
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” Part 2

Filed in National by on August 29, 2022 42 Comments
“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” Part 2

When Tom Carper decided to take on the 78 year old eminence gris that was Bill Roth, it started out with a note of sad collegiality.  Without challenging Roth directly on his age, Carper made it clear that it was time for Roth to do the right thing and resign, or have the right thing done […]

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DL Open Thread Monday August 29 2022

Filed in National by on August 29, 2022 7 Comments

Dancing in the streets.   Sen. Graham says if Trump is indicted, there will be ‘riots in the street’ I actually hope the MAGA nitwits and dumbfucks expose themselves as riotous nitwits and dumbfucks.  Sour milk has a higher favorability than the MAGA/GOP right now.   Rioting in support of the treasonous buffoon would make […]

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But why? Why did Trump take top secret documents to Florida?

Filed in National by on August 27, 2022 4 Comments
But why?  Why did Trump take top secret documents to Florida?

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Filed in National by on August 26, 2022 4 Comments

This FBI search of Maru Lorga is an OUTRAGE! We need to see the search warrant! What are you hiding?


This search warrant for Maru Lorga is an OUTRAGE! We need to see the affidavit! What are you hiding?

Really? Ok.

These redactions on the affidavit for the search warrant for Maru Lorga are an OUTRAGE! We need to see the redacted parts! What are you hiding?

Uh… The name of the Trump family member cooperating with the FBI, and the redacted names of Trumps “criminal confederates” ? Really, you want to see those?

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Coons Gravely Concerned About Biden’s “MAGA Republicans” Comments

Filed in Coons, Satire by on August 26, 2022 0 Comments

Coons expressed disappointment and concern over Joe Biden’s use of the term ‘MAGA Republicans’ to disparage Republicans who contend that Donald Trump won the last Presidential election.

“I’m just not a fan of confrontational politics.” Coons stated on CNN’s Reliable Sources “I really think that if we continue to seek bipartisan compromise by assuming the fetal position and allowing our friends and colleagues on the other side of the isle to kick us repeatedly, they will soon become exhausted from kicking.”

Yeah this is satire. Barely. If Coons releases a statement, I trust you, dear reader, to let me know.

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Which DE Republicans are NOT MAGA Republicans?

Filed in National by on August 26, 2022 12 Comments
Which DE Republicans are NOT MAGA Republicans?

Who isn’t a MAGA Republican is a much easier list to build than the “Which DE Republicans ARE MAGA Republicans?” list. Mike Ramone? He poses as a NOT MAGA Republicans, but I doubt it. Also Kevin Hensley. He tries to pose as a NOT Republican, but that is bullshit as well. Are there any DEGOPers […]

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Unsurprising News – Leader of major Texas Anti-Abortion group arrested for soliciting a minor

Filed in National by on August 25, 2022 6 Comments
Unsurprising News – Leader of major Texas Anti-Abortion group arrested for soliciting a minor

Luke Bowen speaking at the Right to Life Panel at the Texas Youth Summitt Sep 19, 2020.  Luke Bowen, the Political Director and the public face of Texas Right to Life, was arrested earlier this month for solicitation of a minor. The Forced Pregnancy/Rapist Rights organization fired Mr. Bowen on the same day he was […]

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“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” Part 1

Filed in National by on August 25, 2022 15 Comments
“Sarah McBride to Primary Tom Carper” Part 1

That is a headline I expect to read in about a year. Provided Carper doesn’t croak in the meantime. Why do I think Mcbride and not Blunt Rochester is going to take out the shambling corpse? Well, I’ll tell you. But first, someone check my math. Carper’s current term (the 116th Congress) started in January […]

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“Feminists need rape.”

Filed in National by on August 25, 2022 1 Comment

I don’t think even having buddies like this is enough to disqualify Vance from polite DC, bipartisan society. J.D. Vance, the Republican nominee for Senate in Ohio, is typically described as the bestselling author of Hillbilly Elegy, a venture capitalist, and a Never Trumper who came to embrace Donald Trump. But that snapshot doesn’t do justice to […]

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Objective Journalism

Filed in National by on August 25, 2022 3 Comments

No matter how stupid the GOP’s position is on any issue, our media always gives it equal standing with non-stupid positions.   So “Rapists should have paternal rights.” gets equal time with the position  “Rapists shouldn’t have paternal rights.” “People should own machine guns.” is the instant and somehow relevant response to “People shouldn’t own […]

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“Dirty Money Deb” must to go! Action Items

Filed in National by on August 24, 2022 10 Comments

This has been a very revealing election cycle.  All of the bloated plutocrats and their paid-off lackeys in Leg Hall have been throughly smoked out.  The bought and paid for toadies like “Dirty Money Deb” Heffernan have even brazenly accepted awards for their service to her paymasters over the interest of their constituent. Therefor, each […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday August 24 2022

Filed in National by on August 24, 2022 14 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday August 24 2022

Only 20 days to go.  Be sure to support your candidates with money and time.  This is a very significant primary.  But the movement is bigger than any single Election Day.

Elections are an important part of a program of sustained activism, not an end in themselves.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday August 23 2022

Filed in National by on August 23, 2022 23 Comments

I don’t think anyone here is laboring under the notion that DeSantis would be any better than Trump. But anyway…

Ron DeSantis Is Not Your New Trump, But He Is a…

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