Archive for December, 2010

Biden as the Fireman on the Hill

Filed in National by on December 19, 2010 4 Comments
Biden as the Fireman on the Hill

Vice President Joe Biden as Mr. Fix It on Capitol Hill.

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Filed in International by on December 19, 2010 27 Comments

The Swedish Police report on the sexual charges against WikiLeak founder Julian Assange have been leaked to the New York Times.

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Ross & Kovach vs. the Rest of the DE GOP ?

Filed in National by on December 19, 2010 21 Comments
Ross & Kovach vs. the Rest of the DE GOP ?

Could the special election for New Castle County President be turning into yet another GOP proxy war between the sorta sane Republicans, and the out and out Republican lunatics? Tom Kovach is viewed as the product of “just another Delaware GOP backroom deal,” his candidacy, a creation of the discredited Tom Ross GOP. In the […]

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Take Christ Out of Christmas

Filed in National by on December 18, 2010 8 Comments
Take Christ Out of Christmas

Was Jesus a Liberal Democrat?

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 18, 2010 16 Comments

The weekend edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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DREAM Act/DADT Repeal Cloture Vote Soon

Filed in National by on December 18, 2010 76 Comments
DREAM Act/DADT Repeal Cloture Vote Soon

The cloture votes on the DREAM Act and the DADT Repeal should begin at around 10:30. Chris Coons is presiding over the Senate right now.

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The Firewall That Never Was

Filed in National by on December 18, 2010 15 Comments
The Firewall That Never Was

Developer opponent Mark Weinberg shut out by pillow talk?

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Congressional Oxymoron

Filed in National by on December 18, 2010 2 Comments
Congressional Oxymoron

Five words that should never be said in the same sentence – Michelle Bachmann – House Intelligence Committee. Hell, Bachmann and intelligence don’t even mix well. But we always knew the Crying Man was a bit of an idiot. This appointment just seals the deal.

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Georgetown Blues

Filed in National by on December 18, 2010 8 Comments
Georgetown Blues

Has the Georgetown police chief lost the squad room?

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As Promised… Excellent Christmas Music

Filed in Delaware by on December 17, 2010 15 Comments
As Promised… Excellent Christmas Music

I’ll give you two classics to make up for my earlier post.  Forgive me. First up… Judy Garland (Sorry for the intro.  This was the only embeddable video available) Next, the fabulous Lena Horne. Am I forgiven for the Christmas Shoes crap?

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I Double Dog Dare You To Find A Worse Christmas Song

Filed in Delaware by on December 17, 2010 18 Comments
I Double Dog Dare You To Find A Worse Christmas Song

There are not words to express how truly awful this song is.  And, OMG, they actually made this into a movie with Rob Lowe! How many of you made it to the end? Okay, okay.  I’ll post some good Christmas songs later!

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Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on December 17, 2010 10 Comments

The Friday edition of your semi-daily open thread.

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10 Truths Every “Progressive” Had Better Learn for 2012 and Beyond

Filed in National by on December 17, 2010 54 Comments
10 Truths Every “Progressive” Had Better Learn for 2012 and Beyond

Albert Einstein once defined “insanity” as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” He also said, “Man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be.” I think everyone will agree that Einstein was a smart guy about most things, not just relativity. It is in that vein that I pose some simple questions for left wingers. (A special reposting of Milt Shook’s recent article from Please Cut the Crap!)

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