters

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 2 Comments

I wish this was satire, but ABC News reports that McCain has had it with Obama’s “pandering” on Iraq with his “popular” stances on troop withdraw telling voters “what they want to hear.” McCain argues to that pandering to 35% of voters with his unpopular ideas about staying in Iraq for 100 years demonstrates that […]

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Is the New Journal’s Beth Miller really this dumb?

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 29 Comments

Miller might be a nice person with a family that loves her, but her story on Ad-gate is just a horrible piece of journalism which equates Jack Markell’s legitimate grievance related to the misappropriation of our donations to the state Democratic party with John Carney’s transparently bullshit damage control. Obviously, the problems at the News […]

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Joke of the Day

Filed in National by on July 26, 2008 17 Comments

“We’ve had a lot of challengers that are sensing that we have a lot of momentum on our side,” he said. Those are the words of Tom Ross, the Delaware GOP chairman, in response to his party’s failure to challenge any Democrat in the Senate.  He says this despite the presence of any challengers or […]

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