
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday September 7th 2021

Filed in National by on September 7, 2021 3 Comments

Tucker Carlson’s full endorsement of the use of illegal fake vaccination cards and his exhortation to “punish” the CDC annotated:

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Buying a fake vaccination card is not a, quote, serious crime.[quote “serious crimes” are ones committed by dark skinned people. Duh.] It’s not even close to a serious crime.[It is axiomatic that any crime committed by entitled white people cannot be serious. It is a testament to how far the country has fallen under Biden that he has to say this twice.]

Buying a fake vaccination card is an act of desperation by decent, law-abiding Americans [white people] who have been forced into a corner by tyrants. [forced into admitting their poor judgment, and lack of critical thinking skills in public.]

You know what’s a serious crime? Forcing Americans to take drugs they don’t need or want.[Did you catch that sly trick? Here the logic of the endorsement breaks down under its own inanity. Carlson knows that nobody is being “forced” to take a drug. They are being required to prove that they’ve been vaccinated to do some things they want to do like eat at certain restaurants and travel on airplanes.] That’s a very serious crime. [Its’s not] And let’s hope, in the end, someone is punished for it, severely. [Is pandering to fools, and constantly trying to work them into a violent lather criminal? it should be.]

Do you want to know that Tucker Carlson considers a “Quote, Serious Crime”?

I’m Christian. I’ve made mistakes. I believe fervently in second chances. Michael Vick killed dogs in a heartless and cruel way. I think, firstly, he should have been executed for that.



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The Stupidest Country In The World?

Filed in National by on September 6, 2021 1 Comment

“Stupid” probably doesn’t explain us in full. I’d say we are an average IQ country with a higher disposition toward right-wing tribalism as a result of our very racist, anti-black history. Anyway, that’s nit-picking. Our story is far too implausibly stupid to be the plot for a decent movie or novel.

The Stupidest Country In The World
Would be a good missing reel for the movie Southland Tales (which is both awful and sort of great, hard to describe). An epidemic hits the country run by the game show president, against all odds he secures enough vaccine (money is never a problem) and his successor manages to distribute it, but the game show host’s followers refuse to take it and instead start shooting themselves up with horse drugs.
We have enough money to throw at every problem we confront, and stupidity and corruption prevent us from solving any of them.

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DL Open Thread Monday September 6th 2021 – Labor Day

Filed in National by on September 6, 2021 9 Comments

There is actual news today, no doubt.

Capitalism has always been a failure for the lower classes. It is now beginning to fail for the middle classes.
-Howard Zinn

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Republicans fight / Democrats don’t

Filed in National by on September 3, 2021 9 Comments
Republicans fight / Democrats don’t

Mitch McConnell blocked Merrick Garland 8 months before election then confirmed Amy Coney Barrett 8 days before election when 65 million had already voted. AND YET – Democrats always lose elections (unless running against Trump) because they run on changing the tax rate by .00068% to encourage companies to do some inscrutable thing.

We are blowing it once again.

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Speaking of the Media Favoring Conservative Narratives…

Filed in National by on September 2, 2021 2 Comments

Here are two HUGE conservative narratives that the media has fully internalized in-spite of the fact that they are pure bullshit:
– The Courts are liberal,
– The Media is liberal

One thing Republicans did for years, electeds and certainly the broader conservative moment, was to demonize portions of the judiciary. There was no 9th circuit, just THE LIBERAL 9TH CIRCUIT, and news reports generally reflected this, making all their rulings sound somehow illegitimate (The 9th circuit is no longer liberal).For whatever reasons, Dems don’t do that, preferring to maintain happy illusions about an increasingly corrupt and illegitimate system. – via Eschaton

Isn’t it strange how Democrats never push back in that nonsense? We are both too clean to take part in that dirty stuff and too busy speaking about the merits of bipartisanship at Notre Dame University.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday September 1, 2021

Filed in National by on September 1, 2021 5 Comments

All of yesterday’s Open Thread stuff still holds so you can re-read that for today’s news.  Just a couple of updates.  For example,  Joe Biden still won our 20 year war by leaving Afghanistan but now he is pushing back on dishonest wingnut critics who set the media narrative. Also..an arrest warrant for a MAGA-asshole and a little Social Security news.

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How Democrats lose seats during mid-terms:

Filed in National by on August 31, 2021 7 Comments
How Democrats lose seats during mid-terms:

Media narratives typically favor conservatives. (eg. “Biden Debacle!” Instead of “Biden Successfully Ends 20 Year War!” Eg. “Biden Fails to Reach Vax Goal!” Not “Conservatives Literally Killing Themselves to Frustrate Biden’s Vax Goals!”)

Many Democrats allow the media narrative to influence their level of engagement.

Republicans play Democratic “moderates” against the base to drive down engagement.

Dem “Moderates” and campaign “consultants” propose timid and mostly useless tinkering with the tax code polices that appeal to conservatives but are impossible for Dems to run on.

As Dem losses begin to appear likely, Democratic “moderates” take part in vilifying the Democratic base for not supporting the timid and mostly useless agenda.

Republicans with no rational or popular policies, but a highly engaged base, win mid-term elections.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday August 31, 2021

Filed in National by on August 31, 2021 6 Comments

#We_won!   Of course “winning” is relative.  Biden brought Cheney and W’s ill-conceived, misbegotten adventure in Afghanistan to an end and we aren’t going to be in there for another 20 years.  That’s my benchmark for wining.  YMMV. #Oh_Snap! Wildfires are now threatening the homes of rich people in Lake Tahoe.  We should see some […]

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DL Open Thread Monday August 30th 2021

Filed in National by on August 30, 2021 18 Comments

Here are a couple of Delaware headlines (and a song) to start off your week: Delaware Takes in Climate Change Refugees: Over 100 shelter pets from Louisiana airlifted to New Castle County as Hurricane Ida looms On the Covid front – Its like DejaVu all over again. Delaware’s COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalizations continue to rapidly […]

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The slow motion general strike continues in Middletown

Filed in National by on August 28, 2021 0 Comments
The slow motion general strike continues in Middletown

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Conservative media has created the perfect economic and cultural environment for the spread of Covid19

Filed in National by on August 28, 2021 1 Comment
Conservative media has created the perfect economic and cultural environment for the spread of Covid19

Conservative media complex is a mechanism for tricking gullible retired people into buying gold coins, brain pills and reverse mortgages. It has created a docile flock of uncritical dummies who are easy pickings for cynical grifters hawking everything from armed insurrection to border wall segments, to horse dewormer.

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Protest & Organize & Vote

Filed in National by on August 26, 2021 4 Comments
Protest & Organize & Vote

Watching fanged zealots yell at school boards (and clap gleefully for their fellow yellers) I keep returning to something REV said in a podcast.  I’m going to make a hash of it but it was something like – Getting protest energy and capitalizing on it by organizing and recruiting candidates and keeping everyone together to vote is the program.   

I think of that political activism flywheel when I see those Karens lacerating their school boards because that program seems to be baked into the GOP DNA right now.   Meanwhile party Democrats always seem to be wary of gathering any political energy.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday August 25th 2021

Filed in National by on August 24, 2021 13 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday August 25th 2021

Filed under “Trump’s Suckers”  Rudy Giuliani recorded shaving himself at JFK Airport restaurant table The running commentary by Actor Michael Rapaport is a thing of beauty. Filed under “Duh” McConnell Blesses Centrist Dems’ Attempt To Blow Up Two-Track Infrastructure Plan WASHINGTON, DC – AUGUST 03: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (D-KY) (Kent Nishimura / Los […]

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